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1 in 4 teens in the U.S. has an STD

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  • #16

    Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd View Post
    ...other than making you a carrier.

    Some girl I know dated a guy for two years, didn't tell him she had HPV, then broke up with him. Now the girl he's currently dating has it. That's fucked.

    This is true, men then can become carriers. So in the future you could give it to your wife, give her cancer, and then she dies.

    Or some of you might give it to your mom or sister and then they get cancer and die. Way to kill your mom and/or sister dude.

    Or you could think it'd be bad to kill your wife and not have sex. You could wear a condom, but you'll get it through oral. Unless you just never do/get oral.

    If no one had pre-maritial sex, there wouldn't be a problem.

    Solution: Go old skool and get married at 13.
    I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


    • #17
      look up the facts on HPV, there are over 100 different strains of HPV. only around 30 are transmitted through sexual contact. only 5-8 of those are known to cause cancer. so only about 5% of HPV could cause cancer. however other strains can cause things like genital warts...

      edit:it looks like there are 12 strains that can cause cancer
      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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      • #18

        Originally posted by JacKieChan> View Post
        This is true, men then can become carriers. So in the future you could give it to your wife, give her cancer, and then she dies.

        Or some of you might give it to your mom or sister and then they get cancer and die. Way to kill your mom and/or sister dude.
        That is true Chan>, but i think was Concrete was first referring to is the complex web that is woven by passing STD's around. Especially, the ones that don't have outward signs untill the cancer arrives.

        Like with Concrete's man friend and his new girlfriend, I think he's scared about the potential time bomb. Follow the 6 degree's of STDs here.

        Conc's Friend's girlfriend now has HPV. We'll call her Amanda.

        Amanda is Bi-curious and has a hot little night with a hot little chick Britteny, she meets at a bar. They barely came up for air during their muff diving extravaganza. Now Britteny has HPV.

        Britteny is quite the lesbo and hangs around with many other gay friends, one being Carleton. Carleton confides in Britteny that he is not sure if he is really gay, maybe he's bi or straight, because he's noticed some chicks catching his eye latey. He's so confused and he can't confide on his boyfriend Bruce b/c Carleton is afriad Bruce will leave him.

        So Britteny convinces Carleton they should have sex to test his appetite for women. Carleton now has HPV and is more confused about his sexuality.

        Carelton goes home and has wild sex with Bruce to compare the women to men right away. Bruce has HPV.

        Carelton and Bruce run a part time business together as male strippers at gay men's batchaler parties. And other festive events. Sometimes they get hired after the offical party for other special activities.

        At tonights particular party Conc's dad, Conc Sr., was invited to go to the party by a gay friend. Several drinks later Conc Sr. finds himself in the back room hiring Carelton and Bruce for a special massage session. One thing leads to another and several hours of hot man lovin' later there's a river of white goo streaming out of Conc SR's rectum.

        Little did Conc Sr know, but he actually was an XXY and had a tiny uterus connected to his large intestin. Now Conc Sr. has HPV on his mini uterus cervix and later contracts cancer and dies.

        Why oh WHY? Oh the humanity of passing HPV around. When will the madness end? Then Conc woke up from this dream in a cold sweat. Conc Sr. comes in the room and asks if his little tiger is okay and if conc want's his daddy to lay by him for a bit untill he falls asleep. "No daddy, that'll be okay", Conc whimpers as he rolls over.

        "Damn, how many nights in a row can I have this dream?", wonders conc.

        +++note: this is not ment to be a rip on Conc, he's a nice guy, the names were used as characters in this story just to further the story line. I apologize for any damage to said people thorugh the telling of this story.
        I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


        • #19
          Originally posted by JacKieChan> View Post
          Or some of you might give it to your mom or sister




          • #20
            What about 13 year olds? Don't they have sex? Sooo i bet that the number goes down to less than 1/4.


            • #21
              Because they didnt find any 13 year olds with STDs, so they threw them out to enhance the results.

              1000 trails is the MINIMUM number you need to have a valid conclusion made. 838 people from some urban area thats STD infested having 25% STD rate is nothing suprising.

              Probably worst attempt at a scientific experiment ever.
              Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


              • #22
                ^^ Not sure where you get off saying 1000 is the minimum necessary to be valid. As long as the P values are fine and the results are significant it's okay.

                As for HPV, about 70% of adults have it/are carriers... it's by far the most common STD around. It's not that big a deal as long as women have regular Pap smears. You can very, very, very easily treat the early presentation of cervical cancer, and only very rarely do people who get regular pap smears end up with full blown cervical cancer (which usually takes a decade to develop). The treatment consists of using something to burn off the bit of skin infected either using liquid nitrogen, lasers or other modalities.

                The more 'surprising' thing that I'd gather the study is really saying to more conservative readers (and to big geeks who didn't get any in high school) is that lots of kids are having sex these days, even in a country as overtly religious as the USA.
                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                My anime blog:


                • #23
                  I don't use condoms. The Russian Roulette method has only made the bond between myself and my cock stronger.

                  Also I have the herp.
                  Originally posted by Tone
                  Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by dako View Post
                    Because they didnt find any 13 year olds with STDs, so they threw them out to enhance the results.

                    1000 trails is the MINIMUM number you need to have a valid conclusion made. 838 people from some urban area thats STD infested having 25% STD rate is nothing suprising.

                    Probably worst attempt at a scientific experiment ever.
                    It was a nationally representative sample.


                    • #25
                      There is no such thing as a minimum. Your reliability tests just have to pan out. (though obviously 2 people is not enough to say something about 150 million).
                      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                        I don't use condoms. The Russian Roulette method has only made the bond between myself and my cock stronger.

                        Also I have the herp.
                        See I know one guy that doesn't use condoms. I met him and found out he didn't a little bit after I met his girlfriend at the time, Chasity. You see Chasity was about 19 or 20, and had slept with 32 other guys before him. 32 other guys, one of which was her ex-husband. And she's 19. And he didn't ever use a condom with her.

                        They broke up and he's in Iraq right now, but fuck man...he's a cool dude, except for the whole "not using condoms when your girl has slept with 32 other guys" thing. That's uh, kinda dangerous.

                        Have you seen the symptoms for some STD's? Shit is scary, son. Wrap that shit, wrap it tight.

                        EDIT- Jackie, that story you made has to be one of the most interesting things I've read on the forums in awhile, barring the trash talk topics. Good shit, gave me a laugh.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                          You see Chasity was about 19 or 20, and had slept with 32 other guys before him. 32 other guys, one of which was her ex-husband. And she's 19. And he didn't ever use a condom with her.
                          That's messed up. When you have "that talk" about your sexual history with the current person you're with, you're really at their mercy as to how honest they want to be.

                          They can be really horney, know they don't show symptoms, and just want the lay, and hope they don't give you something, or really don't care if they do.

                          Plus they can be honest, but how honest are the people they have been with? Everything is pretty much Russian Rulette.

                          Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                          EDIT- Jackie, that story you made has to be one of the most interesting things I've read on the forums in awhile, barring the trash talk topics. Good shit, gave me a laugh.
                          Thanks. The stories just kinda pop in my head and they take a while to type out. No offence to who they are about, they are just unfortunate fodder. I guess I could change more names, but we need something to anchor these stories to our lives to make them relevant.
                          I came, I saw, I lagged out... :rolleyes:


                          • #28
                            no making conc the focal point of the story was why it was funny.
                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by JacKieChan> View Post
                              That's messed up. When you have "that talk" about your sexual history with the current person you're with, you're really at their mercy as to how honest they want to be.

                              They can be really horney, know they don't show symptoms, and just want the lay, and hope they don't give you something, or really don't care if they do.

                              Plus they can be honest, but how honest are the people they have been with? Everything is pretty much Russian Rulette.
                              All that aside, that's 32 guys she's slept with. And you know that doesn't count bj's, girls are crazy like that. I forgot where I was going with this, mostly just shock from the number considering she's not even 21.
                              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                              • #30
                                yeah that story was pretty epic. A post of the year contender to be sure. It was only ok until Conc's dad had a tiny uterus in his ass, thats when it became the stuff of legend.
                                The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                                All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.

