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itt: evolution and trolling

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  • itt: evolution and trolling

    ITT: Fighting, hate, disappointment, love, laughter, and I discard whatever "forum glory" I did have, which mind you isn't very costly at all. I really don't expect that many of you will read all of this. I hope it remains interesting enough to hold your attention...

    In his book, The Science of God, Schroeder explains how the "time solves everything" argument was claimed in 1954 by Harvard biology professor and Nobel laureate George Wald in a Scientific American article entitled "The Origin of Life":

    However improbable we regard this event [the start of all life], or any of the steps which it involves, given enough time it will almost certainly happen at least once. And for life as we know it...once may be enough.
    Time is in fact the hero of the plot. The time with which we have to deal is of the order of two billion years. What we regard as impossible on the basis of human experience is meaningless here. Given so much time the "impossible" becomes the possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles.
    It sounds so authoritative. Who is going to argue with a Harvard Nobelist? The only trouble is, it is wrong. So wrong, in fact, that twenty-five years later Scientific American made the rather shocking decision to print an unequivocal retraction:

    Although stimulating, this article probably represents one of the very few times in his professional life when Wald has been wrong. Examine his main thesis and see. Can we really form a biological cell by waiting for chance combinations of organic compounds? Harold Morowitz, in his book Energy Flow and Biology, computed that merely to create a bacterium would require more time than the Universe might ever see if chance combinations of its molecules were the only driving force.
    Since 1979, observes Schroeder, reputable scientific journals no longer accept articles that cite the origin of life as rising from random reactions over billions of years. "Confirmed evolutionists agree that you just cannot win if the classic concept of randomness at the point molecular level of DNA is the driving force behind the mutations. The time is just not there.

    Mathematical probability- Why did time fail the hopeful evolutionist? Time failed because it could not pass the probability test. The origin of life appears theologically suggestive via the probability (and related complexity) argument, just as the striking informational nature of DNA looks theologically suggestive via the probability (and related complexity) argument. Let's look at the evidence:
    • Marcel P. Schutzenberger of the University of Paris calculated the probability of evolution based on mutation and natural selection, concluded that 'there is no chance (<10^-1000) to see this mechanism appear spontaneously and if it did, even less for it to remain.'
    • Molecular biophysicist Harold Morowitz calculated that if one were to take the simplest living cell and break every chemical bond within it, the odds that the cell would reassemble under ideal natural conditions would be 10^-100,000,000,000.
    • Astrophysicist Edward Argyle calculated the probability that even a simple organism arose on the early earth by chance. "It would seem impossible," he wrote, "for the pre-biotic earth to have generated more than about two hundred bits of information," an amount that falls short of the six million bits in E. coli by a factor of 30,000.
    • Writes John Horgan in Scientific American: "Some scientists have argued that, given enough time, even apparently miraculous events become possible--such as the spontaneous emergence of a single-cell organism from random couplings of chemicals. Sir Fred Hoyle, the British astronomer, has said such an occurrence is about as likely as the assemblage of a 747 by a tornado whirling through a junkyard. Most researchers agree with Hoyle on this point.
    • Physicists Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe calculated the odds that all the functional proteins necessary for life might form in one place by random events as one chance in 10^40,000. They concluded that this was "an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup."
    • Thomas Huxley, in apparent support of the "time solves everything" thesis, once said that six monkeys typing randomly for millions of years would eventually type out all the books in the British Museum. Calculating the actual number of permutations of letters, line, and pages in the 700,000 books in the British Museum in Huxley's time, David Foster concluded: "Huxley was hopelessly wrong in stating that six monkeys allowed enormous time would randomly type all the books in the British Museum when in fact they could only type half a line of on book if they type for the proposed duration of the universe."
    • A simple calculation, explains physicist Schroeder, can show that the likelihood of producing any particular sonnet of Shakespeare by random typing is about one chance in 10^690. "The statistical improbability of pure chance yielding even the simplest forms of life has made a mockery of the theory that random choice alone gave us the biosphere we see."

    There are more illustrations of the probability problem--in fact, many more. But the point is that neither time nor chance can solve the naturalist's probability problem. Everywhere we see life--from simple to highly developed forms--we see order. This order involves coded information in the form of DNA. Any serious thinker is confronted with two unavoidable questions: How did non-life first step across the threshold to become life? And how did life encode immensely complex amounts of information on DNA? Time + chance has no answers for these questions. Randomness is a non-starter, not a solution.
    These arguments coupled with the irrevocable existent of elegant design throughout our biosphere candidly point towards intelligent design. The fact that we have emotions, feelings, the ability to be self-aware, and foremost that we have an internal association of moral justice is made a mockery of otherwise. Even beyond these inquiries of the beginning of life, one must inquire of the beginning of the universe and matter itself. If in fact extra terrestrials brought life to this planet then from where did they originate? Can organisms within a universe create it? If you are proposing that they are multi-dimensional beings that can create universes you might as well assign them the classification of a god.
    Last edited by milosh; 07-09-2008, 02:06 PM.
    SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
    SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

    Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.

  • #2
    You may have felt you were ready to listen to me as long as you thought I had anything new to say; but if it turns out to be only religion, well, the world has tried that and you cannot put the clock back. If anyone is feeling that way I should like to say three things to him.
    First, as to putting the clock back...We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in this case the man who turns back the quickest is the most progressive man. I think if you look at the present state of the world, it is pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistakes. We are on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.
    Then, secondly, this has not yet turned exactly into a 'religious [argument]'. We have not yet got as far as the God of any actual religion, still less the God of the particular religion called Christianity. We have only got as far as a Somebody or Something behind everything. We are not taking anything from the Bible or the Churches, we are trying to see what we can find out about this Somebody on our own steam. And I want to make it quite clear that was we find out on our own steam is something that gives us a shock.
    Now my third point. When I chose to get my real subject in this roundabout way, I was not trying to play any kind of trick on you. I had a different reason. My reason was that Christianity simply does not make sense [when viewed in the present world without facing the previous facts].
    However, I have not yet said that Christianity makes sense at all. Let me quote C.S. Lewis once more...

    I have been asked to tell you what Christians believe, and I am going to begin by telling you one thing that Christians do not need to believe. If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake. If you are a Christian, you are free to think that all those religions, even the queerest ones, contain at least some hint of truth. When I was an atheist I had to try to persuade myself that most of the human race have always been wrong about the question that mattered to them most; when I became a Christian I was able to take a more liberal view. But, of course, being a Christian does mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions, Christianity is ultimately right and they are wrong. [Not in any abrasive way, but] As in arithmetic--there is only one right answer to a sum, and all other answers are wrong; but some of the wrong answer are much nearer to being right than others.(...)
    If a good God made the world why has it gone wrong? And for many years I simply refused to listen to the Christian answers to this question because I kept on feeling 'whatever you say, and however clever your arguments are, isn't it much simpler and easier to say that the world was not made by any intelligent power? Aren't all of your arguments simply a complicated attempt to avoid the obvious?' But then that threw me back into another difficultly.
    My argument against God was that the universe seems so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from [the beginning], why did I who was supposed to be part of the show find myself in such a violent reaction against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water because man is not a water animal: a fish would not feel wet. Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too--for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please [me]. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist--in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless--I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality--namely my idea of justice--was full of sense... If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be a word without meaning [and so would just].
    Last edited by milosh; 07-07-2008, 06:28 PM.
    SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
    SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

    Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


    • #3
      (Sorry for the triple post--Needed space)

      The reason the title of this thread is "ATTN: Gran Guerrero" is because when I am faced with an individual who feels either hopeless, purposeless, distraught, or stuck, I am unable to stop myself from sharing my own personal purpose and reason to life. It would seem too cruel and selfish to have such a driven purpose and happiness within my life and not at least try to share it with others. As to whether or not any of you care, I am not expectant, but I am hopeful that you will try to view things from a different perspective that is complex as it is simple. I cannot fit things like the concept of "Beauty" into the theory of evolution and I cannot live in the world of agnosticism without purpose. I believe there is a higher order, and even more fantastically I believe that the higher order had a purpose in its creation which is humanity.
      Last edited by milosh; 07-07-2008, 12:30 PM.
      SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
      SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

      Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


      • #4
        1) In before this thread gets turned into a jungle.
        2) Well formulated Milosh. Kudos


        • #5
          Mainstream science rejects ID as nothing more then religion. Nothing more has to be said on it, if it's a personal belief of yours then you need no more validation by others then I do that gravity exists to survive.

          Edit: Personally I could care less what anyone wants to believe, as long as it is non-oppressive, non-violent, does not intermingle with politics and is open to all, I can tolerate it. What people shouldn't be doing is is using something like Science that has real world applications (Not meta-physical) to embolden their arguments, opinions and ideas when really you're using one section of the human experience to explain another.

          If something is meta-physical (I.E. not testable, not within our reach) then it does not make sense to use science as a tool to explain it. It's not that Science can or can't explain God(s) and or your world view it's that it is steep in a realm where it doesn't have the ability to do either. As a person you could call an atheist I don't disagree with everything and anything the major religions say and do, which by design should be to help as many people as they can but in practice falls far short. And I think of myself as a fairly stable person given the fact that I have no religion or spiritual tendencies.
          Last edited by Kolar; 07-07-2008, 12:33 PM.


          • #6
            I have already stated that my reasons for such a thread certainly have nothing to do with validation.
            SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
            SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

            Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


            • #7
              No sorry you're rationalizing and validating your beliefs with some misguided attempt at perverting science and exporting those beliefs to others you feel could also benefit. If your intent was only the latter consciously then I would have if I were you just skipped the whole Intelligent Design thing.


              • #8
                The Theory of Evolution takes just as much faith to believe in as religion. I am not proposing that I have some air-tight argument that proves religion, but I am stating that the proposed theory of "time solves everything" is scientifically incorrect. Science is perverted when you suppress fact for fiction, and believing in the spontaneous arrangement of life is simply that.
                SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
                SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

                Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


                • #9
                  We don't know enough about life to begin with. That's why we have landers and rovers on Mars right now. I don't believe in a world designed and created in 7 days, nor do I believe in anything else entirely. What I do believe in is that we as a species and a species within my life time will continue to know but only a fraction of what actually exists and what is true about the universe.

                  Intelligent Design has not passed the test of peer review and has failed in the public domain in the United States to be accepted, and while majority doesn't equal right, the same goes for both sides. The theory of Evolution doesn't concern its self with the origins of the universe or even with that of the human race, it is only an idea that hereditary traits best fitting a species can help it survive and grow over that of others. No other theory best compliments the facts and nature its self, nor other areas of science.

                  Edit: I'm not saying don't believe this shit because science says this, I am saying science doesn't support either spiritual/religious/political view. It's on the outside as far as religion is concerned.
                  Last edited by Kolar; 07-07-2008, 01:08 PM.


                  • #10
                    r u 4 realz?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                      We don't know enough about life to begin with. That's why we have landers and rovers on Mars right now. I don't believe in a world designed and created in 7 days, nor do I believe in anything else entirely. What I do believe in is that we as a species and a species within my life time will continue to know but only a fraction of what actually exists and what is true about the universe.

                      Intelligent Design has not passed the test of peer review and has failed in the public domain in the United States to be accepted, and while majority doesn't equal right, the same goes for both sides. The theory of Evolution doesn't concern its self with the origins of the universe or even with that of the human race, it is only an idea that heretical traits best fitting a species can help it survive and grow over that of others. No other theory best compliments the facts and nature its self, nor other areas of science.

                      Edit: I'm not saying don't believe this shit because science says this, I am saying science doesn't support either spiritual/religious/political view. It's on the outside as far as religion is concerned.
                      you are going to try to prove your beliefs with the statement that we don't know enough to make a clear judgement call, and he is going to try to prove his beliefs by saying we know more than enough to prove the reality of the universe

                      in the end you both are going to lose, neither of you can honestly prove anything either way, no matter how much bullshit science you try to pull out of your asses, both of you are wrong

                      Christianity is a faith-based religion. Yes, there is science that can help strengthen your faith, but in the end believing in God and Jesus and the bible is all based on faith. Thats the whole point of the religion in the first place. Trying to remove faith with scientific facts destroys the entire purpose that the bible tries to convey.

                      Athiest beliefs are also faith-based. They try to prove every single religion in this world is wrong merely on scientific proof and logical thinking from theirs and others' minds. However, if there is a God, then whatever your mind can logically think is not nearly enough. An all-knowing all-powerful being is just beyond a human's comprehension, because we cannot compare it to anything we know to be real in our largely physical world. No one on this earth is that much smarter than another to find out the "truth" of the universe out of nowhere, even with historic science to back it up.

                      In the end, athiests have to have far more faith in their beliefs than any single religion requieres. It takes a special person to truely believe that life was created out nowhere and everyone evolved from bacteria without any type of divine intervention per say. Religion explains away a lot of lifes mysteries with at least semi-probable answers that science just cannot replicate.
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • #12
                        Atheists do not entirely believe in Evolution as pre-eminent fact. As I said science is ever changing, we learn about new things every day which can conflict with what we knew the previous day. Atheism is a lack of faith in the supernatural not in anything specifically. Looking at a person who has not grown up in either a strong Judaism or Christian up bringing I don't see the connection, to me taking anything on faith is near lying, worst believing in the lie. Sorry if that's offensive but that's how I see it. I can see how a person who had grown up in that environment could require a lot of faith and determination to believe in something else, leaving ones faith is not an easy thing. But to say that all Atheist are as or more faithful in some sort of quasi-religion is wrong.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kolar View Post
                          Atheists do not entirely believe in Evolution as pre-eminent fact. As I said science is ever changing, we learn about new things every day which can conflict with what we knew the previous day. Atheism is a lack of faith in the supernatural not in anything specifically. Looking at a person who has not grown up in either a strong Judaism or Christian up bringing I don't see the connection, to me taking anything on faith is near lying, worst believing in the lie. Sorry if that's offensive but that's how I see it. I can see how a person who had grown up in that environment could require a lot of faith and determination to believe in something else, leaving ones faith is not an easy thing. But to say that all Atheist are as or more faithful in some sort of quasi-religion is wrong.
                          not at all

                          you choose by faith to believe there is nothing else but science that the world goes round and the universe sprung into existence and the first human walked the earth.

                          You my friend have far more faith in your beliefs than religion requires in theirs. Your believes are based on random science that is aimed to try to proof life and the universe. Their best guesses were the big bang and evolution. While the big bang might be true, evolution is by far a joke in itself that majority of scientists proved wrong, even athiest scientists.

                          When you were originally an athiest from the beginning is this to mean that you believed in evolution? Explain to me now then, that when evolution is basically proved wrong by science that you now switched your believes nonchalant?

                          Yet you refuse to believe in a lie.... yet evolution was a huge lie.... so you contradict yourself everyday. Everything you know today might be proven wrong tomorrow by other athiest or religious scientists, and then you would have to change every single one of your beliefs to something else, while before you were living a lie.

                          Personally i think your fear of believing in lies is actually making you do exactly that. That takes a hell of a lot of faith if you ask me.
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                            not at all

                            you choose by faith to believe there is nothing else but science that the world goes round and the universe sprung into existence and the first human walked the earth.

                            You my friend have far more faith in your beliefs than religion requires in theirs. Your believes are based on random science that is aimed to try to proof life and the universe. Their best guesses were the big bang and evolution. While the big bang might be true, evolution is by far a joke in itself that majority of scientists proved wrong, even athiest scientists.

                            When you were originally an athiest from the beginning is this to mean that you believed in evolution? Explain to me now then, that when evolution is basically proved wrong by science that you now switched your believes nonchalant?

                            Yet you refuse to believe in a lie.... yet evolution was a huge lie.... so you contradict yourself everyday. Everything you know today might be proven wrong tomorrow by other athiest or religious scientists, and then you would have to change every single one of your beliefs to something else, while before you were living a lie.

                            Personally i think your fear of believing in lies is actually making you do exactly that. That takes a hell of a lot of faith if you ask me.
                            Lacking the supernatural there is far more then science, and even at that there can be disagreements. Atheism is not directly: Believe in evolution, deny all others ect ect... As I said I could be defined as an Atheist yet I don't take everything with a grain of salt. Evolution is a good theory, it compliments other theories and factual evidence well. But just because I said that doesn't mean I have to get down on my hands and knees and close my mind off to the rest of the world. Those studying science don't have to either, by nature their career choice is progressive. New information can change models and theroies on a daily basis.

                            Believing in a lie is knowingly doing so, and I stress I meant no offense but if tomorrow we knew more it wouldn't exactly be a lie I believed in at present. I would have been wrong in belief but not wrong for believing so.

                            I think it all has to do with prospective, I have never believed in the supernatural in my life, yet I have been personally witness to things I can not explain. The same Science can not right now explain everything that has or will happen. If I had then I believe I would have just a hard time trying to view it from a Non-Theist perspective, given that the preeminent truth can not be denied by a Theist of the existence of God(s). On the other hand the non-exposure to such a belief in my youth would lead me to believe that it requires more faith and determination to believe in any parts of a religion.

                            Edit: And again Evolution doesn't explain how life came into existence in the universe and we don't know if it is exclusive to only Earth. The theory would deal with more then biology it's within Astrochemistry. The fact that we have the ability to test that on other planets is pretty cool. Just because I don't entirely and you don't completely believe in it doesn't mean we have to confuse the topic beyond caring.
                            Last edited by Kolar; 07-07-2008, 02:00 PM.


                            • #15
                              since when has evolution been debunked?
                              Displaced> I get pussy every day
                              Displaced> I'm rich
                              Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                              Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                              Thors> prolly
                              Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                              best comeback ever

