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My Portfolio Site

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Izor View Post
    yo your career advisor is a fucking idiot. Plain and simple. Your portfolio is the most important part obviously, but that resume is just straight retarded. In the real world, with real people reading these resumes, if you were trying to impress me with those bullets you had for those minimum wage jobs I'd throw your ass out (after making sure your art wasnt good enough first). My understanding is basically that the resume in this career field should complement the portfolio and make it look like youve accomplished something irl. Making fake ass bullets only makes you look like you brag about dumb shit. Now if you had won employee of the month/quarter/year, thats one thing. That actually means something. Writing the definition of your job looks really bad..

    EDIT: of course im right..I can probably write a resume better than most people on here. then again if you're like me you just have more to write about yourself which helps $
    i hate to say it too but the first thing i thought when i saw ur resume is "wtf, is this guy 15?" no offense but it does need some work no one is gonna take that seriously


    • #32
      I'm in the same position as you currently (just graduated, looking for a job, etc.) Best of luck with all of it.

      The site is pretty nice. Simplistic, but it definitely gets the job done.

      The job descriptions on your resume are a waste of space. Aside from the waiter section, all of the bullets are complete fluff. I would hope wherever you worked you would help create a "positive atmosphere" for the customer. I'd recommend giving a general description of your jobs and limited list of real responsibilities. Replacing it with academic awards, etc. would do a lot more for the document's "give a damn" factor.

      Just curious: are you only trying to look for an animation job, or just something dealing with graphic design? Looking at advertising agencies might be lucrative. Their creative departments are always looking for good designers.
      "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


      • #33
        houston has a huge awesome graphics company called AE graphics its bad ass and they pay big im sure u could get in there lol


        • #34
          your* mind lol reaver
          I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
          I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


          • #35
            I dont need you editing my posts faggot..I'm trying to tell you to stop harassing me with random edits.
            Last edited by Izor; 05-27-2007, 09:21 PM.
            I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
            I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


            • #36
              There's gotta be a comic where all the Planeteers all say "Earth" "Wind" "Water" "fire" then as soon as "heart" is said, someone says fag...
              it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


              • #37
                Didn't wanna send things in a bad direction LB was just saying maybe you should read his post for once, I don't see the point in ignoring everything one person says whatever the reasoning, including it being Izor having been a complete cunt and talking shit for the past 2 years.

                Anyway ima shut up now, before we get off-topic
                9:Basti> any1 want pw for squad BlowJob?
                9:Inaphyt> no basti i want you to give me the password to your room so you can give me a blowjob
                9:Basti> sure
                9:Basti> we can take a basing duel in my bed
                9:Inaphyt> hahahaha
                9:Basti> i'll score
                9:Basti> i'll ride my ship into ur cram
                9:Basti> and take the flag
                9:Inaphyt> ROFL
                9:Basti> and finally lay a mine there


                • #38
                  izor should really, really move to Barksdale AFB

                  i know a few guys who work there, we can settle this whole debacle the fun and violent way

                  internet de la jerome

                  because the internet | hazardous


                  • #39
                    The actual content is good, but as far as the site goes:

                    The colour scheme is quite nice, maybe make the dark blue a little softer.

                    I am not a great fan of the fonts. Too big, and I think italics/serif fonts aren't the way to go, a simple non-italic sans serif font would look a lot nicer IMO, especially with the mild colours.

                    Also, I'm not clued up on actual web-design, but is it possible that when you click the links, only the bits that change refresh, instead of the whole site. I know frames can accomplish this, but I am not sure if they're particularly acceptable in this day and age.
                    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                    ---A few minutes later---
                    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                    9:Kim> UM
                    9:Kim> i didn't
                    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                    9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                    9:pascone> lol?


                    • #40
                      my boss came from barksdale so i believe that with his stories...especially after hearing his stories then talking to rly_dumb they all make sense looool. But I dont think I'd want to be around that many nukes anyway
                      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Izor View Post
                        my boss came from barksdale so i believe that with his stories...especially after hearing his stories then talking to rly_dumb they all make sense looool. But I dont think I'd want to be around that many nukes anyway
                        I went shooting at Barksdale one day on the range, and halfway through it they set off all these sirens and shit, and we had to holster our weapons while they towed nuclear weaponry across the range. Seriously, any one of us could have just fired a few shots and perhaps changed history forever.
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post

                          PD my resume is in the exact format as given by the career services advisor. Very few if any graduates are gong to have hardcore experience in their fields apart from intern work, so we need to list what job experience we do have, if any. While the resume is an important factor, the biggest things we need to worry about are the demo reels, flatbooks and website.
                          thats the problem LB - to many buzz words and sentences padding out your experience on needless crap. Careers advisers love it but they're not always right! i went to a CV writing course cause i was unemployed i was bored and it was free. It was crap, they told one guy the wrong thing and he was like WTF your talking shit then later another careers worker came in and agreed with him over the other career advisor cause she didn't know her shit.

                          Personally i thought it was crap - i didn't bother with it and kept my own CV - i got a job and during the interview he said "I was really impressed with your CV" he is a businessman and he told me a story about doing a course and all the undergraduates where talking a good game and using the right words but they had no practice knowledge and the real world will eat them up. And he is now a rich man and where are they? the world sucks in many ways

                          i'd cut out most those lines in your resume and add in a new section about your interests etc ... try to include a bit of your personality whilst coming across as dedicated to animation.

                          as i said earlier add a storyboard section cut out the weaker points of sketches as inked work (keep them but nerf them)

                          another good thing you got going is your Liquid Blue Gecko. i liked it on your resume as a character but maybe also try swing it that this is your freelance tag or something and put that in writing on your resume- also add an 'about' section on your web page adding in a wee bit off your own personal philosophy - might swing it - if i were a potential employer i'd like to be able to read it remotely before an interview etc if you've your own website etc ..
                          In my world,
                          I am King



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
                            another good thing you got going is your Liquid Blue Gecko. i liked it on your resume as a character but maybe also try swing it that this is your freelance tag or something and put that in writing on your resume
                            haha sometimes whats in my head doesn't translate to what i write :P

                            i mean i know that is your tag, but try to either make it on your resume as a your freelance company name or if that is against tax regulations etc. check that shit out but put up CREATED LIQUID BLUE GECKO ??? - personal projects soul driven ?
                            commercial projects advert etc ...

                            that stuff would interest me alot more than 5 lines about being a waiter - in the real world you did that to get through college and earn some funds, it shows you can knuckle down and work etc but not your talents.
                            In my world,
                            I am King



                            • #44
                              I think P-drop's last two posts summarize the resume aspect of it pretty well. And I'd get a second opinion on that resume from a different career advisor, because the experienced advisers I've dealt with always presented me with multiple style options, not just one style.

                              Since you have no relevant job history, I'd use a functional resume. A functional resume will de-emphasize your non-relevant experience from your past jobs and will highlight the experience and skills you earned at school.

                              For example, you can include the your past jobs---but just don't elaborate on what your responsibilities were, because they aren't relevant to being an animator. Just include the name of the business, their contact number and dates worked. But above that subsection, have a different category off your "relevant skills and qualifications" or something like that---and just list some of the experience that you gained from school.

                              And make sure to include an objective at the top of your resume. The objective is important because it tells the employer what kind of work you are looking for.

                              As far as the site itself goes, I would add the option to pick thumbnails, in addition to the slideshow. Also...I agree that the white, light blue and lighter blue colors tend to wash it out...i'd use a highly contrasting color, like orange or something, to give the site a bit more structure.

                              As far as what I like best is the site loads really quickly, despite how it's loaded with image and video galleries.


                              • #45
                                Thanks for the comments everyone, I finally had time today to fix up the site. Couple of things-

                                -I centered the site as best I could for a 1024 resolution, I know it still looks a bit off to the left at higher resolutions.

                                -I'm keeping the color scheme-friends, classmates and my teacher loved it.

                                -I changed up the font, what do you think of it?

                                -Added thumbnails to the inked and drawings sections, you can click on the thumbnail to have the image show up to the right, or use the back/next buttons.

                                **NINJA EDIT**- Thumbnail clicking doesn't work on the drawing page right now, I'll fix it later.

                                - How do those two pages load for you guys? Fast with cable? How about anyone with dial-up, how do they load for you?

                                -Animations page got spruced up as well, but can someone with IE7 try to play the animations for me? A buddy of mine said he couldn't download them correctly with IE7 and he didn't have firefox installed on the school computer.

                                -Storyboards, Model Sheets and more animations coming soon. When I add more inked pictures and drawings, I'll be adding in a scroll bar as well.

                                Thanks PD, Reclusion and Sub for the tips on the resume. I'll work on it this weekend but I still have to get it passed by the Career Advisor. If the school finds out I put up a edited resume on my site/have it ready to hand it out at the portfolio show without getting her approval on it, they won't let me graduate and/or kick me out of the portfolio show. Dead serious :turned:
                                My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.

