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What happened with the Pallies forum?

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  • #61
    and me to love... fuck a question mark
    Mr 12 inch wonder


    • #62
      Hi fellas. Sorry to be a stranger, but finished with my dissertation now. Anyone want to read a 54-page paper on artificial intelligence in literature and film?

      Going to Berlin to see a Wilco show this weekend, then following them to Amsterdam for a monday night show. Getting back to Newcastle after that, packing up, and heading back to the Stars and Stripes. Thanks, British people. Y'all were great.
      The Daily Nice
      Post Secret


      • #63
        That "postsecret" site in your signature is really interesting RM
        Reinstate Sarien

        Hal Wilker> Need I look recall the statement? And Suh.. control ya ho

        "no, it's Monday, which of course means it's ethnic day, so ill be going with Rosalita"


        • #64
          lets make this a pallies blog thread please

          went up to villanova (thought wed spend some time in philly but we ended up just getting fucked up in radnor township, one of the worst places on earth to be, but as a result of it being so shitty, its a good place to get drunk). it was my friend's 21st birthday, and he managed to get arrested within one hour of turning 21. he tried to piss on a building, and a cop car rolled up before he even managed to whip it out, and tried to push a shitload of charges on him. eventually he had three cars on him (this is why radnor fucking sucks). the cops yelled at us and said theyd arrest us if we didnt leave so i ran away to some other bar like an asshole, while one of my friend's more sober friends talked the cops out of taking my buddy to the drunk tank. the next day (his actual birthday) my friend passed out at 10 pm so i decided to do 21 drinks in his honor. i think between him getting arrested and passing out, i spent at least 40% of my time at villanova hanging out exclusively with people id never met prior to that weekend. additions to the list of shooters never to take: cement mixer, dirty tootsie pop.

          my friends from new orleans had to evacuate from the hurricane and they decided to go to asheville, nc, where i have a ton of friends, including ephemeral. for some dumbass reason i decided it was worth an 11-hour drive to go down there. probably wasnt worth 11 hours, but managed to smoke some blunts and run around in the mountains anyway, and learned a couple of fun drinking games you can play without cards, sink the bismarck (float a shotglass in a pint of beer, everyone takes turns pouring beer into the shotglass, you sink it, you drink the pint), and zoom schwartz wales tails profigliano prince of wales bederman (a cross of zoom schwartz profigliano bederman and wales tails prince of wales, aka, dont ask)

          from there we (except for my friend who was tied down by his extremely demanding and relatively aggravating girlfriend, and her goddamn cat.) went up to charlottesville, where my girlfriend and my other friend's girlfriend are, picked them up, and went to my friend's river house near tappahannock, went tubing, played croquet with a "shotgun challenge" rule (if you get croqueted, you have to shotgun a beer), had his mom feed us delicious meals, and my girlfriend got stung by a jellyfish.

          now im back in the suburbs, at my parents house, went to a nats game with my dad, fucking rookie pitcher gave up three runs in the third inning and we lost 4-2. people say i should get a job but getting a job is way fucking worse than dicking around doing nothing. sooner or later im going to run out of money, be forced to go to work or school or something, and im going to cry. right now im stuck in my dad's computer room because the damn cleaning ladies are here, they make me feel so awkward, talking in spanish all the time. at least they are nice, unlike the fucking bitchy hispanic ladies at subway that will stop at nothing to piss me off.

          peace be with y'all

          edit: i dont actually know ephemeral, nor did i hang out with him in asheville
          Last edited by Facetious; 09-07-2005, 01:45 PM.
          5:gen> man
          5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


          • #65
            Sept 7th

            Today I drove back to my old house to look for a book. I frantically run upstairs to look for it. Tear the place apart in search of the book I need to read for my class in 3 hours. It is nowhere to be found. So I walk downstairs and open my trunk to put some laundry in it (I move slowly) and see Robinson Crusoe. It sucked, I wasted $10 on the book and 10$ on gas.
            Mr 12 inch wonder


            • #66
              I was through DC a few weekends ago (in a car). Sweet Water is ridiculously good.

              I'll be in Madison tomorrow (on a bike).


              • #67
                After 3 months Summer vacation I returned to work at the elementary school and am also taking my 4th stab (which statistically is the most fatal) at community college.

                I've acquired a car:

                My right arm's sleeve is outlined, needs color:

                I fooled the bank into giving me not only a credit card, but a loan as well. I'm eating right and totally shred on guitar. I really want the NBA season to start and I watch a lot of Rachel Ray programs on FoodTV.

                I still have the best signature on the forums.
                Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE


                • #68
                  9/10, although spelling everything correctly you posted a picture of your left arm
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                  • #69
                    That would be a mirror shot, since even if I had friends, asking one to take a picture of my tattoo's would be retarded.
                    Last edited by triceratops; 09-16-2005, 10:46 AM.
                    Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                    Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE


                    • #70

                      Python, indeed.


                      • #71
                        I take it all back:

                        10/10 and a landmark day in the history of these forums
                        Originally posted by Facetious
                        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                        • #72
                          Sept 16th
                          I'm stoned in my tiny studio apartment on the beach (Ocean Beach) of San Diego. I just watched Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy which I had been very excited about because the three main guys are all some of my favorites and I enjoyed the book (on tape). Everyone hated on the movie and for one reason or another I didn't get to it until now. I don't understand where the negativity came from, i thought it was a cool movie. Incidentally if any of you pick up the DVD, make sure you watch Special Features> Really Deleted Scenes> "Do Panic"-- hilarious.

                          I work at a shitty restaraunt, the money's decent, the people are tolerable, but the job and the food suck, I'm really lazy about looking for jobs and since my stay here in SoCal is supposedly temporary, I'm not going to look for anything else until i decide how long I'll be here.

                          The surfing was coming along great, I've hit a paralyzingly lazy slump/funk here and I've barely gotten off my ass in the last 3-4 weeks. I've been watching Six Feet Under, The Office, Arrested Development DVD sets and eating poorly. I aim to get back into the regular water/bball routine here as soon as the pot's gone.

                          I have a girl in my life, she's crazy cute, like a modern version of karen allen from Indiana Jones/Star man and/or the lady from the christopher reeve supermans (lois lane). She's the truth. Way too skinny for my tastes, but she's a witty bird and that gets me going. So the downside is she's in this relationship with this guy for a year+ and our physical interaction is limited at best. It's a pickle but it'll work itself out, i'm trying to make sure i'm not just into her because i can't have her (a seemingly potential pattern for the kid) or because i'm lonely or because she's a smokey delicious treat of a woman.
                          Time will sell sea shells. See? sure.

                          Send friends.

                          div rides
                          Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                          Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                          okie dokey baby?


                          • #73
                            keep it coming
                            The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                            Originally posted by Richard Creager
                            All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                            • #74
                              Div, I wish I could have your life. Sounds like my style. B)
                              Trench Wars' favorite cheater


                              • #75
                                then why not go and make your life the same? get off your ass.
                                The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                                All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.

