Yes there are a lot of American's who aren't like me.. We call them liberal morons who are anti-America. If you disagree with America, you are agreeing with Russia. Russia is threatening to nuke Poland if they allow America to build defensive missiles in their country. Wow America and their military are so wrong here, to try to protect countries afraid of a large militarily based country with a radical ex-KGB member. So you guys can all relax, America who you all hate will protect all of you when Russia or China decides to threaten you with nuclear annihilation. At least until our country is so overrun with cowards and pussies that we can't even help you.
And to you danknuggets... anyone who thinks al-gore is on the opposite spectrum from terrorists in terms of ridiculous nonsense is an idiot. Anyone who can cause one of the largest bullshit cults in the world in the name of fake global warming belongs being on the same level as terrorists who blow themselves up. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what global warming is trying to cause in America, let me explain. The key democratic point is to increase government, while originally the writers of the constitution planned on a limited government, which was extremely good at the functions it was needed for. So since they failed at this, miserably, some failed politician decided to go about it another way, scare everyone into thinking that we are destroying the world, and trying to convince everyone in the country that by giving the government more money in taxes that we can stop the horrific ending of the environment. Unfortunately, there is really no proof that it exists and only so much proof that it doesn't. When a volcano erupts more Co2 is spit into the air than an entire year of people driving. Just recently in the Sahara desert excavators found an ancient civilization, along with skeletons of animals that wouldn't have been able to survive in a desert landscape, but would only flourish in a lush green landscape. So over the course of 5000 years, the planet WITHOUT humans here to pollute it managed to turn an area that was once lush into a desert. Wow, the idiocracy of people who buy into his bullshit astounds me. Anyways back to the original topic, global warming isn't about global warming, its about trying to turn America into Europe, a heavily socialized society that is bound for failure.
And to you danknuggets... anyone who thinks al-gore is on the opposite spectrum from terrorists in terms of ridiculous nonsense is an idiot. Anyone who can cause one of the largest bullshit cults in the world in the name of fake global warming belongs being on the same level as terrorists who blow themselves up. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what global warming is trying to cause in America, let me explain. The key democratic point is to increase government, while originally the writers of the constitution planned on a limited government, which was extremely good at the functions it was needed for. So since they failed at this, miserably, some failed politician decided to go about it another way, scare everyone into thinking that we are destroying the world, and trying to convince everyone in the country that by giving the government more money in taxes that we can stop the horrific ending of the environment. Unfortunately, there is really no proof that it exists and only so much proof that it doesn't. When a volcano erupts more Co2 is spit into the air than an entire year of people driving. Just recently in the Sahara desert excavators found an ancient civilization, along with skeletons of animals that wouldn't have been able to survive in a desert landscape, but would only flourish in a lush green landscape. So over the course of 5000 years, the planet WITHOUT humans here to pollute it managed to turn an area that was once lush into a desert. Wow, the idiocracy of people who buy into his bullshit astounds me. Anyways back to the original topic, global warming isn't about global warming, its about trying to turn America into Europe, a heavily socialized society that is bound for failure.