Originally posted by Exalt
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Because I'm sure spitting in their face is something many would like to do. :P
Originally posted by Exalt
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Originally posted by Exalt
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Here is your logic:
You recognize a mosque is being built. Someone said Muslims build mosques in locations they've conquered. Therefore you believe this mosque is being built for that reason.
But, was it conquered? Absolutely not. You can test this very easily. Just ask yourself.. are New Yorkers under the rulership of a Muslim theocracy?
Absolutely not.
Who has been conquered? No one.
Furthermore, in order for you to truly believe this mosque is being built because they conquered an area, then you have to believe that every Muslim was in on 9/11 or every Muslim supports the terrorist actions on 9/11, or at least that the Muslims responsible for getting that mosque built in that specific location are somehow involved.
So, the only reason you find this mosque to be an issue is because you believe it to be some sort of tropaeum. But, it's not.
It's just another one of many mosques built in this country, and it just so happens to be 2 blocks from where many people died due to an act of war committed by Jihadists.
All in all, it's a huge leap in logic to claim the location was conquered, and it's even a further leap in logic to say that a mosque 2 blocks away that can't even be seen from the sight is some sort of tropaeum.
It's absolute total bullshit. And any rational person could see this.