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Staff resignation. It's controversial like Jerry Springer in '97.
Originally posted by BiotureP.S. If you want to see two players dueling each other, tick one player's name, hit f4, then tick the other players name and hit f4 again. This is cool for watching base games when you have the focus on the terrs. How many ZHs know this?Last edited by Ewan; 12-30-2004, 05:18 AM.USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
Originally posted by ToKeDFor the record if you dont know im Mr.Bling <ER>
I remeber today i was playing in ?go javs there was over 35 people there but yet there was the need for ?go alt base to be hosted.
I feel that ?go jav is best not being hosted. It's developed it's own community of freelancing practicing javers. Host somewhere else, there are like 10 other jav maps that are 2x better and more fun to play, anyways. =)
Originally posted by HairygroinI'm sure P_L isn't the only person who can make you staff. Like I heard mentioned, there are people higher-ranked.
*with the permission of the deans of staff.
Originally posted by DoCk>As for anyone in upper staff holding anyone back, can you explain how this is the case? As far as I know you and others have been giv....
I value the time, effort and trust you and the smods personally have given me and I feel that it is not lacking in those arenas and although I do feel that there are problems in staff and in this zone, I don't think you're a part of it.Last edited by Kolar; 12-30-2004, 05:37 AM.
Originally posted by MaGi kOzI feel that ?go jav is best not being hosted. It's developed it's own community of freelancing practicing javers. Host somewhere else, there are like 10 other jav maps that are 2x better and more fun to play, anyways. =)1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
Im sure some of you guys have played in my games. I think i'f you've played a fair amount of them, you know that i host the usual automated stuff, and a mix of zombie turretwars for a few hours, what was that like 6 hours. I've got killer solider to vouch for me.
Bling.....i've host tourny a lot, i just hosted 2x tourny today...and wow that took a long time. Good hint on the 7 seconds.
I guess one of the things I'm trying to say, is that you can't generalize all about all the <ER>'s. There is a lot of stuff going on behind the scene's. Don't say that all <ER>'s only host xxx event when I know for a fact that I don't do these non bot events. If your gonna say this, pick out one person and tell them what the problem is straight out, don't try to pull some whiny @#$*
Is there a problem with wanting to add more bot stuff, I asked qan to make a thing for any base map, where you could have it like ?go base with captains and all that stuff, why? To make it easier on myself and faster. I don't know about you, but I don't like to hear, omg can we start etc.
As for the upper staff problem, The only upper staff I've talked to about staff stuff is Qan and RR, infact RR had me working on a project, but i don't know what will happen to it now that hes gone. I've never interated with anyone besides these two about 'staff' related matters. I feel this is do the 'communication gap' in staff. Maybe they like it this way. The majority of people on staff chat are us ER's and ZH's, and of course Dameon Angell, CK, Reaver, and RR when he was around.
Another thing is traning. I never hosted anything as a ZH, as they are given powers in certain arenas to pratice. PL just asked me if I wanted ER, and i said sure. Then I read some guides and just went crazy and taught myself. DR <ZH> now dr coifff <ER> was one of the guys I helped out a long the way, mainly becuase there was no real tranning program, but i haven't been on the
the traning chat for a long time. I think there is a move to reogranize it now, but I'll see what goes down. GG to those who are working on it.
In closing, this thread really isn't for the generl TW community as it addresses private issues. Like cyclor said, if you don't know, don't talk. So newbs238497 dont' come out and blaim Dock> or whoever, don't cry out in the dark when you don't even know how to turn the lights on. (sorry for that lame metaphor)
For the comment about PL, I have had no interaction with him, so i can have no comments on the previous posts/comments.
Oh ya critizie me if you like as an <ER>, hit me up in game, or in a post or some shat.
Originally posted by MaGi kOzI feel that ?go jav is best not being hosted. It's developed it's own community of freelancing practicing javers. Host somewhere else, there are like 10 other jav maps that are 2x better and more fun to play, anyways. =)
And yes, I love hosting those other javmaps, most of them are great fun with different settings and gamemodes.
..and magi theres NO black list and yes you are on it, twice.Original Mambonian
TWD Head Coordinator
Its frustrating to write these lines after every post^
I'd hope there would be another some automatic system that fills them itself after every post.
I knew qan as a very good staffer and a nice guy. No doubt about that, I'm not going to moan and whine about the lack of people doing their jobs and stuff because it's not my style. But I will moan about something, the amount of 'new' leagues, 'new' bots, 'new ideas' that are ruining Trench Wars.
Hey! I like this cool event called Racing, let's make a LEAGUE FOR IT TO DISTRACT STAFFERS FROM THEIR REAL JOBS.
Hey! None of our staffers can be arsed to host events like javs, deathmatch, matrix, minotaur because they actually take work! Let's host hunt instead!
I have an idea! Let's make a training chat which to my knowledge never has anyone speaking on it, is just full of <ZH>'s, surely the idea of it is to have higher staff helping the <ZH>'s rather than <ZH>'s all getting into a kuffufel themselves.EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl
toaster oven reviews
Kerfuffle*USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
Originally posted by DoCk>Honestly, I don't see what the big fuss is about. About EventBot, I had expressed no less than 5 times that I did not wish for EventBot to be created. I didn't know you created it, or I would have consulted with you. I apologize for this. I don't want any systems that give us statistical information on what players want to be hosted. This will mean lower staffers will know exactly what the players want, and in order to make them happy they'll host the exact same few events over and over and over again. If that's not a step back I don't know what is.
As for anyone in upper staff holding anyone back, can you explain how this is the case? As far as I know you and others have been given tremendous latitude and permission in terms of development. Staff has always been very open and welcoming toward progress, and anyone who is willing to volunteer their time and effort to do something positive is welcome to do so. If you feel you are lacking support, don't you have your own teams, organizations, and other supportive mechanisms to get your work done? What exactly can an upper staffer give you than you cannot get for yourself? We aren't much different from regular staffers, except we have additional responsibilities. This means we have less free time on our hands with which to help you.
As for my own personal inactiveness, this is nothing different than usual. I spend what little spare time I have working hard on TWSites. The smods run the show in TW, and this is the way it has always been. Of course, if you had stayed a few more months you would have made smod yourself.
What about Trench Wars needs reinvention? I don't understand what exactly you mean. Trench Wars is a game that has stayed pretty much the same for many years. Our job is mostly maintenance; development of additional subgames is important but it isn't primary. Our core focus is pub gaming, TWD, and TWL.
I have the impression that some feelings were stepped upon. I only wish you would have spent more time talking to me before you made this decision. I find the fact that you quit entirely unacceptable and wish for your return.
Resigning TW Staff.
*** A Long read! Basic is the first 2 paragraphs, my resigning. Reasoning and moral of the story in the rest ***
Dear fellow lower Staff,
At around august 12 2004 I send the email you can find below as documentation to upper staff members. On long time agreements I promised I should stay and upper staff members promised to improve with some points that are shown in the email.
We are now 4/5 months further, and yet nothing has been done. In fact, it went only more down hill. This is unacceptable in my eyes, and therefore I’m leaving with direct instance my functions, named:
- TW Moderator
- TWL Operator
- TWRC Operator
- TW Dev Coordinator
- Forum Administrator
- Low bot developer
- Webmaster
And every other unnamed functions as Staff training, Information beacon staffers etcetera.
The reason is that if I don’t leave, nothing will be done to improve better. Upper staff is keeping people under their command without actually doing something to the game. In fact, there are no real active Super moderators daily present anymore with the authority or will to do something. Also the developer side is currently unmanned. Look at the bot errors, and long time that it takes to get a simple command like “!off (reboots the pub bots, what are failing during some hours)” done, even when the persons with authority are in the game present. There is no real opportunity given to the people to lower staff to help in some functions. This has multiple causes, and will not name them all.
I will not stand and fight it anymore. I hope with my leaving that there is some changes made, but that is only a long shot. I will remain as normal TW player in the game. I’m always open for a comeback, however there needs to be changes made in the system to do that comeback. I’m aware lower staff is always replaceable, and will not give my action much chance.
However I hope to reach you with this email about the fact how Upper Staff is working, and encourage you to criticize the current way of doing things. Having worked closely with Upper Staff, I can assure you that there are some fishy things going on. Also interacting with lower staff and handling upper staff issues isn’t done in the proper way. More Super moderators and access needs to be given out in order to get things back on the road.
However the blame is not always on Upper Staff entirely. There are cases and incidents of course where I also take blame. It’s not a black and white story.
If you came this far, thank you for reading and I hope you will take a notice of what I have sent. I am always free to talk in game if you want more info about certain incidents.
With kind regards,
Extra: Upper staff email from 12 august
Upper Staff,
Since I have been staff, I became more and more aware that high
management needs changes. This does not involve your job personally,
but the general part is lacking something. One key word, is
communication. Most times, that empty hole is noticeable in the
ZH/ER/MOD levels. This NEED changing. I am not alone with this,
polling and talking to multiple members of staff brought up about the
same feeling.
What exactly are the specific problems then?
- One line policy: At the moment, multiple upper staff members
coordinate the same areas. This is a positive thing, since once
someone is absent the other can take over. However, the communication
part between those multiple staff members is not enough. General
policy and decisions and opinions between those upper staff members
need to be addressed. Often it happens that one says yes, the other
say no, bringing confusion to the lower staff levels
- Announcements: Currently, no one is taking care to inform the
general public, and the lower staff ranks about changes in the
system(s). I filled that job a bit with doing some announcements and
news bulletin, but I am no longer willing to take up this job. It is
your responsibility as upper staff to inform the public and low staff
levels, and not mine.
- Contact: Since there are general descriptions of the upper staff
jobs, you mostly have a direction on where to go to. However, not
every task contacts are directly outline. There is no way of a low
level staff of knowing (except experience) to talk to the right people
about things. I myself am multiple times contacted about bot issues,
staff abuse issues and what not while I can't and won't do nothing
about it.
This problems are general issues, I deliberately didn't go in to
certain incidents, to avoid discussion about the incidents, and don't
look at the general part.
Not all info upper staff has I can cover, since access reasons are
playing a part. Therefore, the following advices I am giving:
- Reforming jobs and assigning multiple people to it, with one main
contact person that is displayed to Lower Staff levels. Think about to
the unfilled job Public relationships(!), Bot Dev, Map Dev, Leagues,
Bans, Websites and fora's.
- The assigned people to the certain jobs have a meeting/email
announcement discussions every week or 2 weeks, to cover certain
points, announcements and other job related things.
- Every 2 weeks the groups collect announcements and put that in a
staff bulletin what is spread trough the TW mods group. Also,
important changes that directly needs to be covered needs to go out as
soon as possible, and don't need to wait on the general staff
- With the score reset, one staff member collects also the
announcements for the public, and displays this on in a
nice story.
- A to upper staff email for low level staff only. Here can ideas,
complaints and other things be submitted to the various upper staff.
Tickets that come in here are with the meetings talked trough and plan
of action is taken when needed. Response to staff member who submitted
is a must.
- Maintain a To Do and Bug list for the different jobs. A priority
list can be putted out from this, and can be worked from.
This email is meant as a open discussion. Various low level staff
members have the opinion that things need changing. With this email I
hope upper staff can discuss and improve their ways. The way it goes
now, I can't work with and am forced to lay down my position as staff
member if no improvements are met.
Awaiting the result,
A few statements about certain incidents there were:
- Eventbot: Never was I or Qan, coordinators of TW Dev made familiar with this kind of request. Revere to Contact problem Iaddressed at august 12. There is no main person to address from upper staff about bots and policies, never stated. The bot was already up and running, what means that infact one upper staff accepted the bot. You are the man with the policies, where was upper staff communication when the bot was already up and running? Remember that upload bot we were developing? I had to confirm with you, since the rumour did get to me by a NON staff person that you didn’t agree with it. Rest of upper staff was unsure till I asked you in person.
- Holding back lower staff: Yes, that is done. For example, remember Priority TWL 7 upload in week 1? I literally had to call you up at 15 minutes before show time to wake you up, after i waited 5 days for a upload where every other Upper staffer was clueless how to act.
There is no access given to lower staff. My access was mostly given not to the fact that I deserved it, but that I had to sneak behind the policies to get things done.
As far as bots concerned, there is no one man to address for bot uploads. And even if you do find someone willing and capable, there is always much doubt and confusion and randomly will be honoured. You need to go with a set of standards lined out, where we can revere to. Have those meeting I mentioned at August 12.
- Personal Activeness: Yes, this one is tricky. As a sysop, you have the main responsibility in this zone. Your work is appreciated; however more man that can reflect priority changes on the sysop systems would be very useful. You need to wait far too long before a simpel ?set or other sysop command is done. Also restarting and uploading the queen system needs to be more addressed in Upper Staff, what also is reflected at yet again august 12.
Then i would like to go into this one:
Originally posted by Dock>if you had stayed a few more months you would have made smod yourself.Greets,