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toying with newbs

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  • toying with newbs

    was hanging around in racing2 when some dude in a warbird came in and challenged me to a race.. he didnt seem to mind that i was in a terr....... he was using a warbird so of course i whooped him with my skillz--here is what ensued.


    XxxDavyxxX> how are you going so fast
    Za_Gophar> cheating
    XxxDavyxxX> how do you cheat i have been looking for a web site but i cant fine one
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
    Za_Gophar> you press escape and then type "quadruple speed"
    Leave Messages to center
    Leave Messages to chat
    XxxDavyxxX> quadruple speed"
    Za_Gophar> no
    Za_Gophar> without the quote
    XxxDavyxxX> ok i will try
    XxxDavyxxX> well if ihit wscape and then the q it will close this off
    Za_Gophar> you have to do it right
    Za_Gophar> its the timing
    XxxDavyxxX> what do you mean the timing
    Za_Gophar> there is a certain time frame u have to type the next letter.. that so only a few people will know it and it wont spread to quickly
    XxxDavyxxX left arena
    Screenshot taken: screenshots\screenshot24.bmp
    XxxDavyxxX> that is the timeing about
    XxxDavyxxX> ?
    Za_Gophar> quess u didnt make it
    Za_Gophar> the timing is less than half a second
    Za_Gophar> way less
    Mr. Arrogant 2 left arena
    XxxDavyxxX> ok rerun that code again
    Za_Gophar> i mean u got people typing 150 words a minute in this world
    Za_Gophar> its the blink of an eye
    Za_Gophar> i dont know the code i was told how to do it
    BOOM BOOM BOOM TURRETZ BLOWING UP come now ?go turretwarz -dcm <ZH> ..LOL (have pity on our zh's) -Randedl
    XxxDavyxxX> oh ok
    XxxDavyxxX left arena
    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
    apt>yes u can wtf
    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
    apt>ill show you pictures
    apt>next time I masturbate

  • #2
    lol, nice.


    • #3
      Hahahahahaahahahahhahahaahhahaha, thats great.
      2 time TWLD runner up.

      If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??


      • #4
        Good show.
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • #5

          This is from

          PART 1 posted by Nurples:

          gonzide~> is there any staff openings?
          Nurples> apply on the site
          gonzide~> i did and never got a reply
          Nurples> when?
          gonzide~> like last weel
          gonzide~> week
          gonzide~> so can i be on staff?
          Nurples> i don't care
          Nurples> ill give you sysop and you can run the zone
          gonzide~> ok
          gonzide~> is there something i have to put in
          Nurples> nope, just tell everyone you are a sysop and thats it
          Nurples> i did the rest
          gonzide~> ok so i just watch over and if someone is doing something wrong i take it to you right
          Nurples> you take care of it your self.... you don't need me.
          gonzide~> ok
          gonzide~> ok i know how to bad i know that
          gonzide~> ban i mean
          Nurples> ok
          gonzide~> so mostly the rules the rules are no ball killing ,no rechanging ships to regain points, no ship change if u are going to die and no anti warp and having fun
          Nurples> yep, thats it
          gonzide~> ok got it

          (gonzide~)>am i a aloud to host?
          gonzide~> ok

          (gonzide~)>what arenas are there?
          :gonzide~:do you know anything about this zone?
          (gonzide~)>im going to host rumble
          :gonzide~k, go

          Host: (gonzide~) (rumble): rumble

          (gonzide~)>wow cool i got some people but i need more for squads

          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): tankwar

          PART 2 posted by Ma+rix:

          Ma+rix> u the new sysop?
          gonzide~> yes
          gonzide~> im having a little trouble but ill get it
          Ma+rix> will u host tankwar now?
          gonzide~> ok all i hit is ?host tankwar right
          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): tankwar
          gonzide~> ?
          Ma+rix> right and now type ?host *arena Hello, im your host gonzide
          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): *arena Hello, im your host gonzide~
          Ma+rix> *arena Hello im your host gonzide~
          Hello im your host gonzide~
          gonzide~> woo, it worked.
          gonzide~> im new at this
          Ma+rix> u do very well
          Ma+rix> with ?host *arena you can make arena messages, those green things
          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): *arena
          gonzide~> ok
          Ma+rix> after the *arena sentence comes
          Ma+rix> like ?host *arena Hello all would write Hello all in green
          gonzide~> so i hit ?host tankwar first then ?host *arena Hello im your host gonzide then i hit ?host *arena
          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): *arena
          Ma+rix> well ?host *arena -- thats a command. everything u write after arena will be shown as green, kniw what i mean?
          gonzide~> umm i guess
          Ma+rix> so try write something in green
          gonzide~> ok so i hit ?host *arena then i type something
          Ma+rix> right, and if it works, it will be displayed in green
          Host: (gonzide~) (tankwar): *arena hi im your host gonzide
          Ma+rix> *arena hi im your host gonzide
          hi im your host gonzide
          Ma+rix> right. see the green message?
          gonzide~> yes now i g2g. thx
          Ma+rix> cya
          gonzide~> bye
          ZeUs!!> 48k - 44k
          leroy> zeus, it's time base
          ZeUs!!> yeah im old fashioned

          Zerzera> can't hear you lappos, you have a 300ms delay

          3:Uz> the only difference between a mexican and a texican is that they are on the side of the fence where the oil is.

          [May 29 04:22] DOTSY: the internet is for porn


          • #6
            Jesus people just get more and more gullible. Brilliant job by Ma+rix though.
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • #7
              It's not nice but MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA
              Kind regards


              • #8

                Watch out. I think someone has "gullible" written all over their computer screen. Only staff position I've ever held was Smod in an arena that never really got off the ground "SSDZ Red Zone".
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #9
                  Oh God I just died laughing. I love messing with newbies, its so much fun.
                  1:Necromotic> my belt has a pokemon on it

                  1:Tigerex> My Belt has a decapitated Badger on it. Can i be in your sig please


                  • #10
                    I messed my pants


                    • #11
                      Why am I always on the yellow team?

                      Ну вот...


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          The funniest are the pub noobs:

                          PubNoob>How do I get on the blue team
                          Me>Type = and a number
                          PubNoob>Wtf, I'm still on the yellow team!

                          oh god...
                          6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                          Originally posted by Dreamwin
                          3 league vet


                          • #14
                            A couple of days ago we got about 6 ?cheater messages through simply saying godmode. There was a chorus of 'wtf's, until about 5 mins later I twigged that someone in the pub had told them that to cheat you type: ?cheater godmode
                            Originally posted by Facetious
                            edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                            • #15
                              The newbism points are rising.
                              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead

