Heeey "Have guns and travel Subspace" is totally Paladen's thing
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
That is a Paladen thing...we do not want to have a black cloud over our community with such a slogan. We need something that entices people...not repel them.
May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.
i dont know, have you thought about implementing an invite reward system? get a friend to register and play for 36 hrs or so and you are rewarded with .. ummm I dunno something . lots of games use this system, would just be difficult to give a reward in this one.
I'm writing a press-pack / article / press release about TW, with the aim of getting a story written by some of the major online news sites. It would help me to know what people think are the strengths of SubSpace as a game and TW as a zone - it will also help our other marketting efforts to get an idea of what it is that we are actually selling - what our message is.
For me, some of the strengths of the whole thing are:
* Great communication system - public chat, freq chat, private messages, private chats...
* The game doest demand a powerfull computer or a fast connection, its playable on a five year old computer over a modem
* Its easy to start playing, but theres really no end of how much you can learn, and it demands a lot of skill.
* Combat can be very personal - you can see definate playing styles in different people, and "read" what they are going to do
* The game is very international, with people from all round the world
* As a client, continuum is now very flexible - its possible to write RPGs and racing games using what was originally supposed to be asteroids
* TW especially has a sensible, hard working and dedicated staff making sure everything works
Interested to hear what other people consider the good points about playiny..
Well lem for me the chat interface makes this game, its amazing simple as. No MMORPG FPS or anyother game has a chat system as good as this. I remember Jerome saying something about this along the lines of " AIM hasnt got nothing on us we even have a mini spaceship game included.
I also love the squads and squad rivalry. I love squads which wear the same banner and really play as a team, teaming for me is another massive part of this game.
My third reason is the history behind it, i love ss history and want to make some myself, someday, maybe, but not for something bad
Makelele> whos camping
Sumpson> mitch
KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
Lemar> mitch Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in
Game Name: Continuum (SubSpace) (Dead)
Description: Overhead space shooter game, where you choose from several ships to fly in zero gravity conditions. Collect power-ups to make your ship more powerful, and the longer you live, the stronger you become. Previously known as Subspace.
2:Zung> Does this 2h mean 1h56 min foreplay & 3 pushes & a stare?
2:renzi> lol no
2:renzi> would fuck, blowjob/handjob, fuck, finger, etc
as you may have seen I made a second version of my ss review on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsuJ8YdunMw
which will at least get the name out there as the original has around 1000 views.
I'm also spreading the word around other forums and posting the review on them.
and another thing, there in an anime and gaming convention coming up here in a month or so, I could do random dumb shit to advertise it there or wear like a trenchwars.org tshirt lol
Only a minor thing about the game. Often you're talking about a particular event, while it's showing something else. Like it showing ?go javs while talking about basing, and then showing a base game while you mention elim.
USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
---A few minutes later---
9:cool koen> you scorereseted
9:Kim> UM
9:Kim> i didn't
9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
9:pascone> lol?
I've been working on the Flash banner for a couple days now and been posting on the private TW Marketing forums about it but I could as well talk about it in here, to get more opinions.
I was thinking of using this banner in a top frame (div layer) which is able to be turned off (remembered) for those who visit the website often and are familiar with the game. It would be ment for those who got on the website by a link and have no idea what the website is about.
Don't you think you people are missing something? No? How about this. WHY? What exactly is the purpose of the marketing campaign?
You guys might say to get more people playing this game get more people to use your product but all campaign have goal or purpose for promoting in the first place like making money. What is the purpose of getting more people to play this game?
Can someone actually make a post about why exactly are you guys running this marketing campaign and a more precise goal than get a bunch of people to download this game. I'm not saying its a bad idea by any means but without an actual reason its going to be really hard for anyone worth recruiting to your cause to do anything.
Lecherious, have you ever heard of something called a "Non-Profit Organisation"? What is their goal? Why do they advertise something that really has no point in the end and that won't bring them back more money?
Because they want to inform the public that they exist, that they can provide an alternative to whatever they are doing. They want people to experience everything.
What makes Subspace/Continuum so different? Well, no one really does make money in the beginning nor the end. Yes it's true that it's mainly to attract new players, many non SSC zones can really profit from having players play to create a fun and alternative gaming environment.
What can the players do other than play? Simple, they can contribute to Subspace/Continuum's survival by trying to create new bots and providing new ideas. They can also create maps and settings, and overall they can improve everyone's fun.
Maybe the goals are a bit farfetched, and my answers probably illogical, but it has never hurt to try and see the end result.
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Sumpy: The second box, the one cycling the ships, slow it down a bit. Plus, center the ship names better.
T'is looking good though. But shouldn't we be trying to promote ALL subspace, not just TW?
Hello Denon it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several days, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?