Originally posted by SuSe
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Hey! They're talking about us!
Last edited by ZeUs!!; 08-20-2004, 01:05 PM.Originally posted by Facetiousedit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)
It would be awesome if a SVS squad played in the next TWL as a "guest" squad. I bet they wouldn't win a single game, or win 1 at most out of luck.Though, SVS will do better in TW than TW in SVS because SVS you have to aim and keep aiming at a single target before they die, while also dodging the other guys bullets. In TW, you have to aim and shoot, and if you miss, you only have to dodge 1 bullet from the enemy. So when a TWer goes to SVS, they would have to get used to dodging a shitload of bullets that would seem like going up vs a cheater by TW standards. SVS would be able to play, but they wouldn't be able to play well. Though, it is very easy to tell if a guy in TW is a SVS player or not. They are by far the most egotistical son of a bitches I've ever seen. I'm sure some aren't like that, but I bet less than 5%...
I think the best thing about TW is that we have a bright and undepressing forum. Oh yes we do, oh yes we do. BTW
OH NOS THEY FOUND US OUT: http://www.ssforum.net/index.php?showtopic=5328&st=60
Originally posted by Mr. PeanutsWell, maybe TW PM'ed lots of people to come test the zone out, but hold on a minute, maybe they liked what they saw and stayed in TW.
Originally posted by Mr. PeanutsThose people would now be vets of TW so you can't exactly say they are newbies.
Originally posted by ZeUs!!This part was my favourite. Surely the zone is popular... because people enjoy it? If it was shit everyone would have turned up and then promptly left again.
Originally posted by NockmWhat they should be saying, is that it is relatively easier. That is, they'd do better in TW, than we'd do in SVS... and that's the truth. Instead, they talk about other nonsense which is easily ignored.5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
Originally posted by MetalKidIt would be awesome if a SVS squad played in the next TWL as a "guest" squad. I bet they wouldn't win a single game, or win 1 at most out of luck.Though, SVS will do better in TW than TW in SVS because SVS you have to aim and keep aiming at a single target before they die, while also dodging the other guys bullets. In TW, you have to aim and shoot, and if you miss, you only have to dodge 1 bullet from the enemy. So when a TWer goes to SVS, they would have to get used to dodging a shitload of bullets that would seem like going up vs a cheater by TW standards. SVS would be able to play, but they wouldn't be able to play well. Though, it is very easy to tell if a guy in TW is a SVS player or not. They are by far the most egotistical son of a bitches I've ever seen. I'm sure some aren't like that, but I bet less than 5%...
svs is a vague subject..if you are talking premier leagues..then you get a shitload of items and a team that is always around you. if the zone actually had events runnnig all day besides ?go prac in which new faces wont get picked..then maybe some other people would have incentive to try the zone and practice it.
as for myself, I practiced the zone some..and right away was asked onto some squad that was in pro, a pretty weak squad but whatever, it got me experience..then the next season I was on the defending championship squad. meanwhile fieryfire was on a top contender within a season too. the place is not that hard. on the flip side, many pro players came to tw and went immediately to contenders..but they had a chance to practice basics a lot in elim too.
however, the best in tw may be beaten here or there by lesser guys 1v1..in pro I feel that there a smaller core of remarkable dueling players that dont leave you with any chances. their dueling there you are in a box, in a ship that cant turn fast..and lots of firepower.
I recommend that whoever is interested in pro league, just practice some dueling and maybe someone will recognize you from dueling and pick you for a prac..or wait until someone is like "anyone to freq 200" in a ?go prac..but uhm, dont do anything even in a prac arena if you are going to eat shit because you probably wont be allowed to play again with those guys.
yhada yaday blahI agree.
TW is a newbie zone and requires alot less skill, there facts. No point arguing over these when they dont mean much if everyones happy.
Most people left svs setting's around the time TW started up becasue frankly the staff couldnt run a piss up in a pub. There was very little to do apart from manual prac's and cloak in j12 to burst people.
The leagues (United/Euro/Aml/Pro) were ok, but soon very boring and only provided a small break from the shitty run zones that resulted in a massive decrease in people actually playing in svs zones.
TW to us chaos and svs leagues peeps was a fresh change and there was always something to do.
TW reminds me of playing poker, most people can play it, alot think they are pretty good at it, but it takes years to master and u never stop learning. Where as to be able to compete in svs leagues you need to prac alot more and be a good level before you can achieve anything.
Can't tell you how many considered very good TW players I see completly getting owned in svs setting zones, its very rare i see a svs player struggle in TW.
You cant really compare the zones, each are so different. You can say TW is the biggest and most popualar tho.
hmm. Forgot I even had an account here. Sup.Ex-TW Dev / ER (Event Ref) / ER (Elim Ref)
Former SSC Network Administrator
SubSpace.co - SubSpace / Continuum Gaming Network
This is a game right? Someone pinch me.
People sitting in front of their keyboards hittings keys... If you play tw for 4/5 years you'll probably get quite good. The same goes for SVS. The only difference would be if in one of those zones you stopped getting better. But you do get better the longer you play in tw, SVS and in most other zones. This is what makes ss a good game.
I expect Priitk and Dock> could name the reasons why tw is the most popular zone. It has little to do with the staff, leagues, automated bots etc. It's down to the ship settings and the pub map.