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  • #76
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Spiderex Link removed because it violates forum policy (Pornography) -wadi

    The irony. One of the points we have aginsts spin is that he is leaching bandwith. Please do not leach bandwith or if you do get a redirrector edit your post to remove it.
    Last edited by Kolar; 07-24-2003, 12:36 PM.


    • #77

      spin tell the obvious again

      who we have now......:/

      America has never been in such a mess... the botched election in 2000 let the bad guys take over... election 2004 looks to be America's last chance to throw the fascist out. Please vote against bush and the PNAC members in his administration. (for info on PNAC see above postings)


      The only chances that America has left are...

      General Wesley Clark
      Howard Dean
      John Kerry
      Dennis Kucinich
      (or a bush impeachment)

      A liberal American look at the obvious: Bush and PNAC created a fascist state.
      (another idiots guide to bush's brand of screwing u and the world over)
      Last edited by office; 07-24-2003, 02:50 PM.


      • #78
        What is SA??
        Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


        • #79
          while i agree with the crux of office's arguments, they are still just opinions and they don't have a place in pub arenas. it is too bad that people encourage it by arguing with him but thats how it goes. there is no rule about stating your opinions in a pub arena even if they are obnoxiously stated and pretty annoying. my suggestion to anyone in an arena with this guy is either listen to what he has to say and argue, or do ?nopubchat so you don't have to look at his incessant bullshit about how bad the government is to everyone. office im fairly liberal as well and i agree with you to a point but you're wasting your time man, nobody here even likes it so you're just pissing them off and further alienating them from your beliefs...and i assume the reason you talk about this stuff in the first place is to convince people of what you think is right. go read some fucking rorty and shut the fuck up.


          • #80
            There is a rule against incessant spammage though. It may have a political message, but it's still spam.


            • #81
              spin facts

              Spin's facts... not opinion

              *** Bush and PNAC members goals/ideals****

              1-- Members of PNAC have said more than once .."a new Pearl Harbor" is needed to dupe American's into accepting PNAC's goals. (all statements made well before 911)
              2-- United States must seize the opportunity for global domination as a result of the world giving us this unique opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union empire.
              3-- Containment and deterrence course of action would not allow for the expansion of American power.
              4-- United States must conquer and occupy land areas even though we may be viewed as "American Internationalist".
              5-- Must maintain military presence all over the world.
              6-- In due time the United States will emerge as a full-fledged global empire.

              >-- Some PNAC members that have America by the balls...
              Vice-President Dick Cheney
              Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
              Paul Wolfowitz is now Deputy Defense Secretary

              .............PNAC article>>> http://www.informationclearinghouse....rticle3544.htm
              .............PNAC website>>>[/url]

              Spin's opionions...not facts

              This type of Hitler type of aggression is NOT in America's best interest

              Have some respect for America.. STOP THIS!!!

              History need not judge America as the new Fascist state, to avoid this we need to reverse Bush's policies... in order to do this.. people need to be aware of just how bad Bush is... we may not get another chance.

              Talking to people blinded by fear or greed or BushCo brand of bullshit is the only way to defeat Bush's whores in the news and opinion media.

              Educating the people that may vote for Bush's over 200 million dollar corporate financed campaign will be the only way to defeat Bush; remember educating a misguided voter will help you and America alike.


              The only chances that America has left are...

              General Wesley Clark
              Howard Dean
              John Kerry
              Dennis Kucinich
              (or a bush impeachment)
              Last edited by office; 07-24-2003, 08:02 PM.


              • #82
                Are you still going with this crap? No one cares


                • #83
                  spinsanity nobody likes you go away


                  • #84
                    remember you have a VOTE

                    If you are of voting age in election 2004... here are two of many, many reason to care.

                    1. Our current leadership(BushCo) is influenced by Fascist...(see earlier post pointing this out)

                    IF THE "WHO CARES" THING CATCHES ON, the following may happen again here.

                    AND THEN THEY CAME FOR ME....

                    First they came for the Jews
                    and I did not speak out
                    because I was not a Jew

                    Then they came for the Communists
                    and I did not speak out
                    because I was not a communist

                    and then they came for the trade unionists
                    and I did not speak out
                    because I was not a trade unionist

                    and then they came for me
                    and there was no one left
                    to speak out for me

                    --pastor Niemoeller (victim of the Nazis)


                    .."They're making us less secure, not more secure," said Beers, who until now has remained largely silent about leaving his National Security Council job as special assistant to Bush on terrorism.

                    Remember.. Bush is doing considerable more dammage to long term American interest that has been done in almost the entire history of America... the fact that most people say "they dont care" may be the death of American global leadership.. not to mention your freedoms here at home.



                    • #85
                      retard - A person considered to be foolish or socially inept.
                      moron - A stupid person; a dolt.
                      idiot - An unlearned, ignorant, or simple person, as distinguished from the educated; an ignoramus.
                      stupid - Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
                      there i think this describes spin
                      i repeat:
                      Originally posted by poop juice
                      spinsanity nobody likes you go away


                      • #86
                        questions to ask

                        Its hard do deal with "who cares"... i'm assuming these people are sorta like that guy in that matrix movie.. u know.. the guy that sold out his people for a pleasant illusion over a unpleasant reality.....

                        Here are some more questions that point out that Bush is leading America down a VERY wrong path..

                        1. If the president gives false information to the American people about the reasons for going to war, should he be held to account?

                        2. If the United Nations Security Council does not authorize a preemptive war, can any country proceed to war or is this the sole prerogative of the US government?

                        3. If a country proceeds to war without UN authorization, is this ãaggressive warfare,ä the type of warfare for which German and Japanese leaders were punished after World War II?

                        4. When the North Korean government repeatedly states that the nuclear crisis can be defused if the US will negotiate a mutual security pact with them, why is the current US administration dragging its feet in proceeding to enter into negotiations?

                        5. Does the United States have a responsibility to participate with UN forces in restoring security to civilians in civil wars, such as that in Liberia?

                        6. Should American troops stationed in Iraq have the right to complain about the policies of civilian leaders responsible for our policy there?

                        7. With half its combat forces in Iraq, is the US military stretched so thin that it cannot adequately protect Americans at home or participate in needed UN peacekeeping operations abroad?

                        8. With the war in Iraq costing American taxpayers nearly $4 billion per month and the US deficit expected to exceed $400 billion this year, was it wise to pass large tax cuts for the richest Americans?

                        9. Is the desire to control Iraqâs oil the reason that the US hasnât asked the United Nations for help in providing peacekeeping in Iraq?

                        10. What is the relationship of companies such as Halliburton, Bechtel and the Carlyle Group, which are profiting from the war in Iraq, to members of the current US administration?

                        11. Are Americans safer to travel throughout the world after the Iraq War?

                        12. Has the credibility of the United States throughout the world increased or decreased in the aftermath of the Iraq War?

                        13. What is the current status of respect for the United States throughout the world?

                        14. Why has the current US administration been hostile to the creation of an International Criminal Court to hold individual leaders accountable for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity?

                        15. Is war an effective way to make peace?

                        It is time to start demanding answers from our government to these questions and many more, and their answers should not be given only in secrecy behind closed doors. Questions about war and peace are far too important to be left only to politicians and generals without the voice of the people. It is time for an ongoing public dialogue that includes answers to questions from the public. If democracy is to have meaning, the people have a right to know and they deserve to have their questions answered.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by poop juice
                          spinsanity nobody likes you go away


                          • #88
                            -plays nofx-
                            just shut the fuck up
                            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                            • #89
                              Oh no folks he can't address points that he knows nothing about, people are asking him questions to try and make this some sort of discussion rather then turn this into another "I hate George W Bush" thread. Stop refering to his copy and pasting skills as an opinion. There is no signs of opinion here. This is complete utter trash, if not deleted I request this be thrown into the junk pile known as "Useless Crap".


                              • #90
                                show yourself
                                Originally posted by Yoshiba
                                i lag when i smoke weed

