Originally posted by Mythril
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science does not tell you facts. math and logic tell you facts (and btw, science isn't the most logical thing out there, science hardly ever deals in logic). science tells you likelihoods and tendencies.
how many times do i have to say this?
Do we know that dinosaurs existed? No.
Based upon fossil evidence and other factors we can conclude that there is an extreme likelihood that they existed, however there is no certainty in that matter. (THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC STANCE). What you're wharrgarrrbling is merely popular sentiment that misconstrues science as truth and thus does it a great injustice
Do I know that you exist? No.
Based upon the required functions to type a post (i.e. cognition, fingers, a computer, etc) I can deduce that there is a strong likelihood that you exist; however, I cannot know with absolute certainty.
Welcome to true science, get your pseudo shit out of here