h5ey guys, id like -to le-t youp a`ll k=now -th5a`t- i spilled beer o=n my keyboa`rd. -th5i=ngs a`re =no-t goi=ng a`s wll a`s i woupld h5a`fve liked -th5em. i-t seems a`s ifv some ofv my keys a`re =no-t fvu=nc-tio=ni=ng properly. efve=n i=n subspa`ce ifv i -try -to a`-t-ta`ch5 a`ll i sa`y is a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`
i -tried -to ba`ckspa`ce -th5a`t- did=n-t work a`-t a`ll a`ll i ge-t wh5e=n i ba`cka]spa`ce is -th5a`-t da`m=n bra`cke-] u=nfvor-tu=na`-tely i-t -typed]s -th5a`t- bra`cke-t a`=nd ba`cksa`pces -too. so a`ll i efver ge-t is o=ne bra`cke-t -th5a`t- i ca`n=-t ge-t rid ofv.
le-ts -try -th5e dele-te bu-t-to=na`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`h5ey guys -th5a`t- o=ne s-till works
rea`di=ng ofver a`ll ofv -th5is i h5a`fve -to sa`y -th5a`-t i-t woupld be rea`lly difvfvicul-t -to -type -th5is ba`d. wh5o k=n]ew mos-t ofv a` 40 ofv ki=ng cobra` woupld dick up youpr keyboa`rd -th5a`t- ba`d./ piece ofv sh5i-t. h5ey =now i-t is -time -to go spe=nd a`=no-th5er 312 dolla`rs o=n a` keyboa`rd.
i lofve a`ll ofv youp dea`rly
ilya` i ca`=n -type youpr =na`me pre-t-ty much5
d31s-t0r-t i-ts close bu-t =no-t qxui-te
ph5 gg youp e=nded up wih5-t a` h5
fvi-t ofv ra`ge h5a` a` ju a`fvul
pika`r....a`ppa`rely my key do ork,orry po ur olleybu
gra`gurrero h5a` h5e fvuck h5a` yped oup a`lmo....ga`y
ceurio youp miig ome
jeeyu i dyig more a`d more
i loe u a`ll i a`m orry ifv i mied youp. plea`e gie me a` h5ug a`d loe eeryoe la`rgely a`d loupdly 8) YE
yea`h5 youp 8)
i -tried -to ba`ckspa`ce -th5a`t- did=n-t work a`-t a`ll a`ll i ge-t wh5e=n i ba`cka]spa`ce is -th5a`-t da`m=n bra`cke-] u=nfvor-tu=na`-tely i-t -typed]s -th5a`t- bra`cke-t a`=nd ba`cksa`pces -too. so a`ll i efver ge-t is o=ne bra`cke-t -th5a`t- i ca`n=-t ge-t rid ofv.
le-ts -try -th5e dele-te bu-t-to=na`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`a`h5ey guys -th5a`t- o=ne s-till works
rea`di=ng ofver a`ll ofv -th5is i h5a`fve -to sa`y -th5a`-t i-t woupld be rea`lly difvfvicul-t -to -type -th5is ba`d. wh5o k=n]ew mos-t ofv a` 40 ofv ki=ng cobra` woupld dick up youpr keyboa`rd -th5a`t- ba`d./ piece ofv sh5i-t. h5ey =now i-t is -time -to go spe=nd a`=no-th5er 312 dolla`rs o=n a` keyboa`rd.
i lofve a`ll ofv youp dea`rly
ilya` i ca`=n -type youpr =na`me pre-t-ty much5
d31s-t0r-t i-ts close bu-t =no-t qxui-te
ph5 gg youp e=nded up wih5-t a` h5
fvi-t ofv ra`ge h5a` a` ju a`fvul
pika`r....a`ppa`rely my key do ork,orry po ur olleybu
gra`gurrero h5a` h5e fvuck h5a` yped oup a`lmo....ga`y
ceurio youp miig ome
jeeyu i dyig more a`d more
i loe u a`ll i a`m orry ifv i mied youp. plea`e gie me a` h5ug a`d loe eeryoe la`rgely a`d loupdly 8) YE
yea`h5 youp 8)