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Banning Rules Need Changing

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  • Banning Rules Need Changing

    read PMs from TyeStick and Dameon. Tye was not banned, but rules 4 and 5 clearly state that he should be. They're on the top left corner of the map, enforce them.
    Last edited by Rab; 06-10-2018, 10:06 AM. Reason: Removed personal information

  • #2
    What are the rules?


    • #3
      dont spam

      dont be mean

      dont be racist


      • #4
        and the rules are that if it's in PM, we tell the player it ?ignore. I think that's bullshit. If you break our rules in our zone, with proper proof (screenshot made in quick time is one source), you should be banned from TW.


        • #5
          From news.txt

          The following things are illegal in Trench Wars:

          1. Cheating (no warning) or abusing bugs in the game.
          2. Third party programs, such as debuggers (EG: SoftIce), bots, cheats, etc.
          3. Deliberate or excessive team killing. Including team killing somebody back!
          4. Discrimination, racism, childporn or anything related to it inside the game.
          This includes but is not restricted to names, squad names and banners.
          5. Excessive and deliberate verbal harassment, spamming or flooding of public
          or private channels. If it is less serious the victim(s) will be advised to
          use '?ignore Name', ESC I (for public macros) or change their ?chat.
          6. Flooding and spamming rules also apply to the ?cheater and ?help commands.
          Use ?cheater only for reporting cheaters or team killers. Use ?help only
          for asking game related questions.
          7. Advertising other zones is not illegal, however bothering people with
          private ad messages or flooding the public chats with it is!
          8. Manipulating your lag, no matter how this is accomplished (downloads, modem
          feature, program). Non-abusing players exhibiting extreme lag will be asked
          to reconnect to the zone. Refusal may result in a forced kick off the zone.
          9. Using spectator mode to locate and hunt a specific enemy (spec hunting).
          10. One person running multiple Subspace/Continuum clients at the same time.
          11. Going outside the map boundaries, no matter how this is accomplished.
          12. Idle players may be put into spectator mode, so other people get a chance
          to play in that team or arena. A small ban may be issued in extreme cases.
          13. Pretending to be a staff member, for example by threatening to ban people or
          wearing a <ZH> or <ER> tag. Also, if your name is too similar to that of a
          moderator you may be asked to change or adjust it to avoid confusion.
          14. Violating event rules in (sub)arenas hosted by a referee or in (Base)Elim.
          Rules and warnings are usually given in the form of (green) arena messages,
          so pay attention to them.
          15. Being disruptive to the game in any other way than listed above.

          I would say it's definitely against rules 4 and 5, and under certain views can be against rule 6.
          Last edited by Ewan; 09-16-2004, 08:20 PM.
          USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
          ---A few minutes later---
          9:cool koen> you scorereseted
          9:Kim> UM
          9:Kim> i didn't
          9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
          9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
          9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
          9:pascone> lol?


          • #6
            A lot of rules need to be changed, enforced, and upgraded
            the price is right, bitch.


            • #7
              I'd rather not get banned for shit I didn't say. Yeah, I'd like people are pming me to be banned, but I'd rather be banfree myself.


              • #8
                USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                ---A few minutes later---
                9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                9:Kim> UM
                9:Kim> i didn't
                9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                9:pascone> lol?


                • #9
                  Its kinda like how law worked throughout history. TW is a growing community. When say Country "X" started, they had 100 people. The Laws were simple and to the point, everyone understood them, everything was good. Now, 1,000 people are here. More people mean more conflict and the rules/laws have to evolve to meet those needs.

                  On another note, if players don't get reprimanded (sp?) for spamming players in PMs, then what's stopping everyone from doing it? It's only encouraging it, not stopping it.


                  • #10
                    Dameon, in your sig, there shouldn't be an apostrophe ( ' ) in "Joe's" as it neither belongs to them nor is short for "Joe is".
                    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                    ---A few minutes later---
                    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                    9:Kim> UM
                    9:Kim> i didn't
                    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                    9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                    9:pascone> lol?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ewan
                      Dameon, in your sig, there shouldn't be an apostrophe ( ' ) in "Joe's" as it neither belongs to them nor is short for "Joe is".
                      Its Average Joe's Gym for the "full name". If you've seen the movie Dodgeball, that's the name of their Gym. It's an apostrophe cause the Average Joe's of the city own the Gym. It was what they were fighting for.


                      • #12
                        Rules definately need to be adjusted for pm's...And why can't screenshots be accepted anyway...I understand some people are pretty good at editing stuff but it has the time on your radar and files have that Last Modified thing so you can tell if they edited it after the thing was taken. and if they tried to mod the time on the screenshot it'd probly be pretty noticeable unless they spent alot of time on it, so you could have a rule that says only screenshots submitted within 15 minutes will be accepted or something

                        Edit: and I love that sig matt, awesome movie and that's one of the funniest parts
                        Ban Ikrit


                        • #13
                          PMs cant be enforced. There is NEVER any just proof. I mean screenshots and logs can be faked, or modified to make ppl say things htey didnt. You would have these computer nerds who know how to do it going around making fake screenshots of ppl they dislike and sending them in to get them banned. Same thing goes for private chats. Thats why they are called "PRIVATE" Chat/MSG.

                          Like dameon said, its simple. Type ?ignore <name> and it will solve the problem. I know when someone spams me i'll ignore them or spam them back, its no biggy.

                          Squad pm's are diffferent tho. If someone is spaming/being racist to the whole squad then maybe something should be done. Or using the " command. There are ways for staff to see this tho, u can let them squadjoin, or give them ur freq to see it.

                          Dont fuk with the pm rules tho, thats messed up.


                          • #14
                            I say, you should be able to take a screenshot as proof if it is sent to you in a quick fashon. Noone can edit a screenshot to look real in 5 seconds.


                            • #15
                              All Of You Are Nuts

                              When I Am In Pub I Type ?nopubchat And It Gets Better.


