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Purchasing new console (and sometimes PC) games.

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  • #16
    PC Gamers out there have to admit that Steam has made gaming much cheaper, even with paying for DLC. For example, over Christmas I bought the following on Steam:

    Batman: Arkham Asylum $25

    Fallout 3 - Game of the Year (original, plus 4 expansions) $37.50

    Grand Theft Auto IV $7.50

    The Witcher: Enhanced Edition $13.50

    Left 4 Dead $7.50

    Those are some pretty sweet deals you wouldn't see on consoles. Of course games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare will never drop below $50, but I try not to support asshole developers.

    On the flip side, I did spend $8 to get some Dragon Age DLC that added a whole 2 hours of content which really annoyed me. Not to mention the release of an expansion WAY too soon.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jason View Post
      four words for you!





      it's the only thing i've been playing whatsoever lately, pc version of course. best multiplayer game i've played since team fortress classic. just can't get enough!
      omg i still have team fortress classic on Steam rofl, which class did you play as? i played soldier took me so long to learn how to use those bombs as a medic to be able to fly across map....also loved to pretend to be dead as a ninja then stab a noop
      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dameon Angell View Post
        They're dropping a map pack for $1500 for Modern Warfare 2 lawl. It's 3 original maps and 2 re-hashes from COD4. What fuckery.
        I seriously hope that was a typo for $15.00

        Also: Counter-Strike in space

        Looks pretty interesting. No tie-down from the MMO type of deal. Just jump in a ship and fucking slaughter eachother in space.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Xog View Post
          2008 trailer:

          2009 trailer:


          I'm going to be an octavian.. what nation will you choose? I hear the graphics for the Solrain main base are pretty smooth, "alien like" .. Oct's always been rather human..

          PS: It's a leaked video of the Octavian race's opening cinematic. There's the Solrain and the Quantar cinematics too, but I want you all to choose Octavian, so I'm only posting this one B)
          Last edited by Xog; 03-25-2010, 01:14 AM.


          • #20
            I had a chance to play Star Craft 2, and sure it was fucking awesome but each campaign is like $60 meaning that its going to cost me SEVERAL hundred dollars to play the complete game. People bitch about the monthly fee of games like WoW and Darkfall but game servers cost money, updates to content cost money, there's no difference in someone paying $100 a year to play a game and me purchasing a 12 month subscription for $100 a year.

            Aion tanked, Mortal Online looks worse than the original Everquest, and Darkfall is the only decent MMO pvp game I've played in years. Fighting in spaceships just isn't my thing, sure Continuum is fun once in awhile but games like Eve or Jumpgate don't appeal to me. I like being able to shoot a bow, swing a sword, and yes I want aim to factor in the equation. The tab targetting games like WoW and Aion blow, if you're a higher level than someone you're most likely going to kill them. Once Darkfall's dead I guess I'm on hiatus for the next 3-4 years until another full loot, sandbox, pvp game comes out. Star Wars the Old Republic is the only game I'm currently keeping my eyes on.
            Last edited by Cops; 04-01-2010, 03:42 PM.
            it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


            • #21
              Originally posted by Cops View Post
              I had a chance to play Star Craft 2, and sure it was fucking awesome but each campaign is like $60 meaning that its going to cost me SEVERAL hundred dollars to play the complete game. People bitch about the monthly fee of games like WoW and Darkfall but game servers cost money, updates to content cost money, there's no difference in someone paying $100 a year to play a game and me purchasing a 12 month subscription for $100 a year.

              Aion tanked, Mortal Online looks worse than the original Everquest, and Darkfall is the only decent MMO pvp game I've played in years. Fighting in spaceships just isn't my thing, sure Continuum is fun once in awhile but games like Eve or Jumpgate don't appeal to me. I like being able to shoot a bow, swing a sword, and yes I want aim to factor in the equation. The tab targetting games like WoW and Aion blow, if you're a higher level than someone you're most likely going to kill them. Once Darkfall's dead I guess I'm on hiatus for the next 3-4 years until another full loot, sandbox, pvp game comes out. Star Wars the Old Republic is the only game I'm currently keeping my eyes on.
              MMORPG's shouldn't cost anyone a cent given how easy it is to turn your items or accounts into real money. I've yet to come across an MMORPG where aim ever really played a factor in swinging a sword and I've never understood the appeal of PVP in these games. The only skill ever involved in PVP is the skill needed to notice what class or skills are the most unbalanced. Full loot PVP is a great idea as long as you ensure it's restricted to the 3-5% of assholes who take pleasure in ruining the gains of others (present company excluded of course) :grin:


              • #22
                While SC2: Wings of Liberty will be most likely $50 (pc games are generally still 50, while console games are 60) and it's only gonna be the Terran campaign, I don't feel too ripped off. The campaign will be a good, long chunk of gameplay and will be worth the 50 dollar asking price. The multiplayer is fully featured as well, from what I can tell in the beta, including achievements and a great deal of stat tracking.


                • #23
                  dameon, is your avatar Castle, of the ABC show Castle?

                  can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                  • #24
                    looks to me like a computerized version of Steven Segal
                    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                    • #25
                      the more i see jumpgate, the more it looks exactly like freelancer...which is a good thing. however, i will do what i do with all mmos and wait 2 months to see if they die a horrible death, it has prevented me from investing time and money into shit that just tanks.
                      TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
                      TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
                      Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion

                      Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"

                      Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
                      - John F. Kennedy

                      A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
                      Originally posted by kthx
                      Umm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Eric is God View Post
                        MMORPG's shouldn't cost anyone a cent given how easy it is to turn your items or accounts into real money. I've yet to come across an MMORPG where aim ever really played a factor in swinging a sword and I've never understood the appeal of PVP in these games. The only skill ever involved in PVP is the skill needed to notice what class or skills are the most unbalanced. Full loot PVP is a great idea as long as you ensure it's restricted to the 3-5% of assholes who take pleasure in ruining the gains of others (present company excluded of course) :grin:
                        You've yet to come across Darkfall then, because if you suck shit at aiming a person with half your skill can bow you down or magic you down. PvP should be a balance of a persons abilities mixed with their characters skill, meaning that regardless of how hard you hit it doesn't mean you're good at hitting someone.

                        anyways watch this video;

                        it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                        • #27
                          What a horrible game
                          "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

                          "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko

