i dunno, having a lockdown in a highschool would be easy. with a massive college campus, alot of the security ideas are pretty tough to effectively execute. i think that's already been said.
but guys, i don't think we should be arguing this. d1st0rt makes a very compelling point: shit happens. d1st0rt's point is all the more weighty because hey, he was there. i felt the same way when katrina fucked my state up: yeah it was bad, no, we probably couldn't have done anything anc chances are if we had fixed the levees, etc, something else would have fucked up.
i think that in terms of emergency response, there are two venues of action: pursue every minor event as if all shit was breaking loose, or wait and see if a minor event explodes and then pursue necessary action. the first is pretty much impossible, because nothing would ever get done. the second is the more pragmatic but has the miserable consequence of 'media scrutiny'. (of course the first would be attacked by the media as 'overbearing' or 'tyrannical' but whatever)
people blame these guys for not noticing "the signs" - the guy posted on blogs, etc. this happens everytime, but seriously - in the past year alone i've probably made plenty of 'death threats' and offhanded remarks ("show the world how Shreveport does columbine!"), but how many people actually go through with it? you just have to wait for that one in a million guy and try to react as best as possible.
when it comes down to it for me, i guess i can mourn the loss of the students. the school will more or less deal with the problem, it does not need the media on its back telling it what it should have done or what it should do now.
but guys, i don't think we should be arguing this. d1st0rt makes a very compelling point: shit happens. d1st0rt's point is all the more weighty because hey, he was there. i felt the same way when katrina fucked my state up: yeah it was bad, no, we probably couldn't have done anything anc chances are if we had fixed the levees, etc, something else would have fucked up.
i think that in terms of emergency response, there are two venues of action: pursue every minor event as if all shit was breaking loose, or wait and see if a minor event explodes and then pursue necessary action. the first is pretty much impossible, because nothing would ever get done. the second is the more pragmatic but has the miserable consequence of 'media scrutiny'. (of course the first would be attacked by the media as 'overbearing' or 'tyrannical' but whatever)
people blame these guys for not noticing "the signs" - the guy posted on blogs, etc. this happens everytime, but seriously - in the past year alone i've probably made plenty of 'death threats' and offhanded remarks ("show the world how Shreveport does columbine!"), but how many people actually go through with it? you just have to wait for that one in a million guy and try to react as best as possible.
when it comes down to it for me, i guess i can mourn the loss of the students. the school will more or less deal with the problem, it does not need the media on its back telling it what it should have done or what it should do now.