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Why Do People Hate The Usa?

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  • #76
    You don't want to argue that Tibet one Bio, it's a pretty clear cut case of China screwing them over. Religious freedom was promised but not delivered and the dalai lama and 100,000+ had to flee in exile, not to mention the thousands that starved to death because of policy changes that were enforced upon them. The only claim that china has to legitimately hold Tibet is that in the 600s a Chinese princess married a Tibetian king. Honestly I'm not an expert on Tibet by the way, so you know, maybe you know better than me since you do live in China and I live in Pittsburgh PA which isn't exactly right next to Tibet, but that's how I see it.

    Did the USA screw over Hawaii? Yeah I guess we did, but currently it's a completely different scenario. No one (except maybe a few nut cases) in Hawaii is asking to be separated from the united states. We also fucked up in Vietnam. But I mean we've also helped out with money, and soldiers and food bucketloads of countries for sometimes no gain of our own (and yes sometimes because we have interest in their oil). No one's perfect and every country has messed up in the past, but I believe the US government is trying to make decisions based not just on economics. I think Canadians are just pissed at us because their baseball team is going to get contracted. My friend got tickets to 2 expo games for $3 a game.

    Don't get me wrong I know the USA is full of idiots and a bunch of them irritate the hell out of me. I think in Subspace the average age of the US player is younger though than Europeans and others. I'm not sure why that is really, but it seems to be the case. I'd be interested to see a poll of that.

    Brad Pitt did a good job in his role in seven years in Tibet. Blame Canada is a good song.
    Last edited by Sleepy Weasel; 08-28-2002, 03:30 AM.


    • #77
      yes, you hit it right on the nose. every single canadian hates america with every fibre of our being and hope you all rot in hell because our baseball teams blow.
      or maybe baseballs not popular in canada.
      or maybe we don't really hate you all that much, we just wouldn't want to live there.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Bioture
        This thread is bringing up some newfound hatred i have for america that never previously existed.

        -Yes being made to look stupid will do that to you.

        I admit its hard for me to stay unbiased for this discussion, so I'd like to personally apologize if ive offended any other open-minded Americans.

        -Never preface an apology.

        I think the understanding of this situation is better than pointing fingers. Even you Annux. you may be a patriotic redneck, but you have your good reasons.

        -And you may be a jealous rice-eater, but you still keep talking.

        Maybe one day everyone in the world can apperciate similiarities by first understanding the differences.

        <applause> you hypocritical twat.

        Mr 12 inch wonder


        • #79
          Move this shit to Piss&M...sry flashback, Trash Talk already
          There's no place like


          • #80
            Communism or a dictatorship is the best form of goverment, but hard to maintain. If it would just have a wise pacifist as a leader, everyone would be happy in the end. Things would be decided more quickly. Let's take those floods in europe as an example now. Under a dictatorship, the dictator could have just commanded the area to be evacuated with military force, nobody dies. But in a democracy, it takes time to make decisions and people have their precious 'freedom' which they cannot use to the fullest since they do not know how. So they end up dying in the end.


            • #81
              Because Freedom and Liberty is worth more than a miserable life?

              Who cares if the Dictator can save your life if you don't enjoy living it?


              • #82
                Originally posted by Bioture

                Originally posted by Annux
                That is not America's fault, nor its' responsobility. Go start a Revolution.

                *we have. i believe its called the cultural revolution.

                Must not have been a great success if your own Government doesn't enforce its own Laws that are meant to protect its own people.

                Then China is not communist since communism is set up by the workers for the workers. Totalitarian governments do not affect us, and the minute they start to and we take action -- ungrateful rice-eaters will start burning US flags. Remember, you don't want the US intervening? Sort your own shit out, we got more than our own share of problems to deal with.

                *Communism is set up by rich people for the workers. It is by no means what karl marx's interpretation of what communism is, you triflin wheat-eater.

                Let me just clear this up, you're insulting me because I know the proper definition of communism opposed to the embarassing fiasco that should be labeled a "Totalitarian Command Economy" (aka the Chinese Government) ?


                \Com"mu*nism\, n. [F. communisme, fr. commun common.] A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.<-

                I highly recomend for your local Dictator/Warmonger/Politician.

                The point of business is to make a profit. We make profit in exchange for employing your people, giving you trade options, dropping sanctions from the Cold War era, ignoring ALL the Human Rights Violations you sick fucks seem to commit on a daily basis, and setting up lower taxes on incoming exports. Is this a fair deal? Probably not. Is America taking advantage of the situation? To some degree, yes. But don't expect us to stop, if your own Government won't regulate.

                *Sick fucks? thats good to hear from people that nuked two cities. Geez, asia seems to ignore that too.

                Comparing 2 wartime acts to those done on a regular basis for no apparent reason besides inhumane malice isn't a very good match-up. Putting people in Psychiatric institutions for writing their opinions in newspapers, running over Student protestors in tanks, censoring media outlets, restricting religion, executing people on a regular basis without giving them a fair trial are considered Human Rights Violations. When the United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it did so to end World War II in the Pacific, which meant saving thousands of lives. Following the bombings, Japan surrendered. I think it was a terrible action but was absolutely neccessary because the stubborn leaders of Japan would not surrender under acceptable conditions. Abusing the workers in your own land and bombing a foreign enemy who has declared war against you are two very different things.

                Pointing the finger at other countries just because you don't have an answer doesn't make you look intellegent. If the Chinese population considers the WTO and American Trade Propositions to be unfair, excessive, or unjust -- it should not have allowed the Corporations to cross the Seas. The fact that your Government doesn't represent your people is not my fault, and I should not be bothered by it -- because the second that I do, you will rally about me sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. The double-edged sword is only cutting you at this point.

                *It may not be anyones fault. but it certainly isnt any of your damn business.

                If it isn't my business, don't complain about the Corporations treating your people unfairly. If your own Government doesn't care for your people, and you're telling me, a concerned Voter and American to fuck off -- then good luck in achieving any of your pointless goals.

                And it will continue to do so until China takes a descisive action and makes a clear statement of "We don't want foreign Businessmen here because they take advantage of our hospitality and abuse our labour force." I'm not proud of the Corporations acting in this way, but I'll be damned to take any action about it until your Government shows an ounce of interest in the welfare of its own damn citizens.

                *Again. you dont seem to understand the situation of communism in China. Its not a democracy. keyword:NOT.

                Apparently, it isn't a communism either. If I was you, I'd pack up for Taiwan. I hear the hookers in TaiPei are top notch.

                The difference between Hawaii and Tibet is that Tibet has been struggling for decades to be freed from an Atheist, violent Government because of the shame of even being recognized as part of China, while Hawaii has great surfing and has not once voiced any indications to leave the Union. Comparing Tibet to Hawaii is like comparing Vagina to a Graphing Calculator. I'll let it go this time though, because you clearly have no idea what the fuck is coming out of your head.

                *China is by majority buddhist. We arent the ones that separated state from religion. Hey, you guys had to Annex hawaii, overthrown the queen, and faced anti-statehood rallies, whats the difference? Stop basing your answers and opinion and assumptions and take a look:


                since youre obviously a biased white guy thats trying angrily to protect how "flawless" america is, ill let it go this time since youre obviously like any other flag-waving redneck.

                Typed in Tibet and Hawaii in a random Search Engine:

                -> Tibet

                China invaded the sovereign nation of Tibet in 1949 and since that time an estimated 1.3 million Tibetans have been killed. In addition, the Chinese have transferred more than 7 million of their own people into occupied Tibet in violation of the Geneva Convention. Tibetans are now a minority in their own country and China is on schedule in its timetable to make Tibet disappear. In the genocide of a peaceful people there are not two sides, there is no argument.
                Historically, Tibet is recognized as a culture of non-violence. Through all of this horror, the Tibetan people have remained steadfastly non-violent and they and their leader, the Dalai Lama, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace <-

                -> Hawaii

                Surf Notes: We're finally striking gold here in the islands, at least in terms of available surf to ride! It's one of those times when just about every beach has waves breaking on it. The south and west shores have seen a good solid swell, while the north and east shores have had their fair share of surf breaking too. I see this gnarly situation continuing through the rest of this week into next...although there will be up and down periods as far as wave heights are concerned. <-

                We are talking about Modern Day struggles. There is not one state, territory, or district wishing independence or desertion from the Union. This is not the case with Tibet.

                America isn't flawless and I never said it was. But, I'd be safe to say, we got things running just a little better than China.

                BTW, I don't have any American flags hanging around here, nor do I own one. And there's not too many 'hicks' in New York.

                Last edited by Annux; 08-28-2002, 10:33 AM.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Bioture

                  Tell the lazy 350 million Americans to get off their fat asses and make their own cheap shirts and electronics and stop sucking off of welfare money provided by the hard-working middle class. And the last time I checked, only a small portion of those people were chinese.

                  Down with W.T.O.


                  The W.T.O. is perhaps the worst thing ever, but I don't think your concept of the American welfare system is correct. Legislation was passed stating that only women can receive welfare now. It is only in certain cases were men can receive it too. Products in America will never be made as cheap as that in a foreign thrid world country. That is just the way it is. Americans have way to much pride. I can't even tell you how many times I have heard people say "I would never do that, that is immigrant labor." Before anything can be changed, we as a nation need to accept the fact that not everyone can be millionaires and have easy jobs. We all need to learn that cleaning toilets and mowing lawns, although it may be hard and not very prolific as far as money is concerned, teachs us great lessons about life. It teaches us humility. Once proud Americans realize this, then can we start to make cheaper goods. But I don't think that will ever happen, because that is the way our society works. I know the points I am making are very vague and not to the point, but that is because I honestly don't know as much about this sort of subject as the rest of the people here. Economics isn't my thing. I will say this, and then you guys can call me a newbie and tell me to stfu, but I think that the third world countries, where we are getting are goods from more specifically, need to reform their government and social spending programs. It is not going to be until the people over in those countries gain more as far as oppertunity, or even more matter of factly monetarily. The people in these countries need to stop following Rousseau's theory of governing, which says that people living in a specific area with specific powers controlling them should just deal with the system or leave if they don't like it. Laws, and money, unfortunately prevent these people from just leaving. They need to take a more "Lockean" approch, and rise up against corruption and try to get somethings change. Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of turmoil in these areas, and a lot of uprisings, but they just don't have enough support. So I say set reform standards in these countries. Start at the beginning. If people in these nations are making 8 dollars an hour or something like that, of course major corporations will move their factories back to their homelands. There are many more benefits to doing that. Again, I am not very educated in these topics, and I am sure most of the information I am spewing out is wrong, so feel free to tell me I am a dipshit.
                  Last edited by Ennui; 08-28-2002, 02:22 PM.
                  2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum

                  Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
                  Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by IlyaG
                    P.S. this summarizes all haters of America: "You think you're so much better than us, don't you? That ignorant thought of your supposed superiority makes me sick. Your country is insignificant next to mine. My beautiful European country is far superior to America!" Anybody see a logic flaw here?

                    I do.

                    As for Face's post earlier. I completely agree with you. Oh, and be sure not to forget this one that makes me sick. Everytime there is an article or a news piece about 9-11 it starts off with "Post 9-11 America," or, "Since 9-11, America has become a new country." Fuck all that, that is bullshit.

                    My lifestyle has not changed because a group of completely horrible self righteous assholes decided it would be in the best interest of what they consider a god to be to kill 3000 innocent people. I believe in a god, but not in any organized religion. I frown upon using "god" as an excuse to kill people. Whatever happened to the good old days, back before a man named Mohammed, and a man named Jesus, walked this earth, causing people to want to kill one another in the name of their god. This got way off topic. I shouldn't have even posted this.
                    2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum

                    Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
                    Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)


                    • #85
                      Can we please get rid of the racist terms used against Chinese persons in several of these responses? They are hardly necessary.

                      Attack the opinions but not the person, and most definately, not his race.


                      • #86
                        So much to say, so little time.

                        Instead I will leave you all with this statement...

                        The pot should really stop calling the kettle black.

                        (For those of you whose narrow mindedness immediately relates that statement to racism, you are dumber than your parents thought.)
                        Ünited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts WASHINGTON, DC—In a move designed to make the United States seem more "bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner," Congress passed a bill Monday changing the nation's name to the Ünited Stätes of Ämerica. "Much like Mötley Crüe and Motörhead, the Ünited Stätes is not to be messed with," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). An upcoming redesign of the Ämerican flag will feature the new name in burnished silver wrought in a jagged, gothic font and bolted to a black background. A new national anthem is also in the works, to be written by composer Glenn Danzig and tentatively titled "Howl Of The She-Demon."

                        -->CLICK HERE!$!$!<--


                        • #87
                          If you're concerned about people using harsh stereotypes in order to insult, then this thread should've been closed by about the 6th or 7th reply.


                          • #88
                            My apology TK.


                            • #89
                              The US gets imports from foreign countries / 3rd world countries, what's the big idea? They work for it cheap, so we take it cheap. It's not our own fault that their very own government doesn't have the capability to foresee their own issues. The US has it's own problems- and there are "hicks" in every country, just in different fasions. They can be proud of where they reside, if they so desire. This is a free land, the people have the freedom to do what they want in life for their future, when they so desire. Targeting a certain country over facing your own problems is quite the misjudgment in some, almost seems as though you're looking for an escape goat. You can't renovate your own country by putting someone else deeper in a hole, which is already deep enough due the tragic 9/11 incident, in which my younger brother died. Too much nostalgia for me there, no point in it for me what-so-ever to even near that incident physically. The US has the capability of taking action on a tremendous scale, and we do so, because we are in it for what is good for us, just as every other country does. Though we are in it for us, we also intervene in other world affairs, because we have the agency to do so, and try to stand for what is right and what is good, which is all that any country or single individual can do. Picking apart good intentions is all that people can really think of to do to us, but yet they aren't in that situation, which is quite frankly, sickening.

                              Annux obviously knows what he's talking about, every post I have read of his makes sense, and is 95% correct from what I remember in college. You're just lucky I'm too busy to really get down into this subject at hand.
                              I fucking own you in the warbird, shut the fuck up.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Troll King
                                Can we please get rid of the racist terms used against Chinese persons in several of these responses? They are hardly necessary.

                                Attack the opinions but not the person, and most definately, not his race.
                                My point was to show him how rediculous it is to have a racist term in an apology.
                                Mr 12 inch wonder

