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September 11th

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  • #61
    You know me so well!

    Wont die, no surrender 2


    • #62
      Can we try and keep our abuse subjective please?
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #63
        I really should stop doing serious posts on these forums... Doesn't do any good. But oh well...

        Originally posted by syzygy
        no one seems to realize that the 9-11 event was a terrorist attack, therefore all those who died were as innocent as can be. in the past, people died because countries had declared war on one another. america was not at war with anyone, so the attack caught us all by surprise.
        Ok, Now I'd just want to know how the fact it was a terrorist attack makes the victims more innocent than civilians of a country, whose leaders cause a war?

        And besides... USA did NOT declare war against Iraq. In fact, USA hasn't declared a war since 1941. So by your definition, the people killed in Iraq by americans were "as innocent as can be" why don't we have a day for them too?

        Originally posted by syzygy
        Mennoowh, you wanted Bush to start a war against diseases, traffic problems, and murders by guns? what america did in iraq had no connection with 9-11. from what i understand, it was solely to bring down saddam.
        Well one example that should be touching enough is that about 120 000 children die of hunger every single day. Yet, mr Bush wanted to give hundreds of billions of dollars to "aid economy" or something like that. And from what I heard, it would mostly have helped the richer part of americans.

        And what about military? One number I found for USA's military budget is $379 billion (2003). (The close second on the list was UK with $34,8 billion on 2001, and yes, there is a comma between 4 and 8) Should USA help other countries? Nah, it's their problem. If they don't have the money to buy their own food from the rich people using their land, what should USA care?

        No wait... money as we know it was western invention and we just went to the other countries saying "look, this little piece of paper is called a dollar. I will give you a dollar and you will give me all your land. When you have a dollar, you can buy lots of cool stuff in fun places like McDonalds" "Nah let's not help them, let's just spend all our resources in killing them instead. Besides thought of masses of people getting blown up gives me a hard on"

        Originally posted by syzygy
        MaGi kOz, first of all, not only americans died in the attack. secondly, people around the world are remembered in many ways. in america, veterans day and memorial day honor those who died in wars, simply on one day because they all died at different times. 9-11 is now known as patriot day, probably more important than other american holidays because innocent people, not just americans, died together within hours. a moment of silence is the least you could do to show respect.
        Ya more important day than the others... But 9-11 was never about the "large" number of people getting killed. What was it about then? Try to do some thinking yourself and not just replay what the US governement says.

        Originally posted by syzygy
        Bioture, as i said above, the 9-11 attacks had nothing to do with iraq. america declared war on iraq for not giving up wmd, and as with other wars, the loss of enemy civilians is never purposeful coming from america, etc. plenty of the civilians were sacrificed by saddam himself, such as the family sent in a rigged vehicle into an american base. and i don't know about you, by i care when anyone dies innocently, whether they're friend, foe, or neutral.
        Ok... First sentence: Iraq war really HAD something to do with 9-11... I mean USA couldn't find Osama (who people have already forgotten about already) so Bush and some political magicians directed the feelings to Iraq and Saddam. (I mean, they're Arabs! So that's close enough to pay back the 9-11! Right!?)

        Second sentence: As said before USA did NOT declare war against Iraq. And besides... what WMD could they have handed over? I still haven't heard about any WMD discovered from Iraq? I wouldnt be surprised if there was some, but wouldn't it be nice to find proofs first? Guilty until proved innocent? And to my knowledge it was not about bringing down saddam. I mean USA had their threat: "Saddam must leave Iraq in 48 hours" but they cancelled it saying they will attack anyways.

        And yes, let's just ignore the political principal the United Nations has had for years, about not intervening with other countries' local affairs. (It's just that current political theory is kind of based on that) Let's just ignore the UN too, they're just a bunch of hippies anyways.

        Originally posted by syzygy
        i'm not racist or sexist or anything like that. the only kind of people who get on my nerves are those who misinterpret what's really going on. if someone doesn't like the idea of remembering people who died, fine, go on with your feelings, but please don't make a controversy about it in front of people who were affected by the incident.
        It's not allowed to talk about these things unless some of my family got killed in the attack? Damn, I should had read that before starting this.

        You really should had started your post with that "I'm not racist" It's a classic: "I'm not a racist or anything, but..."

        Nah, I belive you

        But about the people who misinterpret really going on? Umh, right.

        <3, Kuukunen


        • #64
          After reading this thread, I have come to the conclusion that Tyson_Bitbeast is the thickest person in TW, and he has now started an eternal rivalry between Jesus and War angels.
          Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


          • #65
            Originally posted by Bilbo
            After reading this thread, I have come to the conclusion that Tyson_Bitbeast is the thickest person in TW, and he has now started an eternal rivalry between Jesus and War angels.
            You mean Jesus and Myself.
            I am no longer a part of War Angels.

            Blood Love Overcomes Our Depressions


            • #66
              fine Kuukunen, i'm sorry, i just got annoyed by what other people were saying. i honestly don't know what was going through Bush's mind, and i don't give a damn about the American government. some people just got me pissed, so, ironic as it may be, i gave them my opinion of what i thought was going on just to make myself feel better. happy? good, i'll shut up now
              there's more to life than meets the eye, but don't let that get you down.

              "If someone throws a stone, throw bread back."

              "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
              -Samuel Langhorne Clemens

              "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."
              -Samuel Johnson


              • #67


                • #68
                  yah. we're still trying to kill sadam and we still havn't done it. I think they're letting him live so we have an excuse to go there and take their oil. Bush even told me himself... He plays SS you know?

                  Bush> Hmm We need some oil... OH GEE! tEHRE'S PLenty of it over there where Saddam is... I know! I'll go invade their country and take their oil! But I need an excuse...
                  Bush> OH YAh! I'll just tell the patriotic citizens of United States of America to REMEMBER 911 and that GOD is on our sides. YEEEEESSSSS! Perfect!
                  Bush> And if they still go against it... I'll say that if they're not with me.... they are UN-AMERICAN! WAHOO... sounds like a plan to me.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MaGi kOz
                    yah. we're still trying to kill sadam and we still havn't done it. I think they're letting him live so we have an excuse to go there and take their oil. Bush even told me himself... He plays SS you know?
                    Nah, It'll be "Saddam is probably in Syria! Syria is hiding Saddam! Therefore we must attack Syria!"

                    Originally posted by MaGi kOz
                    Bush> Hmm We need some oil... OH GEE! tEHRE'S PLenty of it over there where Saddam is... I know! I'll go invade their country and take their oil! But I need an excuse...
                    Bush> OH YAh! I'll just tell the patriotic citizens of United States of America to REMEMBER 911 and that GOD is on our sides. YEEEEESSSSS! Perfect!
                    Bush> And if they still go against it... I'll say that if they're not with me.... they are UN-AMERICAN! WAHOO... sounds like a plan to me.
                    That's what he used outside America too... "If you are not with us, you are against us. So if you don't support our attack to Iraq, you are a terrorist loving country and I think I'll go put your name (how did they spell it? ok thanks) in the 'very bad countries list' in my diary (which, by the way, has pink furry covers)"

                    Come to think of it, this is wrong thread for this conversation, but has that stopped people of making idiots of themselves before?


                    • #70
                      Well...september 11th...I just got home from school when it happened, and I watched CNN for like an hour or something but I still can't imagine the whole situation. If I think of it, I always see the plane hitting the tower, but I just think it is so hard to believe due to the madness behind this action.
                      I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                      • #71
                        We will undoubtedly win the war on terrorism. Like we have won the war on drugs. And you know how we can't buy drugs anymore! WooT!
                        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                        TelCat> i dont


                        • #72
                          this thread has been brought to you by scores upon scores of people talking out of their asses


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Pearl Jam
                            this thread has been brought to you by scores upon scores of people talking out of their asses

                            Says Pearl Jam's ass.

