This ship is pretty neat, if you change your repel key, you can use thursting to increase the speed of your bullets, another unique strategy to this ship besides the other unique stategies such as the size and fitting through holes.
now that weasels dont constantly just go "BOOM Surprise ahahaha you didnt see me and i killed you ahahaha", the game is much better. it just keeps becomming more and more intelligent for a 2D space ship game.
I thought that Tone (me) having the subject "I Like Weasels" being such an unlikely, was in itself worthy enough to get its own post rather than posting this in the thread that already exists. this is very likely my last started thread about the weasel.
PS Lancasters kick ass and are the flag ship of the fleet.
now that weasels dont constantly just go "BOOM Surprise ahahaha you didnt see me and i killed you ahahaha", the game is much better. it just keeps becomming more and more intelligent for a 2D space ship game.
I thought that Tone (me) having the subject "I Like Weasels" being such an unlikely, was in itself worthy enough to get its own post rather than posting this in the thread that already exists. this is very likely my last started thread about the weasel.
PS Lancasters kick ass and are the flag ship of the fleet.