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Same sex marriage in UK

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  • Same sex marriage in UK

    Congrats to the UK for allowing this to take place.

    I am curious know as to what backlash will come from this.

    Pat Robertson and his PTL club will most likely say that God will never save you if you reside in the UK. I am suprised he did not denounce the judge the other day here in Pennsylvania for not allowing Itelligent Design to be used in public schools.

    This is definately a blow to the relegious wacko's that dictate through their hate and ignornace to their congregations...not to leave out the politicians that they try and control!
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    I don't mind.

    Dad kept tutting during the news story of the first gay marriage though.


    • #3
      I have the same opinion of gay marriages as I do of religion - I'm quite happy for them to do whatever they want to do, as long as they don't feel its their job to opress their beliefs on other people
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #4
        Originally posted by ZeUs!!
        I have the same opinion of gay marriages as I do of religion - I'm quite happy for them to do whatever they want to do, as long as they don't feel its their job to opress their beliefs on other people


        I hate it when religious people tell me what to believe.
        Its one thing to tell me what you believe, but when you're telling me my own opinion, I tend to either ignore you or shoot you.

        P.S. I have a few gay friends, and they're always bitching about SSM's, when they ask me, I basically tell them, "do what you want, it's none of my affair, if you want to get married, so be it, but as long as you're not marrying me, I'm fine with it"
        Just dont expect me to go to war over it.
        I really do like pie

        Aos> im a freelance Gynecologist


        Matchbot1> You can't challenge your own squad, silly :P


        • #5
          This isn't to be rude, but is there a lot of gay people in England?
          TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
          TelCat> hoes get paid :(
          TelCat> i dont


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bioture
            This isn't to be rude, but is there a lot of gay people in England?
            I'm assuming about as much as there in the US or Brazil or Africa or Sweden (percentage wise).


            • #7
              The last time I knew, it wasn't as simple as that, since marriage is a legal state and there are certain benefits that are received from being legally married that aren't gotten if you keep it in the closet, so for homosexuals to go and campaign for same sex marriage is both spiritually and materialistically beneficial to them. Oh yeah, and the money that goes to these benefits does come from elsewhere, so there are effects on others (even if there is no especial moral reason to be opposed).
              - k2


              • #8
                It's good news. It has taken us a long time though, we're well behind many/most euro countries. Today's new laws are just for England and Wales, I'm not sure what the situation is in Scotland and N. Ireland.

                There isn't really anywhere for a significant backlash to come from. It's generally either supported, or treated with indifference. In the news, the whole thing seems kind of overshadowed by Elton John getting hitched and people wondering who's on his guest list.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by K2Grey
                  The last time I knew, it wasn't as simple as that, since marriage is a legal state and there are certain benefits that are received from being legally married that aren't gotten if you keep it in the closet, so for homosexuals to go and campaign for same sex marriage is both spiritually and materialistically beneficial to them. Oh yeah, and the money that goes to these benefits does come from elsewhere, so there are effects on others (even if there is no especial moral reason to be opposed).
                  You seem to be using the financial reasons to support why they shouldn't get the right to marriage, but someone can just as well say that by outlawing gay marriages, you're denying gays from ever receiving those benefits. If you don't like gay couples receiving those benefits then you should also dislike straight couples from receiving them too.


                  • #10
                    Hey guys did you hear? Xog is moving!


                    • #11
                      Netherlands and Spain are still the only countries on earth where a Gay Couple can both Marry aswell as Adopts children as a couple.
                      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                      • #12
                        lol the first gay marrage in the UK was in Belfast Northern Ireland ><

                        Ironic cuase Northern Ireland is probably the most religious right wing place in the whole of the UK cuase of Ian Paisley's and his cronies in the Free Presbyterian Church. They are so extreme they don't let their members line dance cuase of sin !!! lol So of course they turned up to protest it and had this to say

                        Originally posted by BBC
                        Religious protests

                        The Reverend Doctor Ian Brown, from the Free Presbyterian Church, was among the more vocal: "The fact of the matter is that God does not endorse this, shall never endorse this and we are standing for the word of God and for the protection of our children."

                        On a personal note, i think it is good peoples rights are being reconised, if gay ppl want to get married then why shouldn't they? I don't see it affecting anyone apart from them so i'm glad we are moving towards common sense than a church run law system.
                        In my world,
                        I am King



                        • #13
                          Great news for Zeus.
                          Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                            I have the same opinion of gay marriages as I do of religion - I'm quite happy for them to do whatever they want to do, as long as they don't feel its their job to opress their beliefs on other people
                            It's funny how homosexuality is such a moral issue. They're entitled to a relationship as much as anyone else, the only difference is usually a cock in the ass.

                            Tell me, people, is the entry of a shaft into a rectum really so hard to accept?

                            There is no other explanation - intolerance of homosexuality is pure ignorance.

                            YES I AM GAY, WITH ZEUS.


                            • #15
                              What I love most is that 1 part of the bible states: God made us in his own image.

                              Wich would mean gay people are also made in god's image and therefor perfectly normal people.

                              And then the bible states that gay people are not normal... no god must have been sleeping or something.
                              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

