I want to say how you appear to be thrown by one whole misplaced letter. I want to say how it made no sense to you yet you were still able to work it out. I want to say how you're still pissed I told you that you had a bad taste in music so decided to point out I had typed one wrong letter. But I wont
Originally posted by Facetious
edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)
I am not pissed about what you say about my music taste ZeUs, I don't give a shit what you think about my music taste. I like the music I like and I'll listen to the music I want to listen. I was merely pointing out your wrong assumptions. I have a very wide Musical taste, and I like Katie Melua, and I like the Decemberists, I like Robbie Williams and I like death cab for cutie. If I am correct I still live in a free country where I am free to decide for myself what I want to or don't want to listen too.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
A little boy from England had gone to Rome on holiday with his family hoping to see the Pope. Anyway, a couple of days after they'd arrived, the Pope was doing a tour of the city in his Popemobile. The little lad was a bit worried that the Pope wouldn't be able to pick him out in the crowd, so his Mum said "don't worry, the Pope is a footy fan, so wear your Tottenham shirt and he's bound to pick you out and talk to you."
So, they're in the crowd, but the Popemobile drives past them and stops a bit further down the street where John Paul gets out and speaks to a little boy in a arsen*l shirt. The lad is distraught and starts crying. His Mum says "don't worry, the Pope's driving around tomorrow as well, so we'll get you a arsena*l shirt and then he's bound to stop to see you."
The next day arrives, and the boy's got on his new arsen*l shirt. The Popemobile stops right by him, John Paul gets out, bends down and says to the lad "I thought I told you to fuck off yesterday?!"
Throughout time, there’s been
crimes, throughout our history
But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears
Come on my countrymen
Come on and take a stand
Don’t let ‘em take away your land
the Wenger bus is coming
and all the kids are running
from London to Manchester
cos he's a child molester