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ITT Sarien "finishes" his AK-47 Build

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  • I came into this thread thinking that there would be 4 pages of pictures with Sarien and his AK-47.


    • KTHX get shot, please ...

      I hope you walk down the street and get shot with a shotgun, right in the stomach. Please cry and then say I love you soupero.


      • cars affect lives. let us ban them as well. constitution be damned!

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
          True, that is why in Europe your house gets robbed at least 3 times a month, but that is the bare minimum, most people get robbed like 2 times a week, cause hey, they got no guns and those damn criminals do. Damn illegal bastards.
          It's not such a big deal in Europe because everyone is a pussy anyway.

          Originally posted by Voth View Post
          why do we have a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) but no illegal firearm buying/selling agency?
          You don't watch much TV do you?

          On a much more serious note,

          Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
          Guns give a person the ability to infringe on someone else's "need" to live ... that gives one person an unnatural advantage over another in terms of determining the course of their life.
          You are absolutely correct and that is, in fact precisely why law-abiding citizens need to be allowed to own guns through legal channels. Legal or not, some people are going to have guns and use them to threaten other people. This becomes a WHOLE LOT EASIER if they know for certain that their target is unarmed and they can do whatever they want. You might think that society would be better off with no guns, but you're grossly overestimating the human race. When you say there should be no guns allowed, you're saying "Hey, you people who play by the rules? Yeah, screw you, hope you can dodge bullets!"

          The world we live in is a much more fucked up place than I think you are willing to admit.


          • glad no one cares about the mexican with half a leg


            • More importantly, if you get rid of guns we can have no more pictures like this:

              USA WORLD CHAMPS


              • Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                quotes - Thomas Jefferson

                hey va, I like the quotes, but i posted them first you dick Find new ones
                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                RaCka> mad impressive


                • Originally posted by kthx View Post

                  More people die each year due to malpractice in hospitals than by getting shot (that includes murders and accidentals)

                  The statistics are even more astounding if you look at the accidental death due to firearm statistics.

                  So lets ban doctors then because obviously anything that kills people people can't be a good thing?

                  But wait.. doctors are here to protect people, to save the lives of innocent people who got a disease. It isn't every doctors fault that some doctors are irresponsible and negligent.

                  Sounds like the same thing as a gun owner to me.
                  Less people die due to drunk drivers then to guns. Perhaps drunk driving should be legal too?

                  Stop bringing up straw man arguments.

                  There, so Japan statistically has low gun crime rates.. but who commited 2/3 of the gun crimes supposedly? Crime syndicates who illegally obtained their weapons from the black market... go figure.
                  Yes, so what's your point?

                  In basically every other first-world country, gun violence is not nearly as big a problem as it is in the USA. The fact that guns can be so easily obtained legally adds to the problem. I don't know what part of this is so hard to understand. Guns aren't like drugs... you can't just grow them in your backyard. They have to be manufactured somewhere.

                  If the USA stops manufacturing tens of millions of guns a year and bullets as well, while police simultaneously keeps confiscating illegal guns, eventually there will be less and less guns. That's common sense. Eventually the guns that DO exist will be kind of old, and will be a dwindling resource, and then it will be rare to have it.

                  Sure crime syndicates may still have guns, but do you seriously believe that crime syndicates will go to your house and kill you and your girlfriend? LOL? Seriously? And then you alone with your gun under your pillow will take them out?

                  They are too powerful for you alone to defeat, it's why the police were invented. I'd like you to try and take out mafia members and pretend that's a good idea, even if they are in your house and threaten your life if you don't give them money. If you seriously believe that's a better idea then just giving them money and reporting them to the police, then you deserve to get shot. LOLOL.

                  Every civilized country in the world has a police force, because people realized long ago that vigilante justice is not justice, it's just random people doing random things on their own.

                  As for people in Toronto being anxious about gun violence. This is true. But since when does anxiety about a problem actually have anything to do with how many people actually know someone who got affected by it? How many people are scared of swine flu? How many people actually know someone who died from it? LOL.
                  Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                  My anime blog:


                  • but i just want to be a vigilante so bad!!

                    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                    Duel Pasta> great
                    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                    Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                    TWLB Champion Season 12
                    TWLJ Champion Season 11
                    TWLB All-Star Season 10
                    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                    • Originally posted by D1st0rt View Post
                      More importantly, if you get rid of guns we can have no more pictures like this:



                      • I say we bring back the time where everyone carried a sword.
                        All good things must come to an end.


                        • agreed. Or a 6 shooter with unlimited bullets like in Westerns.
                          There once was a man from Nantucket.


                          • I've been dealing with family in for the weekend, so not replying.
                            I'm sure I'll have more to say after I get time to really read, but:

                            Your "comfort" level has nothing to do with harming you. If you're uncomfortable with people legally owning firearms, the short answer is: Too Bad.

                            That's the point I was working my way toward.
                            In a free society where people are encouraged to find their own pursuits, then whether or not you like it, agree with it, or want to wish it away, there are people that enjoy shooting and firearm collecting as a hobby.

                            I think my rifle is beautiful. Is it in perfect shape? No. It's actually beat up, and today my nephew and his girlfriend, and my brother, we put about 90 rounds through it. But I built it, and I think it's gorgeous.

                            I don't care what you think that says about me. It doesn't bother me in the least that somewhere someone doesn't understand or like my hobbies. There are people who have hobbies that I don't understand or like. What I dislike, and dislike immensely, is some smug jerk telling me that I am one of society's ills, when I am a responsible owner, that has of yet caused any kind of harm with my weapons other than some noise pollution.

                            So you think gun ownership does societal damage. I respectfully disagree. There are more people that agree with the likes of me, than agree with the likes of you. Gun ownership is a widely varied populace. If you don't believe me, feel free to check out this book. It's an amazing cross section of gun owners. People you wouldn't think in a million years that would own guns. I have that book, and one picture is of a little old lady, about 70 years old, in her kitchen, that owns a damned fully auto Uzi. Personally, I think that's freaking awesome. I wish she were my grandmother.
                            "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                            Reinstate Me.


                            • ... until god invented the police, which lets one random group claim legitimacy when they do random acts of violence to others, with legal backing making them immune for said acts.

                              i was ripped out of my bed at 3am last night by some cops who would "fucking take me to jail" if i didn't "cut out the noise". did i mention i was sleeping? they got the wrong apartment, and when i asked the dude if he was gonnA apologize, he said, and i quote, "i'm the goddamn police."

                              i feel safe. yeah. let's give that dude a gun, so people like me won't do crazy things like bust into some dude's house at 3am and invade his privacy.
                              NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                              internet de la jerome

                              because the internet | hazardous


                              • Too bad you didn't have your gun under your pillow Jerome, you would have shown him who's boss! SHOOT THAT COP IN THE FACE!
                                Last edited by Epinephrine; 05-23-2009, 11:47 PM.
                                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                                My anime blog:

