Death Penalty:
Should it be LEGAL or ILLEGAL? or
Are you FOR or AGAINST the death penalty?
When deciding think about the person being put to death. Then think about the victims in which the criminal is being put to death for.
Adds more confusion siding problems. =p
As for me... I think it should be completely ILLEGAL because any form of life taking is wrong, even if the criminal DID take a life or more himself. But I do believe in cruel and unusual punishment. =P
Should it be LEGAL or ILLEGAL? or
Are you FOR or AGAINST the death penalty?
When deciding think about the person being put to death. Then think about the victims in which the criminal is being put to death for.
Adds more confusion siding problems. =p
As for me... I think it should be completely ILLEGAL because any form of life taking is wrong, even if the criminal DID take a life or more himself. But I do believe in cruel and unusual punishment. =P