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Help Rab With Coursework II - Destructive Testing

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  • Help Rab With Coursework II - Destructive Testing

    Destructive Testing
    This is where you get to try and break my website. Find whatever errors you can and post them here. Whoever finds more errors wins. You have until Wednesday.

    Ready, Set, Go!

    PS: If you registered a sensible account, you can probably log in using the same account.
    Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 09:40 AM. Reason: Removed personal information

  • #2
    Extensive testing has conclusively proved your site is not immune to DDOS attacks
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


    • #3
      i didnt try to destroy it or anything i just searched for as many different combinations of flights as i could in 30 mins and it seemed to work just fine!
      Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself

      1:money> i need a loose-meat butthole

      Evasive <E> wtf
      Evasive <E> GIMME MY BOT
      caco <ER>> )Oo
      caco <ER>> bot thief!
      caco <ER>> duel me for it
      Evasive <E> no!
      Cigarettes> wunderbar?


      • #4
        Why do I have to put the earliest time in seconds that the flight should be available?
        Zemyla>You know, quoting yourself in your sig is a sign of irredeemable narcissism.

        GuruMeditation> You're on SS, you're an it.
        GuruMeditation> Unless your ship grows boobs, in that case you're a freak.

        Originally posted by sexy wooden spoon
        Also u cud tlk about helping language skills.


        • #5

          The website tells me there should be a menu, but there isn't
          USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
          ---A few minutes later---
          9:cool koen> you scorereseted
          9:Kim> UM
          9:Kim> i didn't
          9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
          9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
          9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
          9:pascone> lol?


          • #6
            ill try autospamming the registration later


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ewan

              The website tells me there should be a menu, but there isn't
              Did you register?

              If you did: try to register again, and see if the same happens, and tell me the details you entered into the form. If you'd rather not post the details here, drop me an email

              Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 09:41 AM. Reason: Removed personal information


              • #8
                Nothing really broke for me but if you want some opinions on stuff I'll give you some things that bothered me.

                I entered a name,username,and password and registered. Then I tried registering again as a different person but with the same username and it correctly picked up on that and told "may already be taken, try a different username" by the username field, but it also gave me the "you may already have an account" error text over the full name field. If that was done intentionally I think that's more confusing than helpful. If you enter a username that already exists the only error message you should receive is the "may already be taken, try a different username" message. Or else if they are a new user they'll think they have to change both name and username fields, which isn't true.

                I don't know if you care but I guess your check for telephone number just checks that at least 7 characters are entered. Which means I can enter something like this "abcdefghi" for my telephone number. If it was me I'd throw a regular expression on that form, but that can get tricky with extensions and stuff so maybe not. I find the easiest way to enter phone numbers and guarentee they are in a valid format is have like 4 input text boxes ([ ]) []-[] ext[]. With a max 3 digits in the first box, 3 in the second, 4 in the 3rd and 4 in the fourth. But I don't know if that's a good idea or not. I suppose I should point out here I have no idea how European phone number work.

                Also when you click your links it looks like it displays an alternate version of the page for a split second. It has like a purple border around the header and it looks like maybe it's missing all the css on it maybe? I don't know, you only see it for a split second, but it's annoying.

                Also when I pick a from and to for the airport and enter times and it comes back with "we do not currently offer any flights on that route, please try a different route" I'd prefer it kept my information stored in the forms so I didn't have to start over from scratch to try something else.

                And you should definitely get rid of forcing them to enter hour:min:seconds. At least just have them enter hour:min and default the seconds to 00.

                I couldn't get any flights to actually show up, so I don't know if this is feasable based on how many flights would show up or not, but what would be easiest for the user is just picking from:, to:, and then entering the start date and just showing everything from that date on for a set amount of length, which they could change if they need to see more.

                Or maybe just enter the date as text and use a pull down menu to select the time (hour). I just know entering in something like 2004-10-19 10:23:54
                is not something I feel like doing.

                If we want to get extremely nitpicky, and why not, I'd probably put username and password as the first two input fields in the registration form instead of the last two. And if clicking on "register below" brought focus to the Full Name text field that would be nice.

                Ok here is something else that bothered me, the picture is clickable and returns you to the index. Alright fine. But what bothers me is the clickable area is like that whole big rectangle so if you are trying to click on the register button and miss slightly you click on the blank part of the picture instead and get linked back to the page. I'd just prefer that picture wasn't clickable.

                Anyway, yeah the site is good. I couldn't mess it up.
                Last edited by Sleepy Weasel; 03-19-2006, 07:22 PM.


                • #9

                  You might get something out of it.


                  • #10
                    if you put in

                    Panda Airways is a small airline company operating domestic flights in Pandaland. It has scheduled flights to and from ten of the country's local airports, two of which are international. Currently, its airway fleet consists of 2 Boeing 747 aircraft, 5 Boeing 757 aircraft and 10 Boeing 737 aircraft. The airline applies and successfully won the rights to operate scheduled flights to and from three international airports in the UK: London Heathrow, Birmingham and Manchester. It can also operate flights to and from three gateways in the UK but this must be via any of its UK gateways. The airline does not provide multi-leg journeys at present. Thus, customers travelling to any of the county's local airports from Manchester can only fly to one of its international airports and make an onward booking on arrival.
                    for the username/password, you get this error:
                    Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 09:41 AM. Reason: Removed personal information
                    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                    • #11
                      Can't remember the exact details, but the involved using alt + num to make characters like úÇŽ
                      USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                      ---A few minutes later---
                      9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                      9:Kim> UM
                      9:Kim> i didn't
                      9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                      9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                      9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                      9:pascone> lol?


                      • #12
                        It won't let me book any flights >_<
                        Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sleepy Weasel
                          Nothing really broke for me but if you want some opinions on stuff I'll give you some things that bothered me.

                          I entered a name,username,and password and registered. Then I tried registering again as a different person but with the same username and it correctly picked up on that and told "may already be taken, try a different username" by the username field, but it also gave me the "you may already have an account" error text over the full name field. If that was done intentionally I think that's more confusing than helpful. If you enter a username that already exists the only error message you should receive is the "may already be taken, try a different username" message. Or else if they are a new user they'll think they have to change both name and username fields, which isn't true. It's not just the same name, but the ENTIRE same details. ie. same name, address, phone number, ... you get the idea )

                          I don't know if you care but I guess your check for telephone number just checks that at least 7 characters are entered. Which means I can enter something like this "abcdefghi" for my telephone number. If it was me I'd throw a regular expression on that form, but that can get tricky with extensions and stuff so maybe not. I find the easiest way to enter phone numbers and guarentee they are in a valid format is have like 4 input text boxes ([ ]) []-[] ext[]. With a max 3 digits in the first box, 3 in the second, 4 in the 3rd and 4 in the fourth. But I don't know if that's a good idea or not. I suppose I should point out here I have no idea how European phone number work. People have all sorts of funny ways of writng phone numbers, in the US they use letters !

                          Also when you click your links it looks like it displays an alternate version of the page for a split second. It has like a purple border around the header and it looks like maybe it's missing all the css on it maybe? I don't know, you only see it for a split second, but it's annoying. It's called the FOUC - , If I was being marked on web design i'd fix it.. but it's not important for this piece of work.

                          Also when I pick a from and to for the airport and enter times and it comes back with "we do not currently offer any flights on that route, please try a different route" I'd prefer it kept my information stored in the forms so I didn't have to start over from scratch to try something else. Very Valid Suggestion

                          And you should definitely get rid of forcing them to enter hour:min:seconds. At least just have them enter hour:min and default the seconds to 00. Very Valid Suggestion

                          I couldn't get any flights to actually show up, so I don't know if this is feasable based on how many flights would show up or not, but what would be easiest for the user is just picking from:, to:, and then entering the start date and just showing everything from that date on for a set amount of length, which they could change if they need to see more. There are some flights in there, but as it says... perhaps not on that route or within that date range!

                          Or maybe just enter the date as text and use a pull down menu to select the time (hour). I just know entering in something like 2004-10-19 10:23:54
                          is not something I feel like doing.

                          If we want to get extremely nitpicky, and why not, I'd probably put username and password as the first two input fields in the registration form instead of the last two. And if clicking on "register below" brought focus to the Full Name text field that would be nice.

                          Ok here is something else that bothered me, the picture is clickable and returns you to the index. Alright fine. But what bothers me is the clickable area is like that whole big rectangle so if you are trying to click on the register button and miss slightly you click on the blank part of the picture instead and get linked back to the page. I'd just prefer that picture wasn't clickable. Once again, not marked on web design

                          Anyway, yeah the site is good. I couldn't mess it up.
                          Thanks a lot Sleepy, that's a big help, cheers m8.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ilya
                            if you put in for the username/password, you get this error:
                            Oh yeah, so you do. At first glance I cant see why though!
                            Any ideas?
                            Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 09:41 AM. Reason: Removed personal information


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hakaku
                              It won't let me book any flights >_<
                              What flights are you trying to book?

