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Islamic mosque to be built near ground zero

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    and building a mosque anywhere near there is a spit in the face of all who sacrificed their lives during 9/11.
    Does that include the terrorists who sacraficed their lives too?

    Because I'm sure spitting in their face is something many would like to do. :P

    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    You are European, so you have no idea what it means to be a patriotic American, so you wouldn't understand anyway.
    Yeah Zazu! Since you're European, you can't have American pride! Therefore you're wrong in anything you say!


    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Logical thinking seems to go out the window for 90% of you half the time.
    You want to talk logic?

    Here is your logic:

    You recognize a mosque is being built. Someone said Muslims build mosques in locations they've conquered. Therefore you believe this mosque is being built for that reason.

    But, was it conquered? Absolutely not. You can test this very easily. Just ask yourself.. are New Yorkers under the rulership of a Muslim theocracy?

    Absolutely not.

    Who has been conquered? No one.

    Furthermore, in order for you to truly believe this mosque is being built because they conquered an area, then you have to believe that every Muslim was in on 9/11 or every Muslim supports the terrorist actions on 9/11, or at least that the Muslims responsible for getting that mosque built in that specific location are somehow involved.

    So, the only reason you find this mosque to be an issue is because you believe it to be some sort of tropaeum. But, it's not.

    It's just another one of many mosques built in this country, and it just so happens to be 2 blocks from where many people died due to an act of war committed by Jihadists.

    All in all, it's a huge leap in logic to claim the location was conquered, and it's even a further leap in logic to say that a mosque 2 blocks away that can't even be seen from the sight is some sort of tropaeum.

    It's absolute total bullshit. And any rational person could see this.


    • #77

      We're correlating 9/11 with the nation of Islam. This is very stupid. (are people seriously debating this shit?)
      TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
      TelCat> hoes get paid :(
      TelCat> i dont


      • #78
        What about all the other mosques used as training grounds for other terrorists? Such as the one used in Europe where 9/11 was planned? Don't be ignorant.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #79
          Originally posted by Exalt View Post
          This was Catholicism, the Pope, and Europe. This was not protestant America, nor was it "my" history. It was Europe and their blind following of retarded popes and kings from Europe.
          And the muslims building the mosque will tell you it wasn't "their" radical terrorists who hijacked those airplanes. As long as you throw all muslims into one basket, then I'll hold you responsible for every crime committed in the name of Christianity.

          America was formed on the basis of wanting to seperate ourselves from the retarded popes and kings of Europe. We did a fairly decent job of it too, might I add. While you all still had kings fucking up your country, we had presidents and a constitution that formed the basis for the entire free world.
          I think you're glossing over a major part of why America was founded: religious freedom.

          As far as a mosque at ground zero, there are obvious reasons that you are all so retarded that you overlook them. Ground zero is a sensitive area, and building a mosque anywhere near there is a spit in the face of all who sacrificed their lives during 9/11.
          Ground Zero is in fact a sensitive area, and the people wanting to build the mosque there are being very sensitive about it. You are the one who is flipping shit and putting words in their mouths. This has nothing to do with spitting in faces. In fact, it's just the opposite.

          Oh, by the way, you know there is a strip club and an adult entertainment store next to GZ, right? Where were you when they supposedly "desecrated" your hallowed ground?

          You are European, so you have no idea what it means to be a patriotic American, so you wouldn't understand anyway.
          dear europe, i am sorry for this sentence. on behalf of all Americans who embrace intellect and an open mind, please ignore this guy, he is the reason people like Rush Limbaugh make money.

          I am fine with mosques being built anywhere else, but anywhere near ground zero is just plain stupidity.
          yeah i'm fine with blacks sitting anywhere on a bus, but anywhere near the front is just plain stupidity

          That mosque will be lucky if it doesn't get blown up itself. That would be putting those muslims in danger of harassment at the very least, and life threatening danger at the worst. If you think of both sides of the coin, then everyone would agree it is stupid to place a mosque there.
          this, right here, is the one, single, valid reason you have as to why a mosque should not be built there. but that's it, and i'm guessing the people who want this mosque have accepted that risk.

          If Buddhist terrorists flew a plane into the twin towers, then it would be retarded to place a Buddhist temple anywhere near ground zero as well. The same goes for Christians. If a bunch of radical Christians flew planes into the twin towers, then it would be moronic to place a church anywhere near there. The religion doesn't even matter at that point. It is what it stands for that counts, and you are all overlooking that.
          Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber, was a Roman Catholic. Within a 4-block radius of the OKC building, there are four churches.

          edit: and there is a Shinto (Japan's majority religion) temple at Pearl Harbor

          For all your bullshit talks about "freedom of religion" and all that shit, you ruin your own politically correct agendas in the first place. It is politically INCORRECT to place a mosque near ground zero, whether it is a block away or right on top of it. It is a sensitive area to say the least, and a mosque there would stir up far too many negative feelings for it to be wise to place one there.
          This isn't about political correctness. This is about freedom of religion, and freedom in general.

          You say this would stir up feelings, and yet, this mosque has been planned for over half a year. You should read that article very carefully, as it repudiates everything you think it ""stands for"".

          THINK before you speak next time. You are all so full of political freedom bullshit that you overlook the obvious facts. We don't live in utopia. We live in the real world. Learn to live in it.
          wanna talk about overlooking the obvious?

          there is already a mosque within 4 blocks of ground zero. and the world has not ended. and noone has complained.

          edit: and a mosque INSIDE the pentagon haha

          I have this distinct feeling you all just like to bitch and moan and complain about things you don't understand simply so you can see yourself type. If you all actually thought about what the issues really were, you wouldn't even take the stances you do. You just all like to debate for the sake of debating. Logical thinking seems to go out the window for 90% of you half the time.
          haha i almost didn't put this last one in [quotes] because I thought i had typed it. seriously. you are the one bitchin here, broseph.
          Last edited by Jerome Scuggs; 08-16-2010, 07:02 PM.

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #80
            just to be clear, this article explains why Exalt is mad: he's just caught up in the recent fear-mongering. like i said earlier, this mosque has been in the works for months, but Exalt's more of a follower than anything else, and he had to wait 'til the PATRIOTIC AMUR'CANS said it was ok to hate the new mosque

            internet de la jerome

            because the internet | hazardous


            • #81
              Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
              just to be clear, this article explains why Exalt is mad: he's just caught up in the recent fear-mongering. like i said earlier, this mosque has been in the works for months, but Exalt's more of a follower than anything else, and he had to wait 'til the PATRIOTIC AMUR'CANS said it was ok to hate the new mosque
              Yes, that sure is the reason I posted in this thread Jerome Scrubs. You are too smart for me! Your intelligence is beyond us lowly patriotic amur'can's understanding, so I will just take your word for it that you are always correct.

              I'm sure every post of yours in this thread wasn't just a way of taking the opposite end of the debate to sound like an intelligent nonconformist indy type like you always do Jerome! I'm sure you and all of your awesome forum friends are far too intelligent for us patriotic amur'can's, and so we shouldn't have opinions, because looking after the safety and feelings of everyone isn't a legit reason for concern!

              I mean... you said so yourself.. there is a mosque 4 blocks away. It must not be large enough for the massive population of muslims living on top of ground zero, so they need to build another one down the road! Who cares about the feelings of the victims that died in 9/11 over radical muslims, because freedom of religion!!!, even though that religion states def leapard 2 teh eenfeedells in teh weelijuz buwk
              RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
              RaCka> mad impressive


              • #82
                goldman sachs and fellow banksters are driving us into a depression as we get pulled into war with iran but lets talk all day about a mosque and gay marriage


                • #83
                  when i used to play Caesar IV, i always begrudgedly had to build temples in order for my houses to upgrade/keep the gods from burning shit down

                  maybe thats whats happening here

                  can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                    Yes, that sure is the reason I posted in this thread Jerome Scrubs. You are too smart for me! Your intelligence is beyond us lowly patriotic amur'can's understanding, so I will just take your word for it that you are always correct.

                    I'm sure every post of yours in this thread wasn't just a way of taking the opposite end of the debate to sound like an intelligent nonconformist indy type like you always do Jerome! I'm sure you and all of your awesome forum friends are far too intelligent for us patriotic amur'can's, and so we shouldn't have opinions, because looking after the safety and feelings of everyone isn't a legit reason for concern!

                    I mean... you said so yourself.. there is a mosque 4 blocks away. It must not be large enough for the massive population of muslims living on top of ground zero, so they need to build another one down the road! Who cares about the feelings of the victims that died in 9/11 over radical muslims, because freedom of religion!!!, even though that religion states def leapard 2 teh eenfeedells in teh weelijuz buwk
                    Well, picking up a gun and putting it to someone's head just so they don't build a mosque is definitely the wrong thing to do.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                      it's like 3 squabbling brothers until Father comes in and slaps us all on the hand then we get our shit together and work as one
                      haha very well put
                      4:BigKing> xD
                      4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                      4:BigKing> what did i do???
                      4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                      4:BigKing> ???? why though
                      4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                      4:BigKing> xD


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                        Yes, that sure is the reason I posted in this thread Jerome Scrubs. You are too smart for me! Your intelligence is beyond us lowly patriotic amur'can's understanding, so I will just take your word for it that you are always correct.
                        see, if you just kept talkin sense like this i wouldn't have to intellectually smack you down like a lil bitch. keep it comin
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                          Yes, that sure is the reason I posted in this thread Jerome Scrubs. You are too smart for me! Your intelligence is beyond us lowly patriotic amur'can's understanding, so I will just take your word for it that you are always correct.

                          I'm sure every post of yours in this thread wasn't just a way of taking the opposite end of the debate to sound like an intelligent nonconformist indy type like you always do Jerome! I'm sure you and all of your awesome forum friends are far too intelligent for us patriotic amur'can's, and so we shouldn't have opinions, because looking after the safety and feelings of everyone isn't a legit reason for concern!

                          I mean... you said so yourself.. there is a mosque 4 blocks away. It must not be large enough for the massive population of muslims living on top of ground zero, so they need to build another one down the road! Who cares about the feelings of the victims that died in 9/11 over radical muslims, because freedom of religion!!!, even though that religion states def leapard 2 teh eenfeedells in teh weelijuz buwk
                          your sarcasm is failing here as Jerome actually has taken a side and has offered valid reasoning, logic and research to help prove his point. You and anyone else who is against this is arguing just for the sake of trying to sound like you are some patriot who cares about new yorker's feelings. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't live in new york you really don't have a say in the matter (neither do I) but continue supporting the propaganda media machine to help make you feel a little bit better about your life. You are apart of the reason how and why the New World Order is taking over. Ignorant fuck, try offering something without always sounding like a condescending douche then maybe people will talk to you reasonably (in before you pull this one on me like you always do, trying to backtrack your stupid, nonsensical earlier post by replayiing what I said to you. You should go work for Faux News, they are great at manipulating sound bytes!)
                          All good things must come to an end.


                          • #88
                            this NEWS STORY should provoke the following two thoughts from a TW political vet:

                            1. In America, if you got the money and the time and the passion you can go ahead and build whatever the fuck you want, wherever you want; and shame on us for being tricked by fear and ignorance into hating roughly a fourth of the world's population.

                            2. This is so obvious that this ISSUE is only being used to distract us.

                            Guys, can we really think about the big picture behind this debate? The mosque has been in planning for months. Now really think about this for a second. Why do all 5 American news stations, and the 3 newspaper owners come out with this story on the same day? Did they investigate it together? Did they all find out at the same time? Why do they come out with the same NEWS TOPICS on the same day time and time again? The only logical answer is that they are working together, reading the same talking points and scripts, which means they must either be working for same person and or agenda.

                            Can we stop paying homage to the propaganda apparatus of America by jumping into the pool every time they present a wedge issue? Not one week ago our congress got together and borrowed 30 billion dollars to bail out hundreds of thousands of teachers, cops, and firefighters AGAIN. This has happened 3 times this year. Our country is borrowing money to pay for the most essential and basic necessities that most Americans believe ought to be the primary reasons for our taxes. This is due to the fact that over 50% of our taxes go to wars that are EXPANDING. When your country is borrowing money repeatedly to save your country from having to lay off teachers and cops, you are in very big trouble. When you are busy debating the building of a single mosque during such times, YOU are in trouble.


                            • #89
                              i'm a happy cog

                              (yes, i admit i'm a cog)

                              love you all

                              don't care who builds what to worship whatever or where they do it

                              so what's all the hubbub, bub?
                              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Jason View Post
                                i'm a happy cog

                                (yes, i admit i'm a cog)

                                love you all

                                don't care who builds what to worship whatever or where they do it

                                so what's all the hubbub, bub?
                                cogs represent

                                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion

