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Cloakers in ?go base

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  • Cloakers in ?go base

    They suck. Ever since the tiny cloakers started, people use them to get cheap wins. I say we send them the way of the levi.
    1:Zerzera> aura shut up
    1:Zerzera> you hate my recruits because I am muslim
    jdigs3> jdigs offers u his protection

  • #2
    they own... big time... wb's suck... not X's
    1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p
    1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination
    1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :(
    1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums..
    1:lnx> kk
    1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo


    • #3
      lol, little tiny meanies! :groovy:
      1:cripple> guys i am sorry for all the inconvenience of my virginity that i have let out on this squadron, i love u all

      1:Chief Utsav> please leave me alone


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jrahen
        lol, little tiny meanies! :groovy:
        What? :blink:

        HAY GUYS


        • #5
          Yea they are annoying and lame, remove them from the whole zone.


          • #6
            let it be
            Last edited by Suzie-Q.; 01-04-2005, 02:47 PM.

            NO Boys Allowed Forums

            NoBA status:Recuiting

            NO comment by lunar here what so ever

            Enjoys: Stealing Dameon angells kills


            • #7
              The x's just leave more of a challenge. If you don't like them in base, then you don't have to play it if you don't want to.


              • #8
                I like tha x... But as for hunting them in a Terr, it's a pain in tha a$$... Cause their so small, and they can dodge most tha time... Weasel hunting is a lil harder then it used to be. That's 4 damn sure.
                -Put up, Or Shut up-


                • #9
                  Ok, well I have never seen any of you guys are replied ever in ?go base, but Xs are not fun and different. They are really of no strategic value other than score is 14:59 - 12:00 "someone x me I'm gonna go steal flag". Which is pretty lame. Basing should be how it was, not like it is.
                  Just like middle school, drawing pnus is frowned upon. ?go pictionary -SpookedOne

                  (duckrager)> You are a worthless scammer i hope you fall on your head and have a seizure

                  Tower> anyone here planning an 'Aura from trench wars bullied me' suicide?


                  • #10
                    Well... if the enemy team has a jav the weasel is good for getting less than 10 seconds, otherwise it's pretty useless... It's not that big of a trouble it should get totally removed.
                    6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                    Originally posted by Dreamwin
                    3 league vet


                    • #11
                      Yeah the small cloaker is just annoying; just makes the game a pain to play, plus it defeats half the purpose of time-race basing. Everyone says "oh you can get a jav to keep the cloaker out!" but face it: the cloaker will get it sooner or later. Just put the old big one back in and tweak it a bit. Let it still go invisible, but give it a repel and a rocket and make it so it can cloak forever without losing any energy.


                      • #12
                        HEY! keep the small weasels in ?go base... it provides entertainment once in a while... I used to enjoy specing weasels into fr and get a win when all they needed was a couple of seconds! ^-^ Keep em! :P
                        AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


                        • #13
                          Normal-sized weasels are useless with the volume of red flying around.

                          They're fine the way they are.
                          FREE MANDELA


                          • #14
                            So let me see if I get this straight exactly:

                            Basing is supposed to be about defending the flag, as a team game and reflect the strategy and techniques used to accomplish this goal. However, you say change ship 6 because it adds an entirely different tactic and thing to have to watch for, in defending the flag as a team.

                            Well, I mean that's literal minded and everything but uh guys, you're supposed to be defending the flag, not "keeping up the cram".
                            I think that's why it's called "Basing" and not "Cramming for Fun and Profit".

                            In effect, get the fuck over yourselves, crybabies. If people can manage to stave off X in pubs when there's 3 or 4 coming constantly (along with all the other shit), what excuse do you have, exactly?

                            See staff, this is what I was talking about when I said that people will always find something to complain and be pouty about. It happens, but if you just leave whatever in for a long enough time it stops becoming "The new changes that suck because I have to adapt", and becomes "How things are."
                            "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                            Reinstate Me.


                            • #15
                              You can call it a new tactic or something intresting or refreshing for ?go base but you still have to admit it makes base games shit. No one treats the game thereafter with competitiveness and real line ups break down.

                              Edit: I don't want to sound as much of an asshole as Stab does imo (I still respect ya stab, I have nothing against you <3) but the opinions of basing players I think would be more productive for this thread. I'm not saying you can't post and have an opinion but if you haven't been there then you really can't have a perspective on the Weasel's abilities and effects on basing, pubing isn't of any relevance to this topic.
                              Last edited by Kolar; 12-25-2004, 02:22 AM.

