I've no idea what the Canon market research people have found out or went for but i reckon it was a board meeting lasting 5 mins before a cocaine party leading to another meeting that actually only lasted 30 seconds but involved rapid speech
America = Aggressive = I'm a Rebel i don'ts cares who i attack for oils = Sales
Japan = i like technology and sexually oppressed = Kiss my fucking camera = sales
Europe = i'm sceptical and logical = numbers , just give those boring fucks numbers anything else will piss them off, y try if 2 ez ? = sales
i wasn't there but i'm pretty sure thats how it went down and i'd rather buy a Canon EOS 600D than a Canon EOS Rebel T3i or a Canon EOS Kiss X5 so maybe they are right ?
Originally posted by WIKIPEDIA
America = Aggressive = I'm a Rebel i don'ts cares who i attack for oils = Sales
Japan = i like technology and sexually oppressed = Kiss my fucking camera = sales
Europe = i'm sceptical and logical = numbers , just give those boring fucks numbers anything else will piss them off, y try if 2 ez ? = sales
i wasn't there but i'm pretty sure thats how it went down and i'd rather buy a Canon EOS 600D than a Canon EOS Rebel T3i or a Canon EOS Kiss X5 so maybe they are right ?