Originally posted by Cops
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My countries laws were founded by Christian laws, but then again I'm really down with fucking girls in the ass and buying worthless crap on Sundays.
Your countries laws were based on common evolutionary values which religion hijacked a few thousand years ago to gain power.
1) Theocracies allow a traditional way of thinking, which is not always bad but it doesn't always allow for progress within the given society. (examples Iran, the Iran U.S incident, banning music, dancing, anything associated with the western world etc)
3) Christian and even Muslim laws are based of books and texts from thousands of years ago and they do not reflect our current beliefs, values, or ideologies. Religious laws are bias towards men and do not talk about the value of women in society, minority rights become a huge issue in most theocracies (only theocracy left is Iran, and I'm not even 100 percent on that one) use examples from the bible of how god created women to be the men's 'helper' or the Koran which says flat out that a women's worth is half of a mans.
It seems that religions also focus in on these aspects of there holy book's and overlook the other, more productive, messages such as 'love thy neighbour'. This polarises moderates and extremists but more importantly creates ideological barriers between different cultures which are very difficult to break down.