I once thought a long time ago that an automated teamkill punishment system was a decent idea. It's not really possible though. Troll King and I have a tendency to be somewhat similar in sharking, and something I saw him mention but not drive home, is that as a shark, I love to force enemy teamkills. I take the chance to do so whenever I can. It's not really fair to blame or punish the guy that fires a bomb when I use reps to move it to a place it kills someone on their team. It can't be moderated by a bot, you need a human judgement.
Also, the gated communities comment made me chuckle.
Edit: And as to LT's, well.. I've never said anything other than the blue bomb needs banished.
Also, the gated communities comment made me chuckle.
Edit: And as to LT's, well.. I've never said anything other than the blue bomb needs banished.