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Terrell Owens suspended indefinitely by Eagles

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 404 Not Found
    T.O. just had the live press conference with his slime ball agent Drew Rosenhaus. T.O. again makes himself look like an ass. Appologizes again and says the same rehearsed appology, but when the media wanted to ask him questions, his slime ball agent takes the mic and says no comment to everything.

    I feel bad for anyone that shares the same agent he does. Drew looks like a complete moron and talks like one...reminds me of Joey Butta Bing Butta Bang Butta Foooooooooooco!
    Wow, they just showed the whole press conference at the top of Sportscenter. I can't believe how much of a combatative asshole Drew Rosenhaus came off! Like I have said before, I like TO, but after the press conference I had the worst opinion of Rosenhaus as a professional sports agent. I can't believe he's one of the bigger names among agents.

    Rosenhaus continued to claim TO was the victim in this whole thing, that all he wants to do is play football, that TO is "A good guy," that "the media is unfair to him"...what a fucking dumbass.

    Unbelievable...TO needs a PR guy for his PR guy!


    • #32
      His house isn't as nice as Missy Elliot's
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #33
        Hi Zoose! :sorcerer:


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jeenyuss
          sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


          • #35
            Terell Owens has been a virus even before he came to Philly. It's funny though, i heard Mcnabb pretty much persuaded andy reid to sign Owens, but hey, shit happens.

            I'm sure he'll be signed next year, but he'll be on a very tight leash. But i'm sure many teams will want his services, just because he's a heck of a reciever. Just for entertaining purposes, i'd love to see him on Oakland. I mean..Randy Moss AND Terell Owens, would be fun to watch.

            BTW, best reviever, chad johnson :grin:


            • #36
              I've been an eagles fan all my life, and I can't say I'm sad to see T.O. go. From what I've gathered he has caused the team a lot of trouble and I don't really care how good he is, there's more to it than just his pride.
              TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
              TelCat> hoes get paid :(
              TelCat> i dont


              • #37
                Watching replays of the press conference. Drew Rosenhaus is a total fucking goon. I guess his personality rubs off on the players he represents, because it's like listening to TO all over again.
                Originally posted by Tone
                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                Originally posted by the_paul
                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                Originally posted by Material Girl
                I tried downloading a soundcard


                • #38
                  Originally posted by PH
                  Watching replays of the press conference. Drew Rosenhaus is a total fucking goon. I guess his personality rubs off on the players he represents, because it's like listening to TO all over again.
                  Drew Rosenhaus: 'I love this man'


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by PH
                    Watching replays of the press conference. Drew Rosenhaus is a total fucking goon. I guess his personality rubs off on the players he represents, because it's like listening to TO all over again.
                    I just saw this. Hilarious.


                    If Drew Rosenhaus was my agent, I'd just go ahead and retire.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #40
                      People are starting to criticise Drew Rosenhaus more than T.O. now. That's why he's a good agent, he's drawing some of the fire off of his client.


                      • #41
                        maybe in canada they are

                        here, t.o. is definitely getting his due share of criticism

                        seems like the arbitrator has a lenient record for offenders, i think t.o. could be back this season
                        5:gen> man
                        5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                        • #42
                          They'll just deactivate him. Their season is over anyway, they know it's not like he won't just pull a Randy Moss and take plays or entire series off.
                          Originally posted by Tone
                          It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                          Originally posted by the_paul
                          Gargle battery acid fuckface
                          Originally posted by Material Girl
                          I tried downloading a soundcard


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Troll King
                            People are starting to criticise Drew Rosenhaus more than T.O. now. That's why he's a good agent, he's drawing some of the fire off of his client.
                            Yea, I thought that might have been his strategy to draw some of the fire, but I still think it was another tactical error.

                            For Rosenhaus to come off like a total asshole only exacerbates the perception of TO's mortal failing: Owens' decision-making skills are so compromised that they render him virtually unemployable. Unless TO is stupid or crazy, why would he go along with such terrible advice and not fire him for it? TO and Rosenhaus are continuing to play the victim card (which is another tactical error), and I only see three ways for it to be pulled off:

                            1) He blames Rosenhaus. He says his agent was the reason why he held out at the beginning of the year, and his agent was the one who advised him to be so critical in hopes of putting pressure on the Eagles to renegotiate. The only way he could pull this off is if he fires Rosenhaus to prove to everyone that he is serious about putting this negative dynamic behind him.

                            I really doubt Rosenhaus would go along with it though, because his reputation is already compromised, and this would further damage Drew's chances at acquiring top talent in the future.

                            2) He reveals he has some sort of psychological condition that would warrant instability. He reveals he has bi-polar disorder, or some other type of diagnosible chemical imbalance that he could use blame for his behavior. After all, I think most people already think this.

                            3) He reveals he has been under a lot of stress in his personal life that has made him behave so irrationally. For example, he reveals a close family member died, or his beloved grandmother has been very ill. The problem with that is, with the amount of media coverage, it would not be difficult to poke holes in this story. It could be done, but would be difficult.


                            • #44
                              Bumped in anticipation of today's ruling. The arbitrator is supposed to announce his decision in about 4 hours.


                              • #45
                                The skinny on the Philly end is, if arbitration calls for T.O. to be reinstated on the Eagles, the Birds have made it clear that they will not sit him or deactivate him...they will plain and simple, Release him to play for whomever wants to take a chance on him. He will never sign a multi year contract and not for what he now thinks he is worth. I pitty the team that will have to sit and negotiate across the table from Drew and T.O. It's kind of like having Tom Arnold as an agent.

                                The NFL Players Association had told T.O. not to sign the original contract he was presented with by the Birds. He signed it & then proceeds to fire his agent and pick up Rosenhaus. The angle from this end is that Drew does not see a dime come from this previous contract & will only receive monies from T.O. as his agent if he re-negotiates a new contract.

                                No doubt T.O. is a great player, but off the field he has to be in the all time sports hall of fame for complete idiots.
                                May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

