In all the action series cartoons (Including Anime) they tend to make characters state the obvious. A Villian could be twirling a baton over his head and chanting a satanic ritual, and you would recognize it right off, but the hero would say "Oh no, he is now twilring some unkown object over his head and using some ritualistic chant" ad teh girl would state "OH no, be careful". Why od they do this? are there people out there stupid enough not to know what the hell is going on the whole damn time? I was watching Inuyasha last night and each character repeated eachothers name after that person made a statement to them.
"The Miasma is getting thicker" -Miroku(Once again obvious)
"Oh no be careful Inuyasha!" -Shippou
"Inuyasha" -Kagome
"The Miasma is getting thicker" -Miroku(Once again obvious)
"Oh no be careful Inuyasha!" -Shippou
"Inuyasha" -Kagome