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What is love, what is God?

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  • #61
    lol, I figured someone would acuse me of that

    To me, depression is an irrational state of mind reached by focusing on the negatives in life for too long. Goths are people who decide to make a life style out of it as a way to fit in with at least some portion of society. They believe so strongly in something that is contradicted by all facts and rational thought... hmm that sounds like another belief system a lot of people choose to follow.

    There is a big difference between a person who thinks the world and everything in it sucks and a person who sees the world for what it is and lets out a sigh of disappointment. I stress again the fact that I feel neither happiness nor a sense of superiority for my viewpoint. Ignorance, in most forms, is truly bliss in my opinion.
    Last edited by Eric is God; 10-21-2007, 03:43 PM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Kolar View Post
      It's easy for a person like you or I, not indoctrinated into a religion or any kind of belief system at a young age to dismiss it entirely because of a very small minority who use it as a weapon or allow it to consume their lives, but this smugness and aggressiveness towards those who do not share your world view is just wrong and simply misguided. You are no better then an evangelical in your application. Telling Telcat to shut the fuck up is not unprecedented or undeserved. Check her history on this forum.
      Well, how deserved it was is surely a subjective thing. I'm not implying that it seemed undeserved to you: I'm implying that it seemed undeserved in to me.

      You speak of intellectual smugness and aggressiveness when in the previous line you say, '...indoctrinated into a religion or any of belief system...'. Some would say this was a pretty smug assertion. The word indoctrination would be highly offencive to a Muslim or Christian parent.

      Look, I'm not trying to tell anyone to be quiet., I support freedom of speech and expression. Please afford me that privelege.


      • #63
        Originally posted by MetalHeadz
        Well, how deserved it was is surely a subjective thing. I'm not implying that it seemed undeserved to you: I'm implying that it seemed undeserved in to me.
        What? No, most people understand why she is here and if people want to be offensive or rude there's nothing against that on this forum, and really you're the last person that comes to mind on promoting forum civility.

        Originally posted by MetalHeadz
        You speak of intellectual smugness and aggressiveness when in the previous line you say, '...indoctrinated into a religion or any of belief system...'. Some would say this was a pretty smug assertion. The word indoctrination would be highly offencive to a Muslim or Christian parent.
        Actually I am not speaking of intellectual smugness, there's nothing intelligent about your forum activities. The usage of the word is limited to "to imbue with learning", "to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology" although more commonly used referring to a one sided or bias view. While Muslims and Christians might disagree that their specific religious teachings are one sided or bias they do instill a world view on their followers specific to that religion. I don't think anyone can disagree with that being that the whole point of religion is to convey a set of principles, rules and ideologies that must be strictly followed. Thus it is not controversial or "smug" to assert that religion fills this role.

        Originally posted by MetalHeadz
        Look, I'm not trying to tell anyone to be quiet., I support freedom of speech and expression. Please afford me that privelege.
        Learn the way the forum works before going at people over some troll's freedom of speech.
        Last edited by Kolar; 10-21-2007, 09:19 PM.


        • #64
          Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
          religion is fundamentally wrong in it's description of the universe and thus subscribing to the idea of God or religion makes you, to an extent, foolish or atleast brainwashed.
          nay nay nay, you lost this argument.
          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


          • #65
            Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
            You differ in your attitude towards Telcat, so let's calm down on the crazy parallels you like to draw. Your personally-aimed abuse is unprecedented and undeserved... unfortunately religious people do pretty fucked up things everyday (they've earnt whatever title I've given them). You preach so vigorously for freedom of speech and with the same sentence tell others to be quiet. It's called being a bully bro and I don't like bullies. One of those low life bullies aswell, not a funny bully like ph.
            Once again go have a conversation with TelCat, spend three to four years on these forums and see what kind of attention grabbing, shit disturbing, threads she creates just to stir the pot, I write her off as a jackass because time and time again she has proven that a metal pot has more use than she does.

            I write Telcat off as a jackass, her individually as a person, not as a group of people. Some how you write off billions people yet I write one off and I'm the ignorant one, go figure. At least when I judge someone, whether the judegment I pass is is good or bad I judge them based on their actions and who they are individually, not as a group of people, so spare me your intellectual banter (which isn't even that intelligent I might add) about how religious people are foolish.
            Last edited by Cops; 10-21-2007, 10:35 PM.
            it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


            • #66
              Originally posted by Cops View Post
              a metal pot has more use than she does.
              That's not fair. Do you have any idea how many uses a metal pot has?! I'm wearing one as a hat right now.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Cops View Post
                nay nay nay, you lost this argument.
                Yea, and you just clearly won won the argument. I mean you're right, religion's description of the universe is accurate. Let's take Christianity...

                + God created the Universe in 7 days..In these 7 days he...
                -created the heavens and the earth
                -created light
                -created living animals and human beings
                -made man (adam) out of dust and women (eve) out of the adams rib

                All of this happening like 4,000 years ago?

                Damn, sounds fool proof to me. Yeah, you're right, I lost it. How accurate of religion. How...... scientific.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                  ... you're the last person that comes to mind on promoting forum civility.
                  I'm the last person? Tell me what have I said to earn such a reputation? Oh, I expressed opinions on religious delusion? Yawn.

                  Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                  Actually I am not speaking of intellectual smugness, there's nothing intelligent about your forum activities. The usage of the word is limited to "to imbue with learning", "to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology" although more commonly used referring to a one sided or bias view. While Muslims and Christians might disagree that their specific religious teachings are one sided or bias they do instill a world view on their followers specific to that religion. I don't think anyone can disagree with that being that the whole point of religion is to convey a set of principles, rules and ideologies that must be strictly followed. Thus it is not controversial or "smug" to assert that religion fills this role.
                  Indoctrination is not the conveying of a set of principles dim wit. It's the corruption of a mind in favour of a fundamental belief system. It's about the imposing of a school of thought through abuse of power, whether parental, societal or political.

                  Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                  Learn the way the forum works before going at people over some troll's freedom of speech.
                  I know the way the forum works, anyone can say anything - right? Except if it's racist, or fascist, or grounds that society deems inappropriate to discriminate on. You're fortunate that this forum does not have rules that are based on respect for others comments, you're also fortunate that we write in a context not based on civil etiquette. You cannot formulate legislation to cater for every asshole, but it's called human decency. You just rip her everytime she speaks, I say let her have a chance - that's all. You wouldn't say that to her face in real life if she was speaking, how ever much you protest you would, why do you think it's OK on here just because it's non-direct communication.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                    I'm the last person? Tell me what have I said to earn such a reputation?
                    Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                    You cunt.

                    Fuck you and fuck American conservatism.
                    And that was only a couple weeks back.

                    Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                    You're fortunate that this forum does not have rules that are based on respect for others comments, you're also fortunate that we write in a context not based on civil etiquette.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #70
                      seriously, mr. headz. calling other people hot headed? grab a mirror, broseph


                      • #71
                        PJ have you tried out Halo 3, broseph?

                        It's good fun
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #72
                          brosephs and hosephs,

                          filling my mouth with its contents when—HEY BABY.
                          Oh fuck me.

                          that was what my control-paste was, don't ask me why. what i meant to copy/paste was:

                          Tsunami> jeem the socrates of subspace

                          and believe me it is true.that he said that

                          furthermore, several others and myself have resolved to form squadron "pj fan club" potentially two, most likely three years from now.

                          GET READY PJFC20104TW;SWEEPLOLOLZZZmangafkloololomgz!!


                          • #73
                            l. blue: i haven't played halo 3, i've only admired it at best buy. it's one of those games that i like but i never get any better than below average at (right up there with ncaa football and gears of war). i'm playing the new metroid right now, it's pretty rad

                            jeem: 4 years


                            • #74
                              until then,



                              • #75
                                Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd View Post
                                And that was only a couple weeks back.
                                As you'll see from my quotes, I'm attacking a sect rather than a person. A political ideology, like my criticisms of religious ones. I don't like the values of American conservatism. I could argue with you, intellectually, about why such a political-economic system is bad - and win for that matter. I argued this position recently in a T3G Forum coincidently. You cannot intellectually argue why Telcat deserves slander though, just seems like some people like to hate for no reason.

