Originally posted by Kolar
Ontop of that, after 9/11 I'm sure Bush wanted as many people signing up for that exact reason as he could possibly get. Would make his job alot easier and decisions questioned alot less.
The main problem with this entire situation is that the people in power weren't even being honest about why they were leading us into war with Iraq. It wasn't for oil, like Eph said before our gas prices are still high over here, if not higher. It wasn't for terrorism, which is the bullshit alot of soliders and civilians fell for. It also wasn't to stop Saddam and bring peace to Iraq - it was done for Bush's career, and for haliburton like 404 said.
Bush wasn't doing well in polls before 9/11, and while I don't believe he had a part in 9/11, I do believe that his staff made sure to use the situation to Bush's advantage. The United States felt invaded and needed a leader, they needed retribution for the attack that had occurred on their invincible shores. Most wanted revenge, and most wanted someone to tell them that they're going to be ok and it won't ever happen again. Bush did this by first going after Afghanistan, but he didn't find Osama there. By that point he realized that he didn't even need Osama specifically to sway the majority, he just needed a figure head in the middle east to take down, so he could get voted in again. That's why he went after Saddam. Haliburton only benefited from this decision as well. It wasn't oil, it wasn't for terrorism, and it wasn't for helping out the people of Iraq. Bush did it to get another term in and to look like a heroic leader. Pride, the downfall of far too many men to remember.