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What is love, what is God?

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  • #46
    So let me get this straight:

    Metal throws ALL the religious people on one big pile and calls them ignorant, etc. etc. While they are all different, different religions, etc. etc. And not everyone beliefs everything their religion puts forth, or simply just believe in God without going to church, etc. etc.

    Yet, when cops goes after Telcat who has an extensive history of being a complete attention seeking, etc. etc. Metal is against this cause it is what, not moral?
    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
      So let me get this straight:

      Metal throws ALL the religious people on one big pile and calls them ignorant, etc. etc. While they are all different, different religions, etc. etc. And not everyone beliefs everything their religion puts forth, or simply just believe in God without going to church, etc. etc.

      Yet, when cops goes after Telcat who has an extensive history of being a complete attention seeking, etc. etc. Metal is against this cause it is what, not moral?
      I think that it is justifiable to claim that someone is ignorant if they believe in something that cannot be proven and goes against scientific proof. You just assert religion some undue respect because it's been around in society for a long time and it's seen as a taboo subject. I see it as people who believe in something which is illogical, like scientology or belief in the toothfairy.

      I didn't mention morality, I just don't like seeing personal attacks on one person. I don't like seeing 5+ people just rinse someone because they were supposedly attention seeking. Fuck. Religious people blow innocent people up everyday due to their conviction. Religious people blew up the world trade centre due to their conviction. Religious people discriminate against women, homosexuals and other minority groups due to their conviction. A conviction based on illogical, scientifically disproven ideologies.

      But sure, telcat is far more deserving of criticism - you're right. Seriously.


      • #48
        "Love" is the morally acceptable term for obsession or lust.

        "God" is a meek person's attempt at rationalizing their disturbingly harsh existance.

        They are the sweet lies our race has devised out of necessity to survive the curse of self awareness.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Eric is God View Post
          "Love" is the morally acceptable term for obsession or lust.

          "God" is a meek person's attempt at rationalizing their disturbingly harsh existance.

          They are the sweet lies our race has devised out of necessity to survive the curse of self awareness.
          Hoh, someone just hit the nail on the head. So obvious but interestingly profound, nice1 eric


          • #50
            I do agree with you metal on the religious issue mostly but I think you lack the understanding of human nature and of how this forum works. It fills a void in the lives of some people, it gives them hope and a lot of other things. It's easy for a person like you or I, not indoctrinated into a religion or any kind of belief system at a young age to dismiss it entirely because of a very small minority who use it as a weapon or allow it to consume their lives, but this smugness and aggressiveness towards those who do not share your world view is just wrong and simply misguided. You are no better then an evangelical in your application. Telling Telcat to shut the fuck up is not unprecedented or undeserved. Check her history on this forum.
            Last edited by Kolar; 10-21-2007, 12:45 AM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
              Hoh, someone just hit the nail on the head. So obvious but interestingly profound, nice1 eric
              Thank you


              • #52
                love is reaming kathy lee with a 13' & god is a girl painting her fingernails


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                  It fills a void in the lives of some people, it gives them hope and a lot of other things. It's easy for a person like you or I, not indoctrinated into a religion or any kind of belief system at a young age but this smugness and aggressiveness towards those who do not share your world view is just wrong.
                  I never used to understand how people could lose themselves in either love or religion and like most humans viewing something they don't understand, I despised them for it. The smugness and aggressiveness you mentioned are the masks people put over their fear and jealousy. It's easy to feel superior when believe you see something others don't, but at the same time wish you didn't.

                  I'd rather be happy than right...


                  • #54
                    The answer is god and love are the same and love is everything because everything is one and otherwise is an illusion. Love also is a state of consciousness humans dont have. they are darkness-robots


                    • #55
                      you already answered, polydick

                      Last edited by jeem; 10-21-2007, 02:35 AM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by jeem View Post
                        you already answered, polydick


                        The above poster is a cloned human programmed to denounce the truth


                        • #57
                          So it is ok when you generalize and bunch a whole group of people together and call them all kinds of things. While I have never seen a bhoeddist kill people for his religion to mention 1 thing, there are religious people who don't believe the bible or go to church but just believe in God. Yet it is ok to pile all those people together. There are religious people who practice science, yet it is ok to pile all those people together and call them all kinds of things.

                          Yet when a couple of people call 1 person out for something, of which is PROVEN (mr. science guy, PROVEN) that she is total... and does all kinds of shit on here, then that is a big no no..

                          I would call you a hypocrite.
                          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by DoTheFandango View Post
                            For the sake of women everywhere: Shut the fuck up.
                            lol thats messed up, but im laffing anyways
                            4:BigKing> xD
                            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                            4:BigKing> what did i do???
                            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                            4:BigKing> ???? why though
                            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                            4:BigKing> xD


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                              I think that it is justifiable to claim that someone is ignorant if they believe in something that cannot be proven and goes against scientific proof. You just assert religion some undue respect because it's been around in society for a long time and it's seen as a taboo subject. I see it as people who believe in something which is illogical, like scientology or belief in the toothfairy.

                              I didn't mention morality, I just don't like seeing personal attacks on one person. I don't like seeing 5+ people just rinse someone because they were supposedly attention seeking. Fuck. Religious people blow innocent people up everyday due to their conviction. Religious people blew up the world trade centre due to their conviction. Religious people discriminate against women, homosexuals and other minority groups due to their conviction. A conviction based on illogical, scientifically disproven ideologies.

                              But sure, telcat is far more deserving of criticism - you're right. Seriously.
                              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Eric is God View Post
                                "Love" is the morally acceptable term for obsession or lust.

                                "God" is a meek person's attempt at rationalizing their disturbingly harsh existance.

                                They are the sweet lies our race has devised out of necessity to survive the curse of self awareness.
                                Originally posted by Ward
                                OK.. ur retarded case closed

