Here's where most of you have it wrong about the majority of illigal immigrants. A lot of them date from way back, then they hopped the border (or became refugees from their countries), entered the US and had babies.
These babies grew up and also are considered illegal immigrants and have no social status. They can't go back to Mexico/Panama/Cuba/Wherever, because they aren't even legal citizens there.
Then, the US government either imprisons them or sends them back to countries that will also reject them. The thing most don't realize is the millions of illegal immigrants don't do much but work for society. Yes, they don't pay taxes or w/e, but they also don't have a free ride (no/less education, less health care, etc.)
But yes, it's true, they aren't legal citizens, they could have done the paper work all before hand, but they didn't. So now what? Now, we wait. We wait and see the boycott and how much this will affect (if it affects anything at all). It isn't just the millions of immigrants rallying in protest, it's also many companies (who aren't government associated) closing their doors on that same day in protest.
These babies grew up and also are considered illegal immigrants and have no social status. They can't go back to Mexico/Panama/Cuba/Wherever, because they aren't even legal citizens there.
Then, the US government either imprisons them or sends them back to countries that will also reject them. The thing most don't realize is the millions of illegal immigrants don't do much but work for society. Yes, they don't pay taxes or w/e, but they also don't have a free ride (no/less education, less health care, etc.)
But yes, it's true, they aren't legal citizens, they could have done the paper work all before hand, but they didn't. So now what? Now, we wait. We wait and see the boycott and how much this will affect (if it affects anything at all). It isn't just the millions of immigrants rallying in protest, it's also many companies (who aren't government associated) closing their doors on that same day in protest.