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Women are forcing Men into Loneliness because feminism & PsyOps Disinformation

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  • #31
    im not really sure but that was an ok rant

    i think eph sometimes has the urge to have sexual relations with dogs in heat?

    1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


    • #32
      Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
      Hard to believe that I am wasting time to even reply to this thread but I guess I am being mind-controlled by Tone. Of wait, is that that I am being controlled by women? Or is it the CIA? Or umm, is that I am being controlled by aliens? WTF about alien women?

      Seriously Tone, make up your mind which fucking conspiracy of the week it is you want us to believe in, it is getting just too confusing to many of us.

      And BTW, does anyone really think that sexual behavior has changed since human came out of trees? Egyptians had dildos 2500 years ago. Pussy has ALWAYS enslaved men and history shows this trend being unchanged for thousands of years. Ever been around a male dog with a female dog in heat? The male dog will literally not even eat for days, just sit there and whimper. Is this a dog conspiracy controlled by Iams dog food company or something? Even the aliens you believe walk among us are sexually enslaved, otherwise why would they be so focused on anally probing us?

      If you KNOW that aliens are here than why have you not been able to turn this into money/fame? Why is it that you are still on this obscure forum writing in anonymity?

      Or, following Occam's razor, perhaps there is a simpler explanation. Perhaps we still retain our base animal instincts and are enslaved to nothing more than our hormones. Perhaps your fixation on conspiracies is a mental health issue that YOU have and are projecting on the rest of the world. Tone, will you even acknowledge that this is a possibility?
      Pathetic. Pathetic attempt. For 1 to try and list things then say "make up your mind" is stupid and makes no sense, because i never changed the stories or info. then for 2, you are ignoring how women got worse in the past recent years, and talking about feminine in general in the evolutionary sense, whereas im talking about recently, the past few decades, the dating scene / sociability degrading much worse and having new and worsening novelty to it that never existed before.

      You lose. Im going to kill you with Lancasters once i got this new internal drive hooked up and I ever see you.


      • #33
        How come my conputer has only one Sata power connector, and the other power are those old 4 prong? They are making me buy one of these

        Im trying to attach a drive to get continuum installed, but my DVD Drive and SSD both one sata power and theres only one wire with the sata power connector. not going to even be able to install windows


        • #34
          Seriously Tone, how many different conspiracy threads have you started? It is s simple question. Can you answer any question without deflections? Have you considered that you view everything as a conspiracy and that this is MAY be you?
          Mods please move this thread with all the other Tone nonsense, into Useless Shit.


          • #35
            We should a subforum labelled The Tone Files
            All good things must come to an end.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tone View Post
              How come my conputer has only one Sata power connector, and the other power are those old 4 prong? They are making me buy one of these


              Im trying to attach a drive to get continuum installed, but my DVD Drive and SSD both one sata power and theres only one wire with the sata power connector. not going to even be able to install windows
              Single SATA power connector forcing DVD drive into Loneliness


              • #37
                Originally posted by Dack Falu View Post
                Single SATA power connector forcing DVD drive into Loneliness
                Shut the fuck up and tell me how to make Windows Installer Bootable from a USB Flash drive, but without using any windows programs that do this. Doing it from linux. Wine wont run those windows progs that make USBs.


                • #38
                  Did you really just derail your own bullshit thread? lol

                  Guy needs more lithium.
                  Fuck it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by vaped View Post
                    Did you really just derail your own bullshit thread? lol

                    Guy needs more lithium.
                    Yes because its more efficient than making new threads and it doesnt matter at all, doesnt matter that threads are derailed....those who watch the videos already watched them. Im using Unetbootin now so no one bother answering my question, i took care of it. Im just treating threads as if they are chat rooms.


                    • #40
                      Is this song female mind control, or something like that?
                      Are they playing on me? WHAT ARE EMOTIONS EPH?! IS IT MY HORMONES?? WHERE'S MY LITHIUM.Who's manipulating me!
                      She's not even white ffs! She could be like 50 years old singing this song and i'd love it.
                      Speaking of hormones, I can make whores moan.

                      Do I have any severe mental health issues? How many do I have that I'm ignorant of?
                      GREAT SONGS! What says not having mental health issues is 'right' anyway? Why are mental health issues wrong?
                      So what if I'm less accurate, so what if I try to fly to the moon with man-made wings, so what if people die because they're less logical and less able to reason? Is that any reason to ostracize and hate them so badly? Why are you so mean? What is WRONG about HAVING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES HUH EPH?! Do I have mental health issues?... Why do people act like mental 'differences' are a problem?? So what if I enjoy walking around with one arm distorted. So what if I enjoy making potions, or playing with bugs! Or staring at the stares! or making transmutation circles! What's wrong with girls walking around in bikinis anyway? And what if I want to be a real-life anime doll?..

                      People have wondered why people would use 'gay' to mean 'wrong' and why these people are so 'disrespectful' of 'gay' people. Well some people have wondered why 'gays' stole the word 'gay'. They want to be happy. Hey! we're happy people! This is the way we are! we have sexual urges towards ppl with same connectors! We can't REALLY make a connection but we're happy this way! Call a group of people by the name they want to be known by. Well, hello, I'm a pure 'satanist'. However, I'd like to be called a Master, Lord, Guardian, King, etc. Will you call me your daddy just because I want to be called that? WHO'S REALLY PUSSY-WHIPPED? Do you know what makes being 'gay' wrong? You can't have babies that way! that's what's 'wrong' with being gay. When someone is gay, he/she has to go out of their way to find someone to fk to have some babies.

                      [MORE GAYNESS]
                      I didn't say go around making fun of people who fail to earn your respect. I didn't say, "be a pussy. It's the right thing to do." I didn't say make fun of emos. I didn't say stay away from seriously depressed, empty teenagers that are incapable of feeling happpiness. Ok. Maybe I did. AND OMFG I DIDN'T SAY BE MEAN TO GAYS. STAY AWAY FROM GAYS. I never said that! I never once said gay was wrong! I never used gay as a substitute of wrong! I would NEVER do that. Ever.
                      I don't have opinions. I type things that may or may not be true. My identity is not tied to my words.. it just seems that way to retards. You know a force I just can't seem to get away from? I'd call it 'psychology' or the affect on emotions, behavior, and thoughts. This effect - I can't seem to get away from. And my ass itches. That's very irritating. I can't fully control my 'emotions.'

                      You're animals. All of you. It's best to be very cautious around all of you. Animals are strong and can provide much labor.
                      I better watch what I say! I better be careful whom I speak with! Personally, I'd probably stab someone if they made me mad enough and I couldn't get away! Would I? I don't want to! THEY TOOK MY GUN RIGHTS AWAY!!!! and IDGAF. Shot a gun like 4 times in my life.

                      [SATAN and the bible]
                      GOD IS THE DEVIL; SATAN IS NOT EVIL. The tree of knowledge; of good and bad? Do you realize what that is? How are we made in 'God's image?' What 'balancing' did Christ REALLY accomplish? There are many meanings in the bible.
                      We are human. We are born from the animal kingdom. Moreover, we are animals, but we are different.
                      We are made in God's image - Where did all the animals sprout from? We owe a lot to God.
                      The tree of knowledge? Well, there are a lot of correlations I could use support this (but I won't). It is mostly about our brain, you could say. It is the acquisition of words - we are 'born out of' the animal kingdom. This is a TED talk. It supports this 'theory':
                      (12:20 onwards if you're impatient) You could say homo sapiens are incredible.

                      Now.. the so-called 'feminine' issue is something else. I don't feel like researching it and I'm not going to become some professor who exposes the sick social changes and control factors, but Tone and I'm 'guessing' no one else who has posted has actually figured out the issue. I'd imagine because the issue Tone posted about appears to actually be humanity, and how women have been for a long time. How do different environments affect women? Would 'you' like to study feminism, or the life of women in the middle east, the past, their emotions, etc? Is this a puzzle you are fascinated by and want to solve? Then by all means, do so; I won't be one of those asses that says 'you' are a retard. But why should you listen to them? Are 'you' afraid they might kill you?

                      People like me, posting on these forums, wasting their time, are idiots. We probably appear 'lost' to those who know better.

                      To end this:

                      This is the first part:


                      • #41
                        Queen of the Damned - great soundtrack btw.

                        I really want to ride this bus:


                        • #42
                          maybe u need to lay off the humans and start fucking aliens t0ne


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Money View Post
                            maybe u need to lay off the humans and start fucking aliens t0ne
                            I will have sex with an ET if the ET is a humanoid very similar to a human in appearance, . there are ETs are related to us, only taller and look like supermodels who are genetically perfect.


                            • #44
                              I like seeing someone and causual sex over loneliness, but my preference and what i think about is true-love and relationship. Its unnatural for a man or woman to think about sex all of the time and it does not cross my mind so often like it does others. I always think in terms of Love and Personalities much more than im thinking about sex. Thats the way an evolved human is supposed to be anyway.


                              • #45

