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Staff resignation. It's controversial like Jerry Springer in '97.

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  • #46
    I read 2 posts in this thread: Qan's and Dock's.

    Although I realize that by the end of my days, I wasn't the most active, I do agree with alot of what you have said qan.

    From top to bottom, the current staff situation is horrid.

    ZH's are trained to use a bot to help people. This has gone from each case being handled with care, to the option of using the aforementioned robohelp. In the "good ol' days", staff members were at least encouraged to ask the person who had done a ?help if the bot's answer had been enough. Now the bot does that for them. The large majority of the ?help calls that ZH's now take, and actually put any time in to, are people wanting wbduel started. A 30 second task that requires no hint of public relations.

    Next, robohelp takes over even by actually imposing itself upon a person's help request rather than giving a live staff member the option. If a person comes into trench wars for the first time and figures out how to do a ?help, they will be greeted by an automated message from a bot that probably has nothing to do with the actual question at hand. I'm sure the new ZH's are not bad people nor are they inherently bad at helping - they are the victims of bad examples being set by the people ahead of them.

    ER's are learning more and more to host games that take no effort at all. Any sort of basing game has been replaced by prodem, deathmatch and jav games have been replaced by hunt and games like tournament or racing or ufc have been thrown out altogether. ZH's now host the most demanding games (dr. coiff hosts ufc, and i know some guys do turretwarz and basing quite frequently), but this is in hopes of being promoted to ER so that they can use bots and not have to do any actual work. All the events being hosted now just require typing !start to some bot and sitting back in your chair for 15 minutes.

    Does anybody remember when actual basing games were hosted over a hundred times a month? When ER's were clearing a hundred, even two hundred events a month on a regular basis? When tournament games were hosted two or three times a day (sorry, automated ?go tourny every weekend doesn't count)? When ER's were mandatorilly required to host 40 games minimum?

    This month, the top ER has hosted somewhere around 75 events. The 5th most active ER has hosted 40-something. People have been out of school due to Christmas vacation. And before people are quick to jump and say that they are on holiday, the zone numbers have been over 600 on regular weekdays. There are more people on now than ever. There are 27 ER's listed on the staff link on the website. <sarcasm>Taking into regard the fact that this list is very hard to maintain</sarcasm> and that as such, some of the ER's that are last seen more than 10 days ago are listed there, and also taking into regard the fact that some of these ER's are recently promoted ZH's, you still have the large majority of your hosting staff not even doing what is required as a minimum for them to stay on staff. Again, I'm sure if they felt that their efforts were being noticed, that the ER's would do the hosting. But all they see above them is inactivity and effort being put in only to dodge having to do any small task.

    Mods are now too "busy" to respond to any ?cheater call that isn't a pubbot saying that so and so is being racist. People are encouraged to use ?cheater if somebody is lagging horribly so that the situation can be dealt with yet a member of staff hardly ever comes. Nor do you get the response that used to be the bare minimum - a lower member of staff apologizing and saying that nobody is available to take the call. We had one mod ban a person because they were challenging a squad using a matchbot. I was specced randomly by a mod almost two weeks ago (with no hard feelings either way). They told me that they were given a week's suspension, and the suspension still hasn't been put in place to date.

    Which leads me to upper staff. Of the staff listed on again, particularily the smods, the majority have so little interest in Trench Wars that I am certain they would be axed if they were anything below smod.

    2dragons spends more time in Hockey Zone and Extreme Games than he does in TW. The Pusher hasn't been seen in forever, nor has he been replaced. Mythrandir and Epinephrine are both fairly inactive, and you seldom hear from any of the rest.

    LNX is the TWD Head Coordinator, yet Weaver (who resigned months ago) still handles the public relations aspect of TWD. The guy (LNX) doesn't even play TWD, nor has he any interest in changing things (like greens in TWDD/JD) unless he is directly told by somebody higher, and even less active.

    Pure_Luck is the worst dean of staff I have ever come across. From Yomama and Superdave, to Mr. Spam and Flabin, to THE PUSHER, Weaver, POiD and anybody I might have forgotten, they all put effort into maintaining staff. Some have not been liked (by myself included), but I have respected what they have all done. I have no respect for Pure_Luck as Dean of Staff. When Pusher was around, he did nothing on his own whilst push balanced being dean with coordinating TWL with playing, talking to people and hosting radio. P_L is on far more, and does far less.

    I don't think the guy knows that the forums - the host of 99% of all discussion about this zone - exist. When he does come on, he puts up a poll like "Should TWLB be based on points, total flag time, or a point race", completely ignores the results and changes the league to an option not even given. I think that the 4 spider max poll actually had a 52% to 48% edge, and not for the direction the P_L chose to go.

    The guy recruits people he likes, or is a pawn of friends in this game and recruits who they like. He says little on chat, little to anybody who isn't on Spastic (hyperbole for effect) and is generally not respected by anybody on staff. I have had people from the bottom to the top say that they don't like the way the dude does stuff, and upper staff wasn't pleased with him so many months ago.

    On the TWL side, this guy doesn't play LD or LJ, and has no interest in improving them. TWL is supposed to start in just over a week, and nobody knows about a qualification deadline, league format (aside from what I'll mention next) nor other specific details. All that I think that we have heard from P_L (the ONLY league op) is (and this was posted on Dec. 6th, over 3 weeks ago):
    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
    TWL format will be the same as last season. 14 teams for LB, 16 teams for LD, 16 teams for LJ.

    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
    Theres only a month left.
    Wow buddy, it must have taken you alot of time and effort to figure that shit out. Basically, you copy all the work that Epi and Push put into TWL and decide that they will be good for a league run at a completely different time of year (this is a winter league after all) and assume that the system we had in place was the most ideal.

    Furhter, a majority of the TWL community can tell you how much a league can change in the space of a month. Shriek has just come back, two weeks before TWL, Diso and Pallies have merged, and unmerged, and new squads have come and gone by the dozen.

    Just as an example, i brought up the Shriek issue with Push way back when, and he was very quick to say that if they did come back for TWL, that alot of thought would go into whether they should be allowed to play. Further, person after person asks if disopallies would be allowed to auto-qualify, and hey, no response from the power that be. The only upper-staff activity on that front was Dock locking the initial thread (an active, and 300+ post thread).

    Pure_Luck has enough time to play two hundred and one rounds of twdd/twlj, and 67 twbd games, as well as those countless games of ?go base you can see him in, but not enough time to take me off the staff list until I have asked him for the fourth time?

    Buddy, step down. You aren't doing a good job, I hope you don't think you are, and the position won't get you any girls. This isn't to slander you, this is in hopes that maybe Trench Wars, and a TWL season I'm sure will be half-assed might be salvaged.

    Finally, staff as a whole is so disinterested in anything out of the ordinary. Two ER's had to organize a strikeball league (when TWL wasn't going on might I add) and got very little support from any other staff member. These games were hosted at the same time as TWL would be hosted, and TWL always had countless hosts around to do that.

    Check that, now that I think of it, ever since P_L took over as a TWL coordinator, fewer and fewer people were volunteering to host games, nor were they being trained to do it.

    I volunteered to assist P_L with a draft league. By the end of it, Rodge had done the maps, I had done the grunt work, and P_L was sitting back doing nothing.

    A bunch of the long-serving members of staff were put together in an Event Coordinating role by Pusher. Push is gone, since then P_L had put, without telling anybody, some random people into a close-knit group, and shown no sense of encouragement at all. How many of you, or even how many of the current staff population even knows about the existence of the ECT?

    Conveniently, Pure_Luck's squad, Spastic, (a squad that isn't overly respected by the Trench Wars community) now has 9 staff members on it that I am aware of. I would be very surprised if this weren't the most for any squad in Trench Wars. Stabwound, a Spastic captain and a guy who spends every day talking about how great he or his squad is, or speaking down to other people, just gets recruited to a Zone Helper? What's next, making Necromotic an SMod in charge of public relations?
    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
    Philos> there is something about you
    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


    • #47

      I left staff over 2 months ago. Things may have gotten better. . . It doesn't sound like they have and it's not something that I would expect.

      Do I think that this message will make a difference? The only change I am expecting is that I won't be asked to go back to staff in the future where I may have before this message was written.

      I hope this will open somebody's eyes. . . But hey, in my opinion the Dean of Staff is the problem, he doesn't read this, and there are very few people who have the power to take him out of his position, and the majority of those aren't even active, nor do they care what he does.

      All of what I have written is a result of what I saw in my three or 4 years on staff. I wasn't behind the scenes on some SMod chat, nor was I programming bots or making new events. I did what I could and what I thought was productive. This means I probably didn't even see half the problems that were going on in the staff ranks, such as the ones Qan has discussed.

      That all said, good luck to everybody, happy holidays and see you all in game.
      Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
      Philos> there is something about you
      Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

      PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


      • #48
        Oh god. SO much nostalgia. I WEEP for the old days. WEEP.
        The pleasure's all mine.


        • #49
          I have been willing to be staff for some time now, and I am willing that if I would ever become staff to put some serious time in it, helping people, hosting stuff, helping tw wherever I can. Now I know I am not some hotshot bot creating guy. but I am willing to learn, I am willing to put time into this zone, but no one even gives me the chance. And I know P_L aint a big fan of me.
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Galleleo
            I have been willing to be staff for some time now, and I am willing that if I would ever become staff to put some serious time in it, helping people, hosting stuff, helping tw wherever I can. Now I know I am not some hotshot bot creating guy. but I am willing to learn, I am willing to put time into this zone, but no one even gives me the chance. And I know P_L aint a big fan of me.
            After creating this thread, I hope you will never make staff.


            • #51
              I have already explained I did not mean that thread in the way everybody took it.. but I did post it, I know it was a mistake and I should have put it in a different format, but hey people make mistakes, shit happens, get over it.
              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


              • #52
                I'm sure P_L isn't the only person who can make you staff. Like I heard mentioned, there are people higher-ranked .

                I too think that something needs to happen with development. Priitk has done a good job, but more can be done to clean up the interface and add more options. I do disagree with making the game totally open source though, because that would make subspace much more prone to hackers and the like.

                I like the bot system, but I think it could be revamped and written in C++ instead of java, for the sake of speed, power, and control.

                What else would I do? Well, I would try to revamp staff with a good set of checks and balances, and try to keep all the power out of any one person's hands. I would also promote an "idea team" that would actively pursue any ideas for improving the arena.

                Also, I think that a "?go new" arena for the newest minigame would be a great idea, so people would know exactly where to go for the latest. It is still a pleasant surprise tho when it pops up in the announcements, so I'm not entirely sure about this .


                • #53
                  Fuck getting on staff. That was cool like 3 years ago when everyone wanted to be on paladen just so they had a shot. And then it was anti-scrub. But at least staffers that come out of anti-scrub are GOOD.

                  Now Spastic? Besides the fact the squad is filled with mostly dipshits, whores, and fatasses with "my other car is a millenium falcon" stickers on their cars, Spastic is such a "me too" squad that tries so hard to distinguish itself and yet falls short of being even remotely respected by anyone. And i'm not talking about the morons who had the audacity to put on a saddle and let PL ride them into TWL like camels. Holy fucking shit its the Taj Ma-fucking-hal I better kneel and tremble in terror or I wont get STAFF.

                  The robo_help bot is also the finest piece of work ever. Now not only does ZHs not have to know jack shit about game specifics, they can use robo_help to send you retarded ass messages as an insult if you don't ask the right questions! Horray!

                  Stabwound as forum mod and ZH?

                  Fuck this shit. I want Machine of God to be ZH. And make him forum mod too, I never want another fat chick porn thread to be closed ever again because I, as well as the rest of the TW community, LOVES TO SEE FAT WOMEN TOUCHING EACH OTHER.

                  P.S. If you want to see two players dueling each other, tick one player's name, hit f4, then tick the other players name and hit f4 again. This is cool for watching base games when you have the focus on the terrs. How many ZHs know this?
                  TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                  TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                  TelCat> i dont


                  • #54
                    I am currently a member of staff, and in agree'ing with the majority of the things that have been said, Im going out on a limb. Im not going to sit back like some staff members and call all of what has been said bullshit. Im not going to sit here and rant on anyone, alot of the problems have already been put out onto the table so there is no need to stress them over again, I believe all that is required is for people to agree that something needs to be done, and (hopefully) those in power will tend to those needs.

                    Specifically, I would really like to see rules put into stone...I know that you can't create a set of rules that covers every single occurance, but I was hoping for some rules that could be more detailed than the ones we already have. More rules and specifications on suspected/induced lag cheating, speedhacking, etc. I know that lagcheating and speedhacking can be questionable offences, and so I believe that if the data shows that the person is probably cheating in one of those ways, they should be specced or be subbed instead of banned. The only thing worse than cheating is being punished for something you didn't do...but something needs to be done, even if its just speccing them, its better than banning them from the game for week(s). I don't need to go into great detail as to what needs to be done, I believe what has been already said here in addition to the ability of those in command will straighten all of this out.

                    Peace Qan, Rand
                    1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
                    3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
                    3:Best> see it coming
                    3:Best> sad


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Hairygroin
                      I like the bot system, but I think it could be revamped and written in C++ instead of java, for the sake of speed, power, and control.
                      Java doesn't make the bots slow. Period. Half of the bots run external to the server, so they suffer from the same lag issues that everyone else can (and probably more due to an unreliable connection). Whatever speed problems you're experiencing have nothing to do with java.

                      What control and power would C++ give you that Java doesn't? You'd lose platform independance. Java is more elegant and easier to write.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Hairygroin
                        I do disagree with making the game totally open source though, because that would make subspace much more prone to hackers and the like.
                        Re-read what I wrote. Keep back his security encryption protocols,
                        which is the thing that keeps people from doing what you said.
                        "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                        Reinstate Me.


                        • #57
                          Lucon lvl up

                          Now make me a Zone Helper. You all know that I'd be the best fucking ZH ever.
                          The pleasure's all mine.


                          • #58
                            yeah show em how you work that robo_help baby.

                            zhs are fucking worthless. what the fuck is this you learn how to play the game when you're a ZH now? (LOOK AT ICE STORM AKA ICEY <ZH>)

                            Read post 54
                            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                            TelCat> i dont


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Evasive
                              hope lies in the proles
                              1984 $ oh and as far as offering Qan Smod, another trick outta 1984. To keep the proles quiet, they upgraded them.....or killed em

                              2Dragons for Sysop. That guy knows his shit, is fair, is nice, and is incredibly smart. Kick Dock>. 2D 4 sysop 2005
                              Last edited by Squeezer; 12-30-2004, 05:15 AM.
                              Originally posted by Tone
                              Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                              • #60
                                chitty chitty bang bang

                                For the record if you dont know im Mr.Bling <ER>

                                I think staff these days has to much power to use at will. People get baned for weeks at a time for using racial slurs when you can walk out side and use them in the public. Why do we have the right to confine the freedom of speech on an internet game.

                                As far as the TWDEV goes i believe your trying way to hard we dont need all these fancy .lvz like that useless counter in twd. All these subgames that take someone with 56k 15 minutes to download just to get in and lagout of im sure your intentions are to make the game fun, but its not neccisary at all if you haven't noticed the main population is in pub, twd, elim, baseelim, base, and javs. Why isnt there any upgrades on the events that become played daily like honestly when was the last time ?go rally was hosted? i dont think it was since i was a <ZH>. The people who post maps should be axed and someone else step up to the plate it takes roughly 5 minutes to setup a map thats been already created and tested but i have had people pm me asking why it takes months to get a map posted.

                                For myself i know im not the most well liked staff member and i dont host as often as i should, but it seems like i am the only one who will host tournament anymore how hard is it? Most of tw loves to play tournament and javtournys yet we have 5000 bases hosted per day. I remeber today i was playing in ?go javs there was over 35 people there but yet there was the need for ?go alt base to be hosted.

                                For Pure_Luck: Jacklyn <ER> deserves a promotion, and i do honestly believe you hold grudges it seems like ever since i got into one arguement about my lag i couldnt get a straight answer out of you without a rediculous smart ass comment. Maby i am just seeing things from a differant perspective but its still the way i see it.

                                For the rest of us Event Referee's:The goal of hosting events is not to host the same thing over and over again just because we like that event but its to host things the populations likes and to mix it up a little bit

                                For the Zone Helpers: Yous need to pick up the pace i understand yous are going through a training that most of us that are <ER>'s didnt go through but when me and cylor were <ZH>'s i remeber it was like a race to see who could hit 500 calls first there was like a .5 interval between the help call and an on it. Here is a tip you can get faster and stop typoing "on it" and make it a macro like the rest of us did.

                                I might ad as for training i got no training for <ER> i learned it all on my own and i think there should have been some since im watching Shade <ER> host a javtourny and seting it that you can spawn after 3seconds tho it takes 7-8 to recharger (no offense shade not your fault)

                                I also do not thing we need all of these smods who can not do anything in days or even show up in less than 3 weeks. We need more active Twd Ops We need more mods/smods that dont sit afk for hours apon hours

                                Theres my 2 cents take it how you wish no sweat off my hairy sack~

                                PS-i lag so stop telling me in game i lag i already know and i havnt passed many english classes in school so if you have trouble reading this...i dont really care

