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  • #61
    Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
    This movie sucked. The fighting was so unrealistic (um hello no one can fight that long without getting tired, or catching a disease from the dead bodies, and where was the fucking food, where the fuck did that dude get that apple?)

    Persians aren't black, nor chinese, nor did we have elephants or rhinos. Xerxes wasn't a tall black dude with piercings (Persians don't do piercings, it is considered gay, and only the slaves were pierced so we knew that they were slaves). Xerxes was somewhat shorter than being tall, like 5'10" at most, he rode a horse, and looked like every other middle eastern at the time with a big beard and long flowing black hair.

    excuse me nickname, did you say this movie was historically accurate? ogres, chainsaw arm freaks, etc all were real. fucking idiot.

    I expected at least more strategies being used (which i saw in the beginning of the fighting) but then got sorely disappointed when it just turned out to being spartans coming out of the tunnel (which was their fucking focus point of seige tactics to hold off the persian army) and fighting like they are the incredible hulk, and no scratch can be done.

    I could not but help think of how this is such a clear message of propaganda of US interests on anti-iran sentiments. Americans being the spartan badasses that cant die or get hurt unless they are betrayed or killed "cowardlike" by arrows. and the persians (iranians) being the ugly deformed can't fight army.

    This movie blowed, and you all suck for liking it. Other than the artistic visual effects the movie sucked.
    You're over analyzing the movie and trying to find messages about current world politics that aren't there. This movie is based on a comic book not complete history.

    The Persian's got fucked which is no surprise when Spartan soldiers were far superior at fighting. You're just pissed because you went in expecting something like Gladiator and Troy and ended up with something completely different.
    it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


    • #62
      I obviously didn't see the movie... so they didn't focus at all on the Athenian front, which ultimately won the war and brought Democracy to the world today? Had it not been for the Athenian sea-faring (which took 30,000 Persian lives with a much outnumbered force itself) and had Persia won, we'd still be living in a world of theocracy and monarchy. That would have at least added some added plot to this whole thing, and not left, what a lot of you are complaining about, a boring one dimensional plot. I realize the 300 man front was incredibly important, but they started off with something like 4,000 Greek troops and the 300 only came when Leonidas told the remaining Athenians to retreat for an eventual final battle, and when the Persians had found a way to flank the remaining Spartans.


      • #63
        anyways, vati, you're looking at the movie through some political-colored lenses. 300 is an action movie. it was epic, and you're not supposed to look into it too deeply.

        the director didn't fail. he brought the graphic novel to life beautifully. Your post would be relevant if this was the V for Vendetta movie - yeah, that movie had a hidden political agenda and it slaughtered the g.novel. 300 the film followed 300 the novel very well.

        anyways, for your kind of people, i am sorry that you will never enjoy art. you're the guy that hates 'A Million Little Pieces' because there's no way James Frey could have done all those drugs - ignoring the message of the book. you'd look at Picasso's 'Guernica' and just lament that he was a shitty painter and everyone was all disproportionate and modern-artsy.

        your view of things has to be subjective and transient. if you looked at 300 the same way you looked at the Matrix or an Inconvenient Truth, you'd never be able to enjoy any of the three for what they are.

        it's an action movie, bro. take it for what it is.

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • #64
          It's called artistic lisence.

          How do you expect a realistic movie based on a Frank Miller comic?
          Originally posted by Tone
          Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


          • #65
            Originally posted by PaulOakenfold View Post
            I obviously didn't see the movie... so they didn't focus at all on the Athenian front, which ultimately won the war and brought Democracy to the world today? Had it not been for the Athenian sea-faring (which took 30,000 Persian lives with a much outnumbered force itself) and had Persia won, we'd still be living in a world of theocracy and monarchy.
            My occidental civilisations history classes are a little bit far in my head, but I believe the Athenian democracy wasn't exactly the kind of democracy we know today, as it was really restrictive. I'd agree to say it was some kind of paradigm that gave us the basis of true democracy. Although, I wouldn't go as far as saying that if the Persians had won that war, we wouldn't know what democracy actually is today. Personally, I think democracy would've appeared sooner or later, but I also think it is nearly impossible to emit a solid hypothesis on that matter -_-

            I enjoyed 300, and I agree with people who are saying that we shouldn't over analyze its content. I went to see that movie to be entertained, and I've been entertained. The only things that disapointed me a little bit is the fact that almost all the awesome scenes were packed into the different trailers, but we could say that about most or even all the movies...
            Also, I hated them teenage dudebros who kept yelling during the presentation.

            Last edited by +/-; 03-11-2007, 09:50 PM.


            • #66
              ROFL. Whoever went into a movie about insane action and violence to look for historical inaccuracies and unrealistic combat needs to take the plug out of their ass. Seriously, I came into this movie looking for a good time and some awesome fight scenes. Since when do action movies ever show historical accuracy? Cliche dialogue? If any of the spartans said anything complex, I would have been pissed off. The spartans were meatheads, let them speak like meatheads. Okay, so I guess I can see the propaganda and shit, but this is based on the comic book. If anything, complain about the comic book and how Frank Miller is a strong pro-war supporter or something.


              • #67
                when i see an action movie i expect more realistic fighting not some bullshit we can kick your ass and not get hurt until you shoot us with arrows or have creatures twice our size to fight us.

                I expected more strategy, which was only seen like 2 or 3 times out of the shit load of fight scenes that just showed slow motion charging of a dude slicing of heads and stabbing ppl with a pole like they dont know how to dodge. And I am still wondering how they can fight without eating food or water (WHERE THE FUK DID HE GET THAT APPLE? IM STILL WONDERING!) or not get disease from all the dead bodies or not get tired.
                All good things must come to an end.


                • #68

                  It was based on a COMIC BOOK.


                  It was an action/art movie. Watch it for its beauty. Not it's plot and historical accuracy. Remind me to hear your review of the Odyssey where you whine because Odysseus fought a Cyclops.
                  Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                  sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by phata$$ View Post
                    ROFL. Whoever went into a movie about insane action and violence to look for historical inaccuracies and unrealistic combat needs to take the plug out of their ass. Seriously, I came into this movie looking for a good time and some awesome fight scenes. Since when do action movies ever show historical accuracy? Cliche dialogue? If any of the spartans said anything complex, I would have been pissed off. The spartans were meatheads, let them speak like meatheads. Okay, so I guess I can see the propaganda and shit, but this is based on the comic book. If anything, complain about the comic book and how Frank Miller is a strong pro-war supporter or something.

                    thank you :wub:
                    My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                    • #70
                      ppl keep telling me it's just a movie, or it's just a comic

                      but i keep seeing you fuks embracing it like it's your religion.

                      the only faith you need in your life is captain jack.
                      All good things must come to an end.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post

                        anyways, for your kind of people, i am sorry that you will never enjoy art. you're the guy that hates 'A Million Little Pieces' because there's no way James Frey could have done all those drugs - ignoring the message of the book. you'd look at Picasso's 'Guernica' and just lament that he was a shitty painter and everyone was all disproportionate and modern-artsy.

                        it's an action movie, bro. take it for what it is.
                        jerome we can have a decent argument, you might even be right, but theres just no need for saying we dont enjoy art cuz we dont like one film, or start categorizing us into "your kind of people" and put us into these stereotypes you've accumulated. thats just way over the top.


                        • #72
                          Just saw 300
                          It really kicked lots of ass
                          Spartans for the win


                          • #73
                            Fucking Fantastic Movie.

                            "Because only Spartan women give birth to REAL MEN" ... *Persian Emissary STFU's*

                            I'm of the firm belief that we should model our society more after Sparta.

                            Also, Gran is only pissed because irl he IS Persian and it angers him deeply to see the Persians fail at life due to their own incompetance and arrogance.

                            Paulo said it I think, about how we'd all still be in a world ruled by Theocracy bullshit and Savagery.

                            Hopefully this film will spark interest and lay the groundwork for more movies revolving around this period in history. Specifically, as Paulo stated, the Athenians and the events following the battle of Thermopylae.

                            In conclusion, GG Persian slapdicks, Spartan'd

                            P.S. DEADPERSIANWALL was -far- superior to MANTREE.
                            AND IT BACKFIYAHS. EVERY. FUCKIN. TIME.

                            o// REVERE ILYAZ, JASON & GRAN \\o


                            • #74


                              also, xerxes looked like a 10 foot tall hardcore/emo kid

                              but otherwise

                              verr niiiice

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                              • #75
                                They should make a movie out of the Odyssee (I think it originally has a different name). But not fuck it up like Troy (which I still enjoyed but compared to the book was hardly the same).
                                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

