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Is it wrong to fuck a cripple?

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  • #16
    if theres grass on the field, play ball
    Girl if it's alright,


    • #17
      Do you think Paul McCartney thought of this prior to getting hitched last time....his wife is an amputee...hmmmm.

      Well look at Joe on the Family Guy, he does pretty well, and look his wife is always pregnant.

      What if she was amazing looking from the waste up and had a fake leg or horrendus limp, but has multi millions in the bank.

      Oddly enough, if you really had some kind of connection of which would entail more than the outcome of a one night stand. If that is all it was, just a quickie based upon a conquest F#C& attraction, than the disability would have been a turn off once you discovered it, especially if you didn't notice it before the act.

      Hmm...what would be worse...A chick with a bodily disfigured appendage or a chick with bad Lisp...add on a bad accent to boot? She looked great until she opened her mouth and talked
      May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


      • #18
        Only wrong if they haven't consented.


        • #19
          or u could do waht Tom Green does in Freddy Got Fingered
          All good things must come to an end.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Troll King
            Let me take that question and give it a bit of a twist:

            What if you fell in love with someone who wasn't crippled or disfigured, but they one day get in an accident and wind up that way for the rest of their lives. Would that change how you feel about them?
            You know TK, I'm gonna be completely honest and say, yes it would change things. Part of the reason why relationships stay so interesting, and last is because there is something to be desired in the other person. Most times, it's both physical, and non-physical. But, if you were to take one of these desirable attributes away, or perhaps modify/hinder it, then I think the attraction would be lost. It's much like the Terry Schaivo case in a way. The husband saw neither of those qualities in his wife anymore, and opted to have her put out of her misery/murdered (depending on you opinion). Not to be shallow, but I truly believe it would be hard to maintain a relationship if your partner were physically, or mentally debilitated. If a relationship were to be maintained, I think the change would be so significant, that the person not disabled would be stuck back before the accident, or whatever the cause. Then again, I'm speaking in extremes, such as mental retardation, or facial deformity. As far as say effects being that they're crippled, I think I could work with that.
            Originally posted by Tone
            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


            • #21
              2:Colossos> I once fucked a cripple.
              2:Colossos> it was amazing.
              9:Everett> well with pascone in -f-, our squad standards just experienced a decrease of 150%


              • #22
                Originally posted by Pressure Drop
                Ok not the most PC thread ever :P
                In fact its a terribly offensive one, but i don't mean to offend anyone.
                But i decided to go with that title as an extreme parody of Biotures thread.

                Its obviously not wrong to have sex with a cripple but what i mean is would you have a relationship with one?

                See i've started a new crappy admin job and i have to deliver shit around the building and being a single man you do take notice of the pretty girls when you hand them stuff, well at least i do.

                So i thought this girl was attractive, don't know her, never talked to her more than "is this for you?" it is completely based on how she looks, personality removed.

                Then i had to diliever something to her room and she was walking back to her desk and she was severly limping and obviously had some disabilty, which for some strange reason i found shocking. Guess becuase from her waist up she looked completely normal and her legs had seemed ok when she was sitting.

                Anyway for me this was a big turn off, then i felt guilty as should it have been? For all i knew she could be lovely person and its not her fault that she was crippled. I then thought would i have a relationship with someone like her ie. disabled person?

                Well thats a lie i actualy thought, would i still shag her given the opportunity, i then thought, well yes ... but only if her leg wasn't too fucked up. This made me feel even more guilty.

                Anyways i'd never really thought about anything like this before, and it was a bit of an eye opener to how shallow i was. But in the end i decided that it is natural to find this a turn off as it could have genetic consequences so we are programmed to find it an unattractive atribute. I also decided that if i got to know her i guess i could fall in love with her and have kids but i would have to check if the kids would be ok before having them etc.. and that type of thing would always be in the back of my mind.

                I think its a bit harsh but i think thats my honest opinion, though it was all hypothetical and that makes it hard to say.

                Anyone else ever thought about this?
                .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................
                Singularit> Ive seen old men do alot of scary shit
                Beasts> ur grandpa always runs around on ice singu?
                Unorthadox> LMAO
                Unorthadox> LMFAO
                Singularit> mine does
                Singularit> but hes ubergrandpa
                Unorthadox> ROFL


                • #23
                  You could call her eileen
         - Gallileo's racist thread

                  "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                  • #24
                    looooooooooooooooooool this reminds me of that movie "freddy got fingered" by tom green, where he got head from that chick int he wheelchair looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooool

                    but if she wasnt paralized, just slightly limping, and she was hot, well fuck why not? I can just put her legs over her head while in bed.
                    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                    RaCka> mad impressive


                    • #25
                      Hey, if she can't move her legs, she can't pick the position. That's a plus.
                      Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                      sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                      • #26
                        I can't believe people suggested money as a deciding factor.

                        If a handicap or disability in someone turns you off, then just take it as a sign. It'd be stupid to force yourself to "get over it" and ignore it. And anyone who suggests its your fault is a tree hugging hippy who things the world should love each other.

                        If you fall for someone with a disability, then great. If you don't no big whoop. It's not like you should get a freaking medal or tv appearance for loving someone with a disability or aids.
                        gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                        gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                        gravy_: round the nurburgring

                        XBL: VodkaSurprise


                        • #27
                          I need clarification. What kind of cripple are we talking about?
                          TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                          TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                          TelCat> i dont


                          • #28
                            I'd skull fuck a cripple...


                            • #29
                              is this a non Personal Computer answer to this thread?
                              Originally posted by turmio
                              jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                              Originally posted by grand
                              I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                              • #30
                                some cunt at school for some reason made up a rumour that i had one leg longer than the other and i had a platform in one of my shoes to even my legs out so i didn't limp. i kept having to explain people who asked "is it really true?" that it in fact wasn't and i don't know why anyone would even make up some crappy rumour like that to begin with

