It’s easy to get skills, but after you have achieved that, you need to get good at insulting to have any chance to own people in duels. The insults will throw people of guard so you can strike them down. For example if someone says “You easy noob!” the other player will react with something like “wtf did you say to me!” and then there is an opening, then he can follow up with “OWNED” and so on. It’s just like in that game, Monkey Island. Learn to ignore or master the art of insults ya stinkin’ filthy scallywags!
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Why are people online so dumb?
Don't listen to Stalklee she's a girl and girls are stupid
And yea Vyk I thought of that pic when I read this topic.My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
Originally posted by VykromondOriginally posted by turmiojeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.Originally posted by grandI've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...
They came to MIT a few weeks back to give a lecture (of sorts). A couple of friends and I went, and one came with a camera, so he has a photo of Gabe redrawing that comic with chalk on a blackboard during the "lecture," I'll see if he can scan it next time I see himOriginally posted by WardOK.. ur retarded case closed
i think TW is more of an outlet than a utopian social construct, although obviously simplying and generalizing it that way isn't overly accurate.
often i think there's a duality going on, whether the main attributes of expression are an outlet or social network or whether they be something else. ie, being a total idiot in public chat + having good relationship with squadmates or being this mysterious soft spoken vet + talkative and responsible squad leader, etc...
so in context with the subject of people being dumb, id say it probably relates to people using TW as an outlet, regardless of the source. then u have ppl who are just plain dumb ^-^
i've argued with 2 english kids that the U.K. was in the E.U. ...
and they ganged up on me telling me it wasn't ...
they went on for a while and even called me stupid till some other random ppl backed me up and they shut up.
I get that they are young and ignorant but why argue so vehemently over something they obviously know little about, it perplexed me . Also how didn't they know? surely they should teach that in school at an early age? i remember my p6 teacher (aged about 9-10) teaching us the countries in europe and he cracked up when someone got Hungary wrong(i thought it was a little harsh as it wasn't an easy one like France or Italy)
so i think alot of the problem is that the dumb ones out gang and abuse the smarter young folk and are the ones that talk more ... unfortunatlyIn my world,
I am King
Plus the fact that people's language and avatar is the complete reflection of their personality, so when they spell stuff wrong they just look stupidOriginally posted by Facetiousedit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)
Originally posted by AcidmouseMost people in the world are dumb fuks, online just reflects this.
3:Mega Newbie> bam ashlee whats wrong taking nude pictures???
3:Mega Newbie> its an art!!!!!!!!
3:Mega Newbie> only jealous girls and gays dont like it!!
1:Cape> then ud throw her back when she says she still isnt givin it up
tim> .?squad tim
BAM__ Ashl> ?squad tim
Squad: timo<3ashlee
MODERATOR WARNING: bam__ Ashlee is a sex machine -Mithrandia <ER>