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  • Originally posted by Heroin Bob View Post
    6.95% of nothing isn't much...........

    also i will point something out to you...

    As of June 30, 2008, about 1,427,546 people are on active duty in the United States military with an additional 1,458,400 people in the seven reserve components.

    you do the math there buddy... and also the US has the best military technology in the world, and no china and russia do not compare

    and what happened in your winter war.. thats completely different than today... .you obviously don't know history or you would know that for one, back then russia was led under stalin in 1939, and he executed more than 50% of his military officers before the war, along with that half the soldiers didn't have the equipment it should have and some didn't even have guns or bullets at all

    russia has by far superior numbers and technology to your country, and is much better trained then it ever was in 1939 LOL

    oh and they actually receive guns, and bullets, oh snap...

    btw, you lost that war technically... cuz Finland held out until March 1940, when the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed, but gave up about 9% of their territory and 20% of its industrial capacity to the Soviet Union.

    sorry but you don't win wars and give up territory and industry, just don't happen
    Last edited by Exalt; 08-18-2008, 03:48 PM.
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive


    • This thread cheapens the efforts of ALL soldiers that have given their lives in battle for their country. They died for a purpose; they just didn't know that purpose was so they could be used in a forum pissing match.


      • I don't know why someone from Canada is saying that, I as an American should be the one to lament our fallen soldiers.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • Originally posted by kthx View Post
          I don't know why someone from Canada is saying that, I as an American should be the one to lament our fallen soldiers.
          I said ALL fallen soldiers, not just American ones, but if you're so keen on lamenting your fallen, then you should have stepped up and made that statement in this thread a long time ago instead of trying to push your agenda.


          • Originally posted by Troll King View Post
            I said ALL fallen soldiers, not just American ones, but if you're so keen on lamenting your fallen, then you should have stepped up and made that statement in this thread a long time ago instead of trying to push your agenda.
            or maybe we americans dont feel the need to publicly cry about things in order to look humanitarian. i dont go around bitching about myfriends that are in the M.E. right now, so you dont need to bitch about them being there either.
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            • .

              Here, maybe that will help you FIND THE POINT this time.


              • Originally posted by Troll King View Post

                Here, maybe that will help you FIND THE POINT this time.
                i was in the military, and i still can say w/e the fuck i want about soldiers, because guess what? i was one

                I had lots of friends die, and as heroin bob said, I don't feel the need to cry about it on forums like you
                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                RaCka> mad impressive


                • You missed the point. You all missed the point. Hell, my comment was directed mostly against what Displaced did, throwing around the number of casualties Norway suffered. In fact, it's becoming quite clear that your only intent is to keep this aggrandizing going.

                  My point has nothing to do with "crying about their deaths" at all but for remembering that they are fighting for what your countries (again, not just the U.S. and not even about current wars but ALL SOLDIERS EVER) believe in. But if what your country believes in is being able to win a forum pissing contest then so be it.


                  • norway? finland :P

                    and i did not post that to add fuel to the fire, i posted that as a rebuttal to claims that our armed forces are useless. (which they are not, i for one deeply respect our veterans and how much they sacrificed so that we can enjoy the liberties that we have)
                    Displaced> I get pussy every day
                    Displaced> I'm rich
                    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                    Thors> prolly
                    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                    best comeback ever


                    • I just want to say I ain't fighting in WWIII if this is it.

                      i gots no beef with any russians :wub:

                      how are prices in Canada?
                      or Dubai?
                      Originally posted by Tone
                      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                      • i dont get the prices in Dubai line?

                        prices there are fine
                        Displaced> I get pussy every day
                        Displaced> I'm rich
                        Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                        Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                        Thors> prolly
                        Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                        best comeback ever


                        • Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
                          So by what your saying is that the Govt. would have to take over and nationalize the Oil industry in the U.S. with such a statement, just like Chavez did in Venezuela?

                          kthx, you must have your bedroom plastered with posters of Mitch McConnell in a speedo in your home with such comments. I know you like to get on the nerves of people on the forum, but come on.

                          I mention the idiot Republican Senator from KY Mitch McConnell specifically for his recent stance on the oil and offshore drilling in the past week blaming every problem in the world on the Democrats:
                          To drive down gas prices, we could be opening up the Outer Continental Shelf today. But the Democrat Leadership says, ‘No, we can’t.’
                          Why is it that an elected idiot such as McConnell as well as those in favor of such drilling can not understand something as simple as the problems with drilling off the continental shelf and other leased lands within our country; that the one thing that has been driving me crazy about this drilling debate…everyone seems to assume that if we drill for oil in the US, that we will get the oil. And hence, we won’t be dependent on foreign oil anymore. But we won’t get anything, Exxon-Mobil get it all and sell to whoever they want.

                          Large multi-national firms like Exxon-Mobil are not US property. They sell to the world and their allegiance is to corporate profits. So, when they drill, they drill for the whole world, not just us. Some might find that heart-warming, but it certainly has nothing to do with the US having more oil or lower prices.

                          So once again, McConnell adopts the fear mongering that he hopes will sway people’s minds such as you kthx and turn our fears into his strength for his own party, personal and political hack reasoning.

                          BTW...kthx, you were only 5 years old during Reagans presidency, so why do you write as if you had struggled and lived through his presidency & the Reagan recession? I was in college back then and please note that the Reagan tax cuts in the early 1980’s (supply-side economics) did not provide a boost in government revenues. Anyone who bothers to check US federal tax revenues during this time period will discover that revenues almost doubled during the 1980’s despite Reagan’s reduction of the highest marginal tax rate from 70% to 29%.
                          rev·e·nue[rev-uhn-yoo, -uh-noo]–noun
                          the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment of the public expenses.
                          Seeing that you idolize Ronnie the crap actor, do you recall Reagan’s own embarrassing propensity to just make things up? Reagan was a lying sack of shit and that was before he spent the 2nd term of President picking out the coloring books for his presidential library, as we know today Nancy Reagan and her fortune telling palm reader friend who did astrology helped run this nation while Ronnie was having his brain turn to mush.

                          For example, heres one of his most famous assertions was, “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do,” and he maintained, wrongly, that sulfur dioxide emitted from Mount St. Helens was greater than that emitted by cars over a 10-year period. (In one day, cars emit 40 times what Mount St. Helens released in a day even at its peak activity.)

                          So if McInsane gets elected you are going to be happy with the draft dodger Lieberman as a possible VP running mate? Bad enough that more than 50% of those in the GOP didn't even serve in the Military, with many like McConnell making up lies as to why he couldn't serve during Vietnam, just like Lieberman.

                          I personally do not like either candidate, nor do I like our Congress and Senate, as it seems voting in todays world is about the lesser of two evils vs. who is actually qualified. What makes McCain so qualified to lead & why? Sitting in a POW camp for most of the war to me is not something I would say makes one a leader. He was the son of an Admiral and never had to pay for anything his whole life, especially health insurance!

                          The Cold War? Is it Russia starting it up again or is it Bush and Company with his ridiculous strategic Missle Defense system of which he wants stationed in bordering Russian countries.

                          Plain and simple, all the candidates and current elected officials are dismal in choice and how they have not represented the peoples of the country they had been elected to in the 1st place to represent.

                          Frankly I would rather have Obama & Biden over a McCain & Lieberman or Lindsey Graham ticket. Speaking of economic do you sit back and agree with McCain when he is listening to economic advise from Phil Graham? Phil Graham is an ass...just look at how he worked in creating and lobbying for deregulation of energy companies such as Enron...that has Phil's name all over it along with the Senators that helped push that through, namely McCain.

                          Almost forgot to mention the no-bid contracts to the GOP sponsoring and supporting companies such as Parsons, Halliburton & Bechtel who have taken billions of tax dollars that are missing with zero oversight and made outstanding profits during wartime of which at one time was illegal...that is until we had Iraq...most of these profiteering companies are all big donators to the GOP and have lobbying relations directly to most of the GOP in our Congress and Senate.

                          If your going to hate the Democrats, hate the GOP as well, as the majority of these idiots do not even represent what the foundations of the party call for! Both parties are terrible...bring back the Federalist Party!
                          Alright, I'm almost caught up, but I had to say this before I forgot. Wark, if you could post something even resembling this, you might be somewhat credible. Your posts look like those of an un-informed child that watches too much CNN.

                          Originally posted by Troll King View Post
                          This thread cheapens the efforts of ALL soldiers that have given their lives in battle for their country. They died for a purpose; they just didn't know that purpose was so they could be used in a forum pissing match.
                          If you're going to talk about your countries and the things they've done, fine. Do it respectfully, and stop bashing each other over things that happend decades ago. Honestly, do you think you would of cared if it was an American, Canadian, whoever the fuck rushing that hill of Nazi's with you? Fuck no, they were just glad they weren't going to fight alone. So stop this bullshit, show some respect to the memory of these soilders by respecting each other a little more.

                          Originally posted by Doc Flabby View Post
                          Most of Europe is run by pussies now (as back then), too scared there oil or gas might get cut off by russia to do anything. What alot of people in Europe don't seem to understand it is in Russia culture to respect Strength. If you don't show strength to Russia they will not respect you and they will trample all over you.
                          There is some truth here, and it's a point I haven't seen brought up yet. Oh and get this - it's actually part of the original subject! Hooray! Don't go attack Russia, but showing some strength needs to happen or I don't think they'll back off.
                          Last edited by Capital Knockers; 08-18-2008, 09:26 PM.
                          7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                          7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                          7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                          1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                          7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                          7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                          1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                          1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                          • I said all I needed to say on this thread, but I would assume if you wanted any credibility at all, you would realize that CNN is highly liberal media, and I have conservative values. Moron.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              I said all I needed to say on this thread, but I would assume if you wanted any credibility at all, you would realize that CNN is highly liberal media, and I have conservative values. Moron.
                              I was only using CNN as an example. The example being an unreliable source of information.

                              Even then man, I'm not trying to bash you personally. If I remember correctly your one of the few people on here with the same good taste in books as I. I'm just saying the way you post, seems so rushed, and forceful.
                              7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                              7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                              7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                              1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                              7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                              7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                              1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                              1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                              • Exalt's initial post and Zingy's hit the nail on the head. Not much else to say here.
                                Trench Wars' # 1 Solo WB

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                                Sirius> Raspi I want to explore this fetish of yours
                                Raspi> AAAHHH THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!!! sirius> finally... raspi> unhhhhhunhunh

