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itt: evolution and trolling

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  • sigh, by some very flawed logic, you actually believe that by following some blind faith about captain jebus and his party tricks, you are somehow superior?


    how about you list all the good "religion" has done for this world.

    never mind, i get it, murder in the name of god is justified, kill all the heretic non believers, set your soul free by slaying everyone who doesnt share your line of thought.
    You just MIGHT get a chance to dance with jebus if you hit the jackpot and kill a few thousand non believers.

    what a crock.
    Displaced> I get pussy every day
    Displaced> I'm rich
    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
    Thors> prolly
    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

    best comeback ever


    • So exalt is basically saying that if you don’t believe in superstition you automatically believe in nothing and then you are nothing and there is no way to improve the world and thus there is no reason to live. Makes perfect sense! LOL


      • Originally posted by R1pp3r View Post
        So exalt is basically saying that if you don’t believe in superstition you automatically believe in nothing and then you are nothing and there is no way to improve the world and thus there is no reason to live. Makes perfect sense! LOL
        wait i was drunk as hell last night, whatever i typed ignore it, k thx
        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
        RaCka> mad impressive


        • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
          You all are basing your opinions that there is no possible way there is a God, because existence does not allow such a thing, yet you are not basing your opinions on science. You are basing it on a faith that nothing is greater than your own mind and what your own mind can perceive is the absolute truth.

          Sorry, but your belief is not based on science at that point, or even atheist or agnostic beliefs but pure biased beliefs on trying to think you are the creater of your own destiny

          Athiests and Agnostics believe that anything can be true as long as science has a foundation for it. Yet science is the practice of proving things false, not proving things true. Science cannot prove that there is a God or that there is not a God, therefore you cannot say you are athiest if you truely believe there is no God. Science has not proven it either way. You can call yourself an Agnostic by saying that there COULD be a God, however nothing can truely be proven by science. The supernatural cannot be proven by science, yet humans experience its wonders every single day. Its the same as saying the universe is not bigger than the milky way because you have not seen all of the universe. It is a fallacy to think that. The same applys to God.

          Atheism is a rejection of supernatural causation to explain our world. Science is the pursuit of understanding that world from a strictly natural perspective, it is not a branch of Atheism, the two are not linked. Agnosticism is the rejection of the philosophy of having to take it strictly either way. Science only deals with the natural world that is apparent to us, the supernatural is not the sheer amazement of this world. It's miracles, ghosts, unicorns ect... Things we might believe to be true but have no logical or physical way of proving. The universe and the Milky Way Galaxy are both physical objects that we can see, experience and measure.

          Originally posted by Exalt
          General logic applies that if you cannot prove or disprove its existance, then it can be real no matter what the odds. As long as you believe that it CAN be real, THEN you can be considered a true thinker of logic. The fact that you deny it without evidence or any type of proof whatsoever proves that you are not thinkers,
          That's might be true, I don't know but look at the two. On the one hand you can take whatever you believe to be important and construct your own belief system as you see fit, as I said personal spirituality is not tied to anything including Science, the other you take a 2,000 year old book and doctrine and live your life according to tradition and laws enacted of that era. Neither has to be mutually exclusive but both serve a purpose, faith doesn't attempt to teach us anything new about our world except for very old stories and messages that carry (on some level) some sense of mortality and wisdom. It simply is what it is. I'm not saying it's better or worse but belief is powerful, if you think Science has a monopoly on truth then maybe both are not for you. Those studying Science have to remain objective but also open to all possibilities. That said though (for the 10th time) they do not study the supernatural, it defies testing and understanding therefore attempting to review a theory that is based on such assumptions is impossible. I really hope that sinks through.

          Last edited by Kolar; 07-12-2008, 11:54 AM.


          • take em to church boys
            it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


            • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
              wait i was drunk as hell last night, whatever i typed ignore it, k thx
              "Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Galatians 5:21).

              Ouch! I suppose no kingdom of God for you, bible boy.


              • Originally posted by R1pp3r View Post
                "Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Galatians 5:21).

                Ouch! I suppose no kingdom of God for you, bible boy.
                i fail to see how im a bible boy for one, just because i know how to use the internet to find bible verses and know what im talking about when it comes to things like this

                and secondly, since you just quoted a verse, are you also a bible boy rip? must be
                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                RaCka> mad impressive


                • Originally posted by Exalt
                  General logic applies that if you cannot prove or disprove its existance, then it can be real no matter what the odds.
                  someone ?buy this man some logic classes
                  Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price.


                  • I just realized that ITT means In This Thread.
                    (Dutch Baser)>i would have voted mccain cuz he is white

                    8:Hercules> whats a normal day for a finn consist of ?
                    8:Singularity> alcohol and masturbation

                    Daldur> if u add me 6th obviously u dont want me



                    • Originally posted by Summa View Post
                      thank you for stuffing words in my mouth, i am not criticizing his beliefs in the slightest i am mocking the entire christian faith. an entire religion flipflopping is different from individual beliefs. i find it hard to trust in something that was so adamant about it being right a mere 300-500 yrs ago yet now took that all back and says that a bunch of it is hyperbole and metaphor. people can believe what they want, i'm just saying i'm not one to believe in such.

                      in regards to your first comment, i simply find it as a cop-out when one can't explain something that they fall back on "its a matter of faith" or "god is beyond our comprehension" or "god is limitless". and yet again something that knows no bounds and is bounded by nothing cannot exist anywhere because is disobeys the laws of existing, so dont say that your god is limitless or infinite or however you want to construe it. sure we may never be able to comprehend, but i'm not one to jump on board without tangible evidence
                      Parts of it are literal, parts of it are to be taken as analogies and hyperbole. Its not hard. That's like saying since most of the things you say literally, you can't use analogies to make connections or hyperbole to stress a point. That's stupid. There are 66 books in the Bible with different points to get across and different styles employed to do so. You'll find that the Church is quite clear when it comes to what should be taken literally and what shouldn't be. (Speaking as a Catholic, from a Catholic perspective obviously.)
                      JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                      turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                      Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                      the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                        how is this magazine cover proof that evolution is debunked? THIS IS THEIR ONLY PROOF.
                        Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                        sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                        • I read an article elsewhere, definitely not from that atrocity. I really don't remember where, I just wanted to see the reactions and explanations. I'll try and find it but I'm not hopeful.
                          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                          • Originally posted by Mela View Post
                            I just realized that ITT means In This Thread.
                            I still don't know what tldr means
                            Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                            You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                            There wont be another election for president.
                            Obama is the Omega President.


                            • Too long;didn't read
                              JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                              turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                              Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                              the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                              • ph lock this shit, it's just turning into a flame war.
                                no one here is going to turn the pope atheist and no one here is going to turn water into wine. everybody is stubborn everyone is ignorant and everybody will believe what they believe is true, no matter what. everyone shut the fuck up and leave, now.
                                Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                                sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.

