Arrite kids. From a true veterans point of view, me, I will inform you newbies (TW has what 600 average now daily) of what really went on back in the day, who was good, which teams dominanted and why to elite vets, javelins and basing aren't the best league in the game.
Brief Introduction:
I started off April 4th 1999 exploring this game. I had a lot of free time so I played a lot .. thus gaininga lot of points. The truth is, I got mod my first 2 weeks of playing, because I accidently tricked Mikethenose saying Dock told him to give me thats the start of the FF era.
First squad I joined, was the powerhouse squad #1 squad with a 27-0 dueling record, Defcon1. Flyzone was the leader and he recruited a lot of players who had tons of potential. Defcon1 got stabbed in the back by Childrn of Light aka leader of LAME (another powerhouse) who also screwed over Booyaa who started TW Elites (Another powerhouse) back in the day there were these 3 dominant teams with awesome players such as DawnerZ, pHaLAnX, and Win95. I wanted to get on the best squad possible being \a competitor that i i tried out for TW Elites.
First of all, before the actual tryouts, I dueled Booyaa and sonned him 2 games to 0..this was during my first month of Trench wars..cuz i had the rush going and hecouldnt handle it and he thought i was lagging$. And then i almost beat dZ .. dawnerZ but then he beat me 10-9..cuz he was top during the old for TWE tryouts, i beat booyaa again ez pie, and then i dueled Wix.. and i sonned him like 10-1 laff..easy, so i joined well cuz they had alow res i had like 1600 when everone had 1280.. easy..TOFU was the leader while Booyaa was co-leader..TWE was like the best squad possible no doubts. Equiavalent of Siege back in the day. and Trench Wars Elitse went on to win the first ever TWL championship over Pickl'es Army led by Captain Pickle.
Lame became inactive and formed obsideon who lost to rampage..i cut this short cuz it wouldnt let me post.
oh yeah this time around was when sudden and those rampage guys held #1 in elim .. cuz it was a big deal back then..cuz everyone wanted it was hard and rankings went into the 2000' personal best was 3000..but u can't play at that level forever so that was no good.
TWE finally died out..and the best of wht remained of TWE formed FRakture..which was juss the middle squad..transitioning..we picked up..what was to become a legend of TW...Jack Kiefer...and then my pal we had a pretty domiant 5..oh yeah .. in the mean time..Digitalwave and epinephrine formed some other squad i can't remember but they ewre doing with Frakture like sonning eveone..Rampage was gone..OBsideon was dying out..ther ewas no one powerhouse that owned everyone...
So now that was the is when the TRUE Trench War Talents start to emerge..teams that dominated so bad ppl were scared to play cuz they feared of getting embarassed 50-20.
1st generation Elusive started with the merging of Digi and his team with Fraktrue. So we had this crayz all start line up of Jack me Skater Epinephrine Digitalwave. Unstoppable. THis was almost at my u know..ff in his prime with 2048 res is like..laff..the best player in my time. And so, Elusive went on to dominante the leagues without any serious competetor.. so this time the league wasn't at its peak yet but it was the start of the beginning. oh yeah did i mention at this time banzi was named banzi fuq and was my target cuz he was really easy. along with all the good veterans now..haha easy=( so sad.
all this time I was a mod, and then all off a sudden I became SMod..and then tw changed for the better. Most of the ideas now..derived from Me , your welcome.
So now with TWEL #1 starting up, it was pretty much mine. I had it in the bag and no one could come close. I was probably at my peak at this time and on one could beat me. It was true. This was when Genreation two elusive started up against the fierce guys of Siege. The rivalry was insane. Banzi fuq..bec ame some crazy guy..with hype..and all those Siegers..then i decided to leave elusive for LAMe cuz i felt i wanted to take a break for a while. haha so that was no good. Siege wasn't crazy yet cuz league wasn't gonan start for another month or so.
So all the trash talking, trying to get #1 in elim, and other stuff hyped up the Elusive Vs Siege era. Elusive was the previous winner of TWL #2 .. and twl #3 was gonna start. In this era I believe the league had felt some of the best compeition in the game. It was unbeliaeble.. with the res..
it came to a point in the finals of a game where no one would come 3 screens close..and this was with 2048 res..because our radar shots were insane. i remember hype going 16-1against us..he was good back in the day. Yeah but our team.. Sudden Sika Static Burn Epi Doa Me Roxy and a few others were pretty crayz. However i believed Genration #1 elusive would have easily taken this 2nd gen out by far. cuz Jack and I in our prime was unbelievable..haha u guys can't even imagine. Win elim games when we wanted pretty much call the score. So if ur like one of the best players today u were probably decent compared to what we had back then. Sorry. Tw sucks now.
So Elusive won a few key matches and Siege won TWL while Elu took TWDL..and then elu dissolved because no one cared anymoe..and ppl wanted to play pro league tahts when Banzi started up and epi introduced me to pro league. I took a break from pro for a while before twl #4 started up while being Smod and inveting games like Priitk Dock vs elim dodgeball..staff vs world..and way too many..?go capture..and others.
so now we come to TWL season #4..i left to join Cripples for a bit, set a wb record of 108 kills when they were at their peak..having more kills than their shark..yeah i was pretty good still back then but not as good as 6 months prior. Wix was captain of cripples along with notibles such as Louis XV, DanyalDenyo, Suicide Fish and others. Then I left to join Scrotals Horder because the Scrotal wanted me badly. But then i joined Siege because I felt I belonged with the elite. I was still one of hte best back then and with a powerhouse like BAnzi Blood Me Dynasty LOL..that wa sgame over. Fbz left for a bit..and so with us 4..the dynamic was literally game over for other ppl. THe core 4 who won TWL #4 easily. haha games that went over 50-30 was unacceptable. Like u guys dont understand how much teamwork and how well we clicked. It was ilke we just mowed down everyting in our way. If u missed and u would have, u died 2 seconds later. Cuz banzi would go in, if he missed, fake, and blood would go in, tak ethe kill..i would kill the guy tryihng to kill blood and dynasty w*ould take out any others at the same time banzi would take out the 5th. 4v5 still easy. u squads think that ur good now laff no idea what happened bak in the day. And then for season #5, we won it again even tho we dissolved for a bit, cuz siege was like too good for everyone and ppl started hating tw cuz we owned too much. Sorry but we did =( Juss too crazy. So we felt that we needed to take a break for a while so siege dissolved again.
oh by this time i left staff cuz staff was getting gay as it is now. too many newbies who suck up and stuf fand dont know anyting and whine and moan and kiss the smods ass. So they would get it. how sad. yeah so staff is corrupt.
so now i left for -Final- with Sika and others. And -final- was getting crazy too cuz there was no one. pretty much whichever squad i joined, won for sure. I was still very goo back then one of the best, and with Sika also it was like hah gg others. Banzi dint play this twl so laff. Blood joiend also for -final- so we had two of the 4 from the core of siege dynasty leftfro a thats stil lguaranteed victory. Domia Sika Blood FieryFire $ yeah we won TWDL TWJL..then oh yeah all this was before season 5 for TWL when siege dissolved ... so this fits in the paragraph above. i met some new finnish ppl..and i've learned that wherever i go we win..Disqualifier was the leader of -final- and it was juss insane..another powerhouse owning tw..not fun when that happens..
so now onto present day.. i am on the squad Light, we have a pretty good team, I am not as good as i was before, but I dont play much now since i attend colllege and rather active with a fraternity. I still offer my knowledge, rushes, counter rush all that bs to the new generation of players. .. as u can see in elusive light and rampage..honestly every other squad.. has no chance in warbirds and javelins. OH all the games i mentioned prio to this sentence were warbirds.. the real league.
this is my take on why javelins got popular. Basing got popular cuz newbies who suck and can't play in leagues want to play basing cuz they get a chance to play..its true dont deny it.
Javelins is still newbie cuz the players who couldnt win in warbirds (original league) decided they want a shot in another ship. little that they know, the ppl who owned warbirds naturally owned Javelins which is why teams like Final Siege and Elusive domainted Javelins u see a squad ilke Onix who are mostly javeins go and win it:? no..cuz only elite teams work can only get u so far, skill is what counts. Warbirds is the league with the most talent, javelins are the rejected wb posers, and basing..laff is for eveyryone and their moms.
yeah so newbies, thats what happened in the last 3 years of Trench wars. in tthe dueling division..
Brief Introduction:
I started off April 4th 1999 exploring this game. I had a lot of free time so I played a lot .. thus gaininga lot of points. The truth is, I got mod my first 2 weeks of playing, because I accidently tricked Mikethenose saying Dock told him to give me thats the start of the FF era.
First squad I joined, was the powerhouse squad #1 squad with a 27-0 dueling record, Defcon1. Flyzone was the leader and he recruited a lot of players who had tons of potential. Defcon1 got stabbed in the back by Childrn of Light aka leader of LAME (another powerhouse) who also screwed over Booyaa who started TW Elites (Another powerhouse) back in the day there were these 3 dominant teams with awesome players such as DawnerZ, pHaLAnX, and Win95. I wanted to get on the best squad possible being \a competitor that i i tried out for TW Elites.
First of all, before the actual tryouts, I dueled Booyaa and sonned him 2 games to 0..this was during my first month of Trench wars..cuz i had the rush going and hecouldnt handle it and he thought i was lagging$. And then i almost beat dZ .. dawnerZ but then he beat me 10-9..cuz he was top during the old for TWE tryouts, i beat booyaa again ez pie, and then i dueled Wix.. and i sonned him like 10-1 laff..easy, so i joined well cuz they had alow res i had like 1600 when everone had 1280.. easy..TOFU was the leader while Booyaa was co-leader..TWE was like the best squad possible no doubts. Equiavalent of Siege back in the day. and Trench Wars Elitse went on to win the first ever TWL championship over Pickl'es Army led by Captain Pickle.
Lame became inactive and formed obsideon who lost to rampage..i cut this short cuz it wouldnt let me post.
oh yeah this time around was when sudden and those rampage guys held #1 in elim .. cuz it was a big deal back then..cuz everyone wanted it was hard and rankings went into the 2000' personal best was 3000..but u can't play at that level forever so that was no good.
TWE finally died out..and the best of wht remained of TWE formed FRakture..which was juss the middle squad..transitioning..we picked up..what was to become a legend of TW...Jack Kiefer...and then my pal we had a pretty domiant 5..oh yeah .. in the mean time..Digitalwave and epinephrine formed some other squad i can't remember but they ewre doing with Frakture like sonning eveone..Rampage was gone..OBsideon was dying out..ther ewas no one powerhouse that owned everyone...
So now that was the is when the TRUE Trench War Talents start to emerge..teams that dominated so bad ppl were scared to play cuz they feared of getting embarassed 50-20.
1st generation Elusive started with the merging of Digi and his team with Fraktrue. So we had this crayz all start line up of Jack me Skater Epinephrine Digitalwave. Unstoppable. THis was almost at my u know..ff in his prime with 2048 res is like..laff..the best player in my time. And so, Elusive went on to dominante the leagues without any serious competetor.. so this time the league wasn't at its peak yet but it was the start of the beginning. oh yeah did i mention at this time banzi was named banzi fuq and was my target cuz he was really easy. along with all the good veterans now..haha easy=( so sad.
all this time I was a mod, and then all off a sudden I became SMod..and then tw changed for the better. Most of the ideas now..derived from Me , your welcome.
So now with TWEL #1 starting up, it was pretty much mine. I had it in the bag and no one could come close. I was probably at my peak at this time and on one could beat me. It was true. This was when Genreation two elusive started up against the fierce guys of Siege. The rivalry was insane. Banzi fuq..bec ame some crazy guy..with hype..and all those Siegers..then i decided to leave elusive for LAMe cuz i felt i wanted to take a break for a while. haha so that was no good. Siege wasn't crazy yet cuz league wasn't gonan start for another month or so.
So all the trash talking, trying to get #1 in elim, and other stuff hyped up the Elusive Vs Siege era. Elusive was the previous winner of TWL #2 .. and twl #3 was gonna start. In this era I believe the league had felt some of the best compeition in the game. It was unbeliaeble.. with the res..
it came to a point in the finals of a game where no one would come 3 screens close..and this was with 2048 res..because our radar shots were insane. i remember hype going 16-1against us..he was good back in the day. Yeah but our team.. Sudden Sika Static Burn Epi Doa Me Roxy and a few others were pretty crayz. However i believed Genration #1 elusive would have easily taken this 2nd gen out by far. cuz Jack and I in our prime was unbelievable..haha u guys can't even imagine. Win elim games when we wanted pretty much call the score. So if ur like one of the best players today u were probably decent compared to what we had back then. Sorry. Tw sucks now.
So Elusive won a few key matches and Siege won TWL while Elu took TWDL..and then elu dissolved because no one cared anymoe..and ppl wanted to play pro league tahts when Banzi started up and epi introduced me to pro league. I took a break from pro for a while before twl #4 started up while being Smod and inveting games like Priitk Dock vs elim dodgeball..staff vs world..and way too many..?go capture..and others.
so now we come to TWL season #4..i left to join Cripples for a bit, set a wb record of 108 kills when they were at their peak..having more kills than their shark..yeah i was pretty good still back then but not as good as 6 months prior. Wix was captain of cripples along with notibles such as Louis XV, DanyalDenyo, Suicide Fish and others. Then I left to join Scrotals Horder because the Scrotal wanted me badly. But then i joined Siege because I felt I belonged with the elite. I was still one of hte best back then and with a powerhouse like BAnzi Blood Me Dynasty LOL..that wa sgame over. Fbz left for a bit..and so with us 4..the dynamic was literally game over for other ppl. THe core 4 who won TWL #4 easily. haha games that went over 50-30 was unacceptable. Like u guys dont understand how much teamwork and how well we clicked. It was ilke we just mowed down everyting in our way. If u missed and u would have, u died 2 seconds later. Cuz banzi would go in, if he missed, fake, and blood would go in, tak ethe kill..i would kill the guy tryihng to kill blood and dynasty w*ould take out any others at the same time banzi would take out the 5th. 4v5 still easy. u squads think that ur good now laff no idea what happened bak in the day. And then for season #5, we won it again even tho we dissolved for a bit, cuz siege was like too good for everyone and ppl started hating tw cuz we owned too much. Sorry but we did =( Juss too crazy. So we felt that we needed to take a break for a while so siege dissolved again.
oh by this time i left staff cuz staff was getting gay as it is now. too many newbies who suck up and stuf fand dont know anyting and whine and moan and kiss the smods ass. So they would get it. how sad. yeah so staff is corrupt.
so now i left for -Final- with Sika and others. And -final- was getting crazy too cuz there was no one. pretty much whichever squad i joined, won for sure. I was still very goo back then one of the best, and with Sika also it was like hah gg others. Banzi dint play this twl so laff. Blood joiend also for -final- so we had two of the 4 from the core of siege dynasty leftfro a thats stil lguaranteed victory. Domia Sika Blood FieryFire $ yeah we won TWDL TWJL..then oh yeah all this was before season 5 for TWL when siege dissolved ... so this fits in the paragraph above. i met some new finnish ppl..and i've learned that wherever i go we win..Disqualifier was the leader of -final- and it was juss insane..another powerhouse owning tw..not fun when that happens..
so now onto present day.. i am on the squad Light, we have a pretty good team, I am not as good as i was before, but I dont play much now since i attend colllege and rather active with a fraternity. I still offer my knowledge, rushes, counter rush all that bs to the new generation of players. .. as u can see in elusive light and rampage..honestly every other squad.. has no chance in warbirds and javelins. OH all the games i mentioned prio to this sentence were warbirds.. the real league.
this is my take on why javelins got popular. Basing got popular cuz newbies who suck and can't play in leagues want to play basing cuz they get a chance to play..its true dont deny it.
Javelins is still newbie cuz the players who couldnt win in warbirds (original league) decided they want a shot in another ship. little that they know, the ppl who owned warbirds naturally owned Javelins which is why teams like Final Siege and Elusive domainted Javelins u see a squad ilke Onix who are mostly javeins go and win it:? no..cuz only elite teams work can only get u so far, skill is what counts. Warbirds is the league with the most talent, javelins are the rejected wb posers, and basing..laff is for eveyryone and their moms.
yeah so newbies, thats what happened in the last 3 years of Trench wars. in tthe dueling division..