dang, maybe i should not be wicked. nah too late for that
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Are We Doomed?
Originally posted by Dabram
why did God rest on day 7? did he get tired?
Last edited by HeavenSent; 08-10-2003, 04:27 PM.
HeavenSent did you know the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good/Evil aren't really trees but something more complex?
The TREE of LIFE is an actual blueprint for the universe, I read about this in the Kabbalah... 10 sephiras
Mahlkoot.. is the bottom.. meaning kingdom or the physical universe...
and the top sephira, being KETER..or CROWN...
Apparently, there is many dimensions....
Also there is 4 kingdoms worlds...
Ha-oh-lahm Atziloot -- World of Emanations..GOD (Top level..)....
Ha-oh-lahm B'ri-yah -- World of Creation (ArchAngels)
Ha-oh-lahm Yetzirah -- World of Formation [Astral World] (Angels/Demons)
Ha-oh-lahm Ahssiah -- World of Action -- Physical world
When you said before Satan will fall... that means he will be kicked out of the ArchAngel's spiritual dimension.... re: Revelations where Satan loses against ArchAngel Michael and lost his place in heaven.
When humans were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, Elohim feared soul corrupt humans would take from the Tree of Life. I guess cause we are not ready yet....
Some of us would say, if God knows the future.... then God deliberately put the Tree of Good/Evil in the garden and knew humans would fail.
I thought about it, I guess created sentient life is not easy and only thru time can this life be gradual brought to a higher level of existence.. not all at once.
Some also say, if God is so good, why doesn't God just destroy all the evil? Its not that easy.... everything is based on free will.. even though God has the power, God has to give everyone a chance.... before any judgement can be executed.
Like I said in previous replies to this thread...
We aren't doomed.... remember the Physics Law...
The Conservation of Energy/Matter... neither created nor destroyed.. so the universe is not doomed.. the question is will our form still exist....
I find it rather interesting, that when this first thread started by Telcat... the question was in a scientific style... but eventually religion is thrown in there.... whether we like it or not... talking about deep stuff like this will bring both belief systems both Science/Religion.
Whether we disagree with each other, it makes no different.. eventually only time will tell the truth.... finding out the answers in our life time is a good question.... no one in this world is 100% certain about their belief system. My belief system is not 100%, and I will always test it... I'am not ignorant and accept logical truths.
Amazing, I found someone else in these forums that can post longer messages than me...HeavenSent and people were complaining before about my long posts..heh
Originally posted by WiseCherub
HeavenSent did you know the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good/Evil aren't really trees but something more complex?
The TREE of LIFE is an actual blueprint for the universe, I read about this in the Kabbalah... 10 sephirasno pun intended) You don't buy a book on gardening to fix your car, or do you buy a book on lies and deceit to learn the truth. I understand. Like many, you're a hungry vessel on a quest for revelations... And like many, you have to be careful. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Eph:4:14) To test the spirits you have to have standards. The rules can't change with every book that claims spiritual truth. Antiquity is no stranger of deceit. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the one who knows evil first hand. He is the Evil One. The Tree of Life is The Truth, The Way & The Life. Jesus and Lucifer are the two trees in the garden. They could hang out with the Lord as long as they stayed away from Lucifer. The moment they went to Lucifer and took took part in his scheme and then denying the responsibility for what they had done, they were no longer welcome in the Lord's garden. Throughout the Bible there are metaphors of people being trees. The man blind from birth, when given sight for the first time by one of the numerous miracles preformed by Jesus, said that as his vision was becoming clear, the people at first looked like trees. Like trees, we call our arms and legs limbs. Some even refer to the body as a trunk.
Lucifer, of all God's children, is the only one that has already been judged and sentenced to die. This is why he is also referred to as the "son of perdition", which means judged to die.
:eek:Last edited by HeavenSent; 08-11-2003, 08:05 PM.
Originally posted by TelC@t
I demand to know why there was no black/female/asian saint in the bible.
I feel insulted
Then again, it's possible that many believe that a saint is the principal player in one of the many stories of the Bible. It's commonly forgotten that the Bible is a book of a family history. It's His Story. Israel is God's chosen people. God divided His creation into kingdoms and appointed the archangels to govern them. Israel was a pinch out of His creation that He chose to govern Himself. The Big Picture is about God redeeming His chosen from the chaos that deceived them. Anyone outside the family is perfectly welcomed to join in the blessings that God has waiting for Israel, the apple of the Lord's eye.
Originally posted by Ralex
As do I.