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Islamic mosque to be built near ground zero

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  • Non issue to me...

    Ionno this seems like alot of fear mongering to me. My 2 cents.. If the mosque gets banned because of
    reasonings being the 9/11 hijackers were Muslims and it would be insensitive to the victims, we should
    also ban all Catholic Churches from being built within 1000 feet of any schools. Anything else would be
    insensitive and unresponsible to the families and victims of molestation by pedophile priests.
    My point being the religion didn't do the crime,just some people in it did.


    • Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
      Understood. But a closer analogy would be if the IRA blew up innocent victims and then showed up at the victims funerals.
      Actually a closer analogy would be banning Southern Baptists from showing up at a funeral for IRA victims because they are Christian and thus very insensitive to the deaths of innocents caused by Christian terrorists..
      Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

      My anime blog:


      • Originally posted by Jessup View Post
        Ionno this seems like alot of fear mongering to me. My 2 cents.. If the mosque gets banned because of
        reasonings being the 9/11 hijackers were Muslims and it would be insensitive to the victims, we should
        also ban all Catholic Churches from being built within 1000 feet of any schools. Anything else would be
        insensitive and unresponsible to the families and victims of molestation by pedophile priests.
        My point being the religion didn't do the crime,just some people in it did.
        Actually it would be more like banning a Greek Orthodox church from being near a school because some random Catholic priests somewhere have molested children. You can't be too careful, they're both Christian after all.
        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • I don't think someone who lives in a country that most muslims don't even know exists and doesn't have to worry about getting bombed can really comment on this. Leave it to Americans.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
            Actually it would be more like banning a Greek Orthodox church from being near a school because some random Catholic priests somewhere have molested children. You can't be too careful, they're both Christian after all.
            Even more puzzlingly, it's like building a YMCA next to a school because it's a community center that has a Christian affiliation. Insensitive if you ask me.


            • Originally posted by kthx View Post
              I don't think someone who lives in a country that most muslims don't even know exists and doesn't have to worry about getting bombed can really comment on this. Leave it to Americans.
              How about only New Yorkers? Or New York City residents, or better yet Manhattan ones? In fact, only people living within spitting distance of Ground Zero can talk. Everyone else shut the fuck up.


              • Sounds good to me. I am all for giving powers back to states instead of a federal government, but that would of course also only work if the will of the people was followed, like keeping faggots unmarried in California.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • while america is gettin' busy denying muslims their freedom of religion, europe's got us covered on the freedom of speech aspect!

                  "The court points out that the European Court of Human Rights, which considers freedom of speech of paramount importance and defends it thoroughly, makes an exception for the denial or trivialization of the Holocaust"

                  this is what i find most infuriating about statism, it's the arbitrary definitions of what a "right" is or isn't. everything's a-ok, so long as i approve of it! (perhaps i should dub it kthx-ism)

                  internet de la jerome

                  because the internet | hazardous


                  • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                    America was formed on the basis of wanting to seperate ourselves from the retarded popes and kings of Europe. We did a fairly decent job of it too, might I add. While you all still had kings fucking up your country, we had presidents and a constitution that formed the basis for the entire free world.
                    Basically us (European retards) founded your country, unless you are a native American. And speaking of kings fucking up our country, I'm not sure what you are basing your statements on.
                    While G.W. Bush fucking up your country can be backed up with more sources than this forum can handle.
                    And your presidents form the basis for an entire free world? How free are you? Or go ask that question in Iraq or Afghanistan.

                    As far as a mosque at ground zero, there are obvious reasons that you are all so retarded that you overlook them. Ground zero is a sensitive area, and building a mosque anywhere near there is a spit in the face of all who sacrificed their lives during 9/11. You are European, so you have no idea what it means to be a patriotic American, so you wouldn't understand anyway.

                    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                    I am fine with mosques being built anywhere else, but anywhere near ground zero is just plain stupidity. That mosque will be lucky if it doesn't get blown up itself. That would be putting those muslims in danger of harassment at the very least, and life threatening danger at the worst. If you think of both sides of the coin, then everyone would agree it is stupid to place a mosque there.
                    Instead of crying about a mosque, go close down all the official Government-related buildings around the WTC.
                    Have you ever even been at the WTC ground? I have, and if you did the same you cannot say anything other than that it's giving you a creepy feeling that they are trying to cover things up as fast as possible. Too fast..
                    Unless you don't WANT to see the things that happened there. Too many "coincidences". Sure it's too fucked up and too scary to be true, eh..

                    And anyway, you Americans cry about terrorists etc. Yet the people in Pakistan are paying with U.S. Dollars. Where do they get those from? And your weapon factories are booming and counting for like 60% of your economy.
                    The United States are the world's largest arms EXPORTER. Where are those arms going to? To the boy-scouts to hunt rabbits?
                    TW Web Developer

                    4:vys> yo
                    4:vys> 1 day ill be staff
                    4:vys> know it for sure
                    4:vys> yo P_L already told me that i'd be ZH one day when deluge is sys op and method owns TW

                    2:money> zazu got zizu'd when he should have zizzo'd

                    3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> !tell stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
                    3:RoboHelp> Told moth about stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
                    3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> oh sht


                    • obama still hasn't revealed his birth certificate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                      • LOL we have some 9/11 truthers here, now this is hilarious. I love that newspaper "SEISMIC DATA PROVES TWO PLANES DIDN'T HIT THE TWIN TOWERS TO BRING THEM DOWN AMERICA DID IT O M G O M G O M G"

                        Rabble Rabble Rabble


                        • i'll do the jerome, and for the sake of the discussion apologize for the whole of europe.

                          also vati, god damn. us europeons don't get any news about that stuff here (...either).
                          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                          There wont be another election for president.
                          Obama is the Omega President.


                          • Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
                            Here is my opinion.
                            Of course everyone in USA should have the right to build what they want, where they want. But having the right is different than having some consideration. For example, the USA did not send any government representatives to the annual Japanese Hiroshima ceremonies until this year. So for me, the question is not ‘why let them build it?’. The question is ‘why don’t these Islamic folks show some consideration?’.
                            The question is: are you willing to use force to get these people to stop building the mosque in that specific location? Which, is what involving the government would mean.
                            Last edited by Tigron-X; 08-21-2010, 12:12 AM.


                            • Another thing not being reported: There is a Navy fleet that recently parked near Costa Rica and Panama.


                              • Another thing not being reported: the three American hostages in Iran. It's been over a year I believe. Basically this will become another political tool for Republicans and they'll end up doing what they did to Jimmy Carter and have "Day 402 of the Iranian hostage crisis" and shit like that. I haven't seen anything on them at all recently.

                                --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

                                --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.

