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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chao.
    I'm just trying to let you know the reasons for those attacks over the years. (I realize not every single one was a religious bout, but the majority were) The UN/US/whoever even allowing a country to be formed for the sole purpose of protecting Jewish people is wrong to me anyway. Yes, I feel sympathy for those in the holocaust. Yes, I know how wrongly these people have been treated by others in history. That doesn't make it ok to pick out a spot on the map, and, as the victors of WW2, tell them it's for those of the Jewish faith. It would be a bit shortsighted (like the idea of Israel itself) to believe no retaliations would come.

    just for your knowledge, we didnt came and captured israel...
    rich jewish people bought the land from arabs, also, jewish people were living here long before the holocaust, alongside with muslims.

    in hebron, there was massacre from the arabs on the jews who lived there, in 1921 if im not mistaking. that was long before the holocaust, long before people thought about creating a country


    • #32
      It didn't start 6 years ago either. And I said that in my first post. One could say it started in 1967 in the Six Day War, or in 1947 when your state was established, or centuries ago when Jews and Muslims never got along. I was talking about defusing this flashpoint, not the entire centuries-long conflict.


      • #33
        My knowledge of history is not great but wasn't it the league of nations which created the state of Israel? Of which the US was not part of after World War 2?.

        Neither side is innocent like genocidal said but these Arab states need to start taking the blame for allowing organization like Hezbollah to be armed and exist. It's the same in Palestine, if you vote in radicals or let them control your Govn., whos goal is the destruction of another country/way of life, whos foreign policy of hatred, mistrust, aggression and war has cost thousands their lives then you, your family and your people will suffering for it, Democratic or not.


        • #34

          all your answers :-)

          Arab states need to start taking the blame for allowing organization like Hezbollah to be armed and exist. It's the same in Palestine, if you vote in radicals or let them control your Govn., whos goal is the destruction of another country/way of life

          thats all.
          sad that others dont get it...


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kolar
            My knowledge of history is not great but wasn't it the league of nations which created the state of Israel? Of which the US was not part of after World War 2?.

            Neither side is innocent like genocidal said but these Arab states need to start taking the blame for allowing organization like Hezbollah to be armed and exist. It's the same in Palestine, if you vote in radicals or let them control your Govn., whos goal is the destruction of another country/way of life, whos foreign policy of hatred, mistrust, aggression and war has cost thousands their lives then you, your family and your people will suffering for it, Democratic or not.
            Unless i'm severely mistaken Israel was formed post-WW2, largely because of the sympathy for the Holocaust survivors.
            help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

            What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
            MegamanEXE> Chao
            MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
            (Sefarius)> ....
            (Hate The Fake)> LOL
            MegamanEXE> You are sick
            MegamanEXE> Good day


            • #36
              Jews have been living in the middle east for centuries. Even Sadaam was raised by a jewish family in Iraq back in the 40's.

              You can date this back to ancient egypt for all the bible thumpers.

              But if you want to point or play the blame game for the troubles in this corner of the world, blame the UK. In 1920, following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Palestine fell under western occupation, political boundaries were forced upon the region for the first time in nearly 2,000 years under the British occupation, conveniently named "Mandate". Today this geographical area is divided into Israel (established in May 1948 over land carved out of historic Palestine by western powers using the UN all without consulting with the local Palestinian population), the West Bank (including eastern Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip (on the south western corner of the country bordering Egypt) both of which Israel occupied in 1967.

              The Isreali's have done more with that land than the Palestinian's ever did. If it was not for the Israeli's, the land that some call Palestine would still be today, a nomads land of sand and rocks.
              May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                Jews have been living in the middle east for centuries. Even Sadaam was raised by a jewish family in Iraq back in the 40's.

                You can date this back to ancient egypt for all the bible thumpers.

                But if you want to point or play the blame game for the troubles in this corner of the world, blame the UK. In 1920, following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, Palestine fell under western occupation, political boundaries were forced upon the region for the first time in nearly 2,000 years under the British occupation, conveniently named "Mandate". Today this geographical area is divided into Israel (established in May 1948 over land carved out of historic Palestine by western powers using the UN all without consulting with the local Palestinian population), the West Bank (including eastern Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip (on the south western corner of the country bordering Egypt) both of which Israel occupied in 1967.

                The Isreali's have done more with that land than the Palestinian's ever did. If it was not for the Israeli's, the land that some call Palestine would still be today, a nomads land of sand and rocks.

                Eh, the fact that they've put the land to good use isn't going to stop the religious "Turf wars" going on. (I really wish I could have thought of a better term for it, but that seems fine)
                help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

                What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
                MegamanEXE> Chao
                MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
                (Sefarius)> ....
                (Hate The Fake)> LOL
                MegamanEXE> You are sick
                MegamanEXE> Good day


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                  You're entitled to your own opinion but I have to disagree with this statement. It's silly to say that Israel never attacks others when your military has bombed an international civilian airport in the past 2 days. Ontop of that, I have read about Israel targeting civilians in numerous occasions, and to even believe that your country is *always* on the defensive is just being close-minded. No matter what country you live in, everything your government has done has not been good and pleasant, shutting out the bad things (sticking fingers in your ears and humming) doesn't make the crimes or incidents dissapear, and neither does proclaiming your country as the vicitim.
                  This is something that the U.S Government should do as well. As of April 26, 2006, the IBC estimated that between 34,512 and 38,661 civilians had died as a result of U.S. military action. [EDIT]: in this present Iraqi war

                  But with the U.S., we like to use spent nuclear waste into our shells, so that we can spread cancer to the children of this country years after we leave and dump our crap on them. We did it in the 1st gulf war and we are doing it again.

                  Just saying that coming from the U.S., we sound like hypocrites in this situation LB. Not saying I am for or against what you said, but we should direct that at our own Government.

                  The U.S. has done far worse 10 fold to the countries and peoples of this world, all in the name of Democracy...I mean Capitalism...I mean think it is Capitalsim?!?!?!?

                  At least the Israeli's are not cowards that wear masks and riot in the streets...lets not forget the Palestinian that was mentally handicapped that Hammas tried to send into Israel as a suicide bomber to kill innocent citizens. That failed and the kid was caught. The kid was clueless too as to what he was doing, being mentally challenged. If that act alone doesn't show the cowardly act of these militants...I dunno. Yet if that was done to and in the U.S., we would need to invade that country that sent the mentally handicapped kid!

                  Terrorism has been a non stop war against the Israeli's and perhaps if the Arab neighbors would stop hiding behind the B.S. they are known for and stand up without some schemata over there face shooting a gun in the air; perhaps then there could be open talks. I see the militant Palestinians as cowards, regardless of their grief they note. These militants need to get over it and start trying to be civilized and stop suicide bombing innocent people, let alone kidnapping and shooting rockets from across the border. Perhaps they could get a job? Worry about making a country for themselves...such a novel idea? and stop blaming the Israeli's on all the past problems of the PLO Arafat yrs. Oddly enough the Palestinians had such little money to help their efforts, yet Arafat had a palatial mansion in Paris for his wife with millions in the bank, while his people lived in crap. Typical thief! yet he stood for the principals of PLO...a crook & terrorist.
                  Last edited by 404 Not Found; 07-14-2006, 03:41 PM.
                  May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 404 Not Found
                    This is something that the U.S Government should do as well. As of April 26, 2006, the IBC estimated that between 34,512 and 38,661 civilians had died as a result of U.S. military action.

                    But with the U.S., we like to use spent nuclear waste into our shells, so that we can spread cancer to the children of this country years after we leave and dump our crap on them. We did it in the 1st gulf war and we are doing it again.

                    Just saying that coming from the U.S., we sound like hypocrites in this situation LB. Not saying I am for or against what you said, but we should direct that at our own Government.

                    The U.S. has done far worse 10 fold to the countries and peoples of this world, all in the name of Democracy...I mean Capitalism...I mean think it is Capitalsim?!?!?!?

                    At least the Israeli's are not cowards that wear masks and riot in the streets...lets not forget the Palestinian that was mentally handicapped that Hammas tried to send into Israel as a suicide bomber to kill innocent citizens. That failed and the kid was caught. The kid was clueless too as to what he was doing, being mentally challenged. If that act alone doesn't show the cowardly act of these militants...I dunno. Yet if that was done to and in the U.S., we would need to invade that country that sent the mentally handicapped kid!

                    Terrorism has been a non stop war against the Israeli's and perhaps if the Arab neighbors would stop hiding behind the B.S. they are known for and stand up without some schemata over there face shooting a gun in the air; perhaps then there could be open talks. I see the militant Palestinians as cowards, regardless of their grief they note. These militants need to get over it and start trying to be civilized and stop suicide bombing innocent people, let alone kidnapping and shooting rockets from across the border. Perhaps they could get a job? Worry about making a country for themselves...such a novel idea? and stop blaming the Israeli's on all the past problems of the PLO Arafat yrs. Oddly enough the Palestinians had such little money to help their efforts, yet Arafat had a palatial mansion in Paris for his wife with millions in the bank, while his people lived in crap. Typical thief! yet he stood for the principals of PLO...a crook & terrorist.

                    palestinians shouldve alot of money...
                    they get support from USA, Arab nations, Europe, and probably more countries around the world.
                    the question is... where the money goes? smart people will know the answer.
                    others will just fed by pal. propoganda (which is another hint for the first question )

                    nice writing 404, you seem to have alot of knowledge


                    • #40
                      the question is... where the money goes? smart people will know the answer.
                      OK, smart guy. Tell me the answer.
                      Originally posted by Ward
                      OK.. ur retarded case closed


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by 404
                        Just saying that coming from the U.S., we sound like hypocrites in this situation LB. Not saying I am for or against what you said, but we should direct that at our own Government.
                        I agree, I was simply trying to stress that no country (especially the big players) are completely free of sin or wrong-doing.

                        More from the home front-

                        Originally posted by Guy from Israel
                        Olmert said that Israel talks after we get our 2 soldiers back , and wants 1559 UN thingy done . We want Lebanon army to control your southern border .

                        The popular sentiment ?
                        Well frankly , Israel has to thank Hezboallah . Israel was divided over the Gaza operation and how Hamas should be handled , left and right , atheistst and religion groups fighting each other over every possible media .
                        It created problems ,even within the army, since many of Israels best soldiers are "left-winged elitist liberals" .
                        And then, all of a sudden , during a complete havoc to in our south due to Qassam rockets and a massive controversial operation in Gaza , they attacked .
                        And for the first time in many years , Israel stands united .
                        Yes , it is prepared . But Israel has absolutely no interest to stay in Lebanon . Everyone here speak about not making the mistake Ariel Sharon did by getting pointlessly stuck there .
                        Originally posted by Guy from Lebanon
                        What good comes from turning the Lebanese economy upside down? All they have done, ALL they have fucking done, is destroy bridges, roads, set feul tanks ablaze, and create an air and sea blockade. COMPLETELY. Hizb Allah is yet to get scratched. The only things they've lost are fucking offices, nothing else.

                        No, this is not the course of action a country takes to defend itself, this is the course taken to cripple another. They have literally sliced the country up into little pieces through the disruption of roads and bridges.

                        Lebanon has been taken hostage.
                        Originally posted by Guy from Israel
                        Update :

                        Mother and son killed in Israel by a Katyusha , direct hit into a small house .

                        Dozens of injuries during the day , its frigging raining mortars and rockets here . 500 mortars during the last 2.5 days landed in israel .

                        We just bombed Nazarallah house minutes ago . We so cool .OMG ! Now his homeless ! Yay !
                        I dont think he gives much a shit .


                        I packed my gear and prepared everything yesterday , just in case . I allready did reserves this year in February ,and unless shit REALLY hits the fan , I will not be called .

                        Correction to previous post : its grandma not mom .

                        Update : An Israel ship was hit 16km into the sea .Officially , there were no casualties . I'd give it time though , my beliefs in blown up ships w/out casualties are not strong .
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by random forum person
                          GfL, there are roumers going around from some isralie friends of mine that the isralies are going to use airstrikes to destroy ALL of the roads between lebanon and syria :S stay safe dude.
                          Originally posted by Guy from Lebanon
                          Who are these friends? Can you confirm this GfI? We are packing our bags and planning on leaving as soon as is possible. Things are getting very hot, very fast.
                          My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                          • #43
                            What good comes from turning the Lebanese economy upside down?

                            Forcing the goverment to disarm hizzbullah, forcing the goverment to spread their army up on south lebanon instead of the hizzbullah, forcing the hizzbullah to give the two (maybe three?) captured soldiers.

                            All those things shouldve been done by the UN law, lebanon give a shit and let hizzbullah attack us, lebanon will pay.

                            Vykromond: OK, smart guy. Tell me the answer.
                            no problem
                            1) Their leaders take it for them self to live good.
                            2) They use it to buy weapons and invest in Propoganda againts us.
                            3) Probably a little of that money really goes for the poor people who really live in hell...


                            • #44
                              This is not going to be pretty

                              Syria says fully backs Hizbullah against Israel

                              Syria will support Hizbullah and Lebanon against Israel's attacks, ruling Baath Party says. Italian PM discusses situation with President Assad in highest level contact since Syria spurned after Hariri assassination

                              Iran warns of 'fierce response' should Israel strike at Syria
                              Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported.

                              "If the Zionist regime commits another stupid move and attacks Syria, this will be considered like attacking the whole Islamic world and this regime will receive a very fierce response," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying in a telephone conversation with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

                              If Syria gets involved, that will drag in Iran... which inevitably will mean the U.S. jumping on the wagon. If the U.S. fights with Iran, who knows what the hell Russia and China will do. I don't see this conflict being solved quickly or ending happily.

                              I think it would be a miracle if other countries don't get dragged in.


                              • #45
                                I personally agree with the analysts who say that it is Iran and Syria who are the puppet masters behind the attacks and kidnappings upon Israel. All this occurs during the time that the U.N. was convening to talk about Iran's nuclear ambissions. It is a very timely diversion.

                                Oh and incase you missed it:

                                Hezbollah Chief Declares 'Open War' With Israel
                                BEIRUT, Lebanon Jul 14, 2006 (AP)— Hezbollah's leader said Friday that his group is ready for "open war" with Israel, and as his words were broadcast, guerrillas attacked an Israeli warship that had been firing missiles into southern Beirut.

                                Speaking defiantly in an audiotape on Hezbollah's Al-Manar television less than an hour after missiles struck his headquarters and home, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah addressed Israelis and said they must take responsibility for their actions.

                                "You wanted an open war, and we are heading for an open war," he said. "We are ready for it."

                                "The surprises that I have promised you will start now. Now in the middle of the sea, facing Beirut, the Israeli warship that has attacked the infrastructure, people's homes and civilians look at it burning," Nasrallah said.

                                "It will sink and with it will sink scores of Israeli Zionist soldiers. This is just the beginning," he warned.

