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  • #91
    Yea getting ahold of DoCk> and the site is a little hard. o.o


    • #92
      Don't use those rules from Trunks, they're out of style and outdated, use these:

      Trench Wars Strikeball League 2007 Rules

      -Administrative Guidelines

      1. Strikeball teams must consist of 10 players on their roster to be qualified for the league.

      1.1 At most 8 teams will be allowed to enter the league.

      1.2 All teams must be created and have their rosters verified before the first week of regular season play begins.

      2. The league schedule will be determined by the league officials, but every team will play each other exactly one time in regular season play. Meaning, if there are 8 teams registered for the league, then every team will have played 7 regular season games by the end of the schedule.

      2.1 The schedule will declare which team is the home team. The home team will have the option of choosing to play as Warbirds of Javalins.

      2.2 No team can have more than 1 game difference in the home/away amount when constructing the schedule. Meaning, no team can have 2 home games and 5 away games, but must have an even number of home games and away games, or be off by one game, meaning 3 home games and 4 away games, or 4 home games and 3 away games.

      3. The playoffs will consist of the top 4 teams in the league.

      3.1 The highest ranked team will play the fourth ranked team, and the second ranked team will play the third ranked team.

      3.2 The higher seeded team will have the option of choosing to play as Warbirds or Javalins, both for the semi finals and the finals. The #1 seed will have the homefield advantage automatically if they win their semi finals.

      4. Games will consist of 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 matchups, but all playoff games will be 5 on 5.

      4.1 One team may be allowed to play with 3 players, but if both teams do not meet the requirement of 4 players in league matches and 5 players in playoff matches, the game will be declared void.

      4.2 Any playoff game that is declared void will be rescheduled the next week, and if those teams do not meet the requirements the next week, then the rematched game will occur with however many players are present for the sake of the playoff's continuance.

      4.3 Any team that begins playing a match with 3 players in a league match, or 4 players in a playoff match, will have received a team warning. See penalties for information.

      4.4 Teams may make an unlimited number of substitutions, but all substitutions must wait 30 seconds to take in effect. Meaning, for 30 seconds your team will be at a disadvantage while you are substituting a player. The player wanting to be subbed out is taken out, 30 seconds take place, then the replacing player is now entered into the match.

      4.5 If your squad was forced to play 3v4, or 4v5 in a playoff match, and one of your players arrives late, then that player may be added to the game 30 seconds after the captain signals the addition of the late player.

      5. Rosters must consist of 1 captain and atleast 1 assistant. You may have a maximum of 3 assistants in one team as well as 1 captain.

      6. To be eligible to play on your team, you must be on the website's list of squad rosters to be a recognized player for your team.

      7. Players may move about from squads as they please until the halfway mark of the season. The deadline will be just before the middle week, rounded down, of the league season.

      For example, if the league consists of 10 regular season weeks, then the deadline is just before the 5th week games take place. If the league consist of 12 regular season weeks, then the deadline is just before the 6th week, and finally if the league consists of 11 regular season weeks, the deadline is just before the 5th week. This same pattern will determine the deadline based on the actual weeks in the actual league season.

      7.1 This rule may be temporarily pushed until the beginning of the last regular season week if the league officials feel the need to bring more players into the league.

      8. Teams who are unable to meet the requirement of 4 players in the regular season games for three weeks in a row will automatically be dissolved from the league.

      -Penalty Enforcement

      9. Players who disregard the rules or teams who do not meet the administrative guidelines will receive infractions or penalties.

      9.1 The first infraction, considered a warning, will be issued for offending a rule once.

      9.1 If a squad receives a team warning, every player will be given their first infraction automatically at the start of the game for the squad's failure to meet the administrative guidelines.

      9.2 If the player continues to disregard the rules, then they will receive a second infraction.

      9.3 If a player receives two infractions in any one game, then one of these infractions will carry over to next week's game. That means the player will start at the warning level for next week's game.

      9.4 If a player receives three infractions in any one game, then he will automatically be removed from the game. This player will also not be allowed to participate in next week's team match. The week after when the player is now eligible to return, he will start the game with one infraction automatically. Any team who loses a player because of having three infractions will be required to play the game at the handicap, meaning they may not sub the removed player and will have to continue to play the game with one less man.

      9.5 If a player receives three infractions in two separate occasions, then this player will automatically start every game for the rest of the season, including playoffs, with one infraction.

      9.6 No player can start with more than one pre-game infraction, meaning if a player was issued two infractions the previous week, and his team was unable to bring 4 players to the regular season match, or 5 to the playoff match, then this player will only start with one pre-game infraction, not two. The only exception is if the rule was violated during the ball/game setup period right before the start of a game.

      9.7 On the third time in any one season a player receives three infractions in one game, this player will then be suspended from the league for the rest of the season. If he is a captain of a squad, his squad will automatically dissolve without question.

      9.8 Double squadding is illegal, if a player is found double squadding, then both accounts will be removed from their squad rosters. The player will be required to rejoin his team of choice, but will have to face a one game suspension along with receiving one pre-game infraction the start of his second week. If the player is caught double squadding after the roster change cut off date, then he will be required to sit out the remainder of the league squadless.

      9.9 Bye/Off weeks do not count as a day where penalties are removed. If your team has a bye week, and a player was suspended the week before, or received multiple infractions, he will still have to take his punishment the next week the squad plays, therefore you must serve the time for your punishment

      -Strikeball Rules

      1. Regular season Strikeball games will consist of 4 on 4 matcups, and playoff games will consist of 5 on 5 matchups.

      1.1 The first team to 10 points, but also must win by 2 points, will be declared the winner of the game.

      1.2 The game will take no longer than 30 minutes after the game officially starts.

      1.3 If the winner is not decided after 30 minutes, the team with the most points will be declared the winner.

      1.4 If the score is tied at the end of the 30 minutes, then the game will automatically turn into sudden death, with the team who scores the next goal becoming the winner of the game.

      1.5 All playoff games will be the first team to 15 points, but also must win by 2 points, to be declared the winner of the game.

      1.6 Playoff games will have a 45 minute time limit after the game officially starts.

      1.7 Rules 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 will be applied to the playoffs with the 45 minute limit instead of the 30 minute limit for regular season games.

      2. The ball will start at the middle of the court on top of the arena's center marking. The ball placed anywhere touching the center marking will be considered a valid drop.

      2.1 Referees must give a warning message for teams to get ready as the ball spawn will take place soon.

      2.2 The drop is not considered valid if the Referee never gave the warning message before the ball spawn.

      2.3 If players kill other players before the ball is spawned, but after the warning message is given, then those players will receive an infraction. This infraction may be piled upon pre-game meaning a player in this case may start with 2 infractions.
      May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


      • #93
        3. Players with exceptional lag, such as repeated spiking, will be given a warning, and their captains/assistants will be told to issue a substitute. After one minute, if the captains/assistants do not substitute the player and the player does not enter into spec under his own will, then the player will be set to the limit of three infractions automatically and be forced out of the game by a referee. All captains and assistants in game will also receive one infraction for their ignorance of the league referee.

        3.1 Players who lag out of games will be allowed to enter after a 30 second penalty wait. There is no infraction given for a lagout, but if the player lags out three times in any given game, he will receive an infraction, but only a limit of one infraction for lagging out. Meaning, if the player lags out three more times, he will not receive an infraction again, but still have to wait 30 seconds for each re-entry.

        4. Players will not be allowed to enter into the opponent's net at any point unless of the game unless to retrieve a ball that was stuck. The net is the inner most part of the goal in which requires intentional effort to enter in. Each offense of this rule will cause the player to be given one infraction per offense.

        And these arena sets:

        Keep wormholes the same
        Remove warp and engine shutdown greens
        If possible lower amount of greens on map
        Leave rest alone

        btw, Snipe got me quitting, so bye.
        May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


        • #94
          two issues.

          1) having the season and playoffs have a different # of players per team playing is really odd. it basically means you play one game in the season and a different one in the playoffs, which is not only counterintuitive but actively disadvantages newer players (since they'll "learn" 4v4 and then be switched to a format they aren't familiar with- 5v5- if they do well).

          2) any way you can be convinced to turn wormhole pull off but leave warp on? pull engenders some really cheesy shots which don't really improve the game for anyone.
          Originally posted by Ward
          OK.. ur retarded case closed


          • #95
            Originally posted by iKillburger
            that does not say walking is illegal
            1.4 No player can be inside the outer-goal when the ball is on the opposite half of the court. This means no cherry-picking, any player caught doing so will be warned. No player at anytime should be in the inner-goal, unless the ball gets stuck inside there and has to be retrieved. Players intentionally going inside the inner-goal to prevent goals by the opposing team or to score, will be warned.

            Read it, going nose up is the same exact shit. And in any case the same rule was on the speedball map as well.


            • #96

              No player at anytime should be in the inner-goal, unless the ball gets stuck inside there and has to be retrieved. Players intentionally going inside the inner-goal to prevent goals by the opposing team or to score, will be warned.
              not a problem. I dont go in the inner goal when i walk

              No player can be inside the outer-goal when the ball is on the opposite half of the court. This means no cherry-picking, any player caught doing so will be warned.
              clearly if i'm walking it in, i have the ball on the proper side of the court. also not a problem

              going nose up is the same exact shit.
              wrong. clearly walking is not a rule violation.

              Let me explain something. SB is a team sport. It's about ball movement and keeping your teammates alive. It's about getting the ball to your teammates up the court so that they can score. Good teamwork should be rewarded with the option to score an easy goal. SB is not an individual sport. If it were, we could have just as much fun playing it 1v1. The league should not be about who has anidalife and nockm. If I remember correctly, the asteroids were put there to stop shots, not make them easier.

              Now I know that shooting the ball looks better and is more exciting, but the game cannot survive off of them alone. Less skilled players would never get a chance to learn. Games would take forever, as 1/4 of the people who play miss walks half the time. One defender can completely stop outside shots. The only way to get the ball past a goalie is to kill him. If I'm that close to the goal anyways, it is unreasonable for me to have to move back before I shoot. On a side note, the goalie is a completely valid position to play when outnumbered or retreating for defense and should NOT be made illegal. (Permanent goalies are just stupid in sb. The goal itself performs the role of the permanent goalie)


              • #97
                Originally posted by Vykromond View Post
                two issues.

                1) having the season and playoffs have a different # of players per team playing is really odd. it basically means you play one game in the season and a different one in the playoffs, which is not only counterintuitive but actively disadvantages newer players (since they'll "learn" 4v4 and then be switched to a format they aren't familiar with- 5v5- if they do well).

                2) any way you can be convinced to turn wormhole pull off but leave warp on? pull engenders some really cheesy shots which don't really improve the game for anyone.
                Given, the format switch might not be the best of ideas, in that case leaving the league at a 4v4 might work out better than a 5v5 playoff switch. Looking back, I think that would be a good change.

                As far as the wormholes go;
                I asked about 30 people, easy majority of previous SBL players, but some newer players who are active in Strikeball today on their opinion of wormholes.


                Wormholes, are leaving them as is in ?go Strikeball
                Warpholes, removing the pull, but leaving the warp
                None, remove the whole thing completely

                You can see that the majority of all Strikeball players, vet or not, have adjusted to these wormholes as a main part of how they play. Watch ?go Strikeball and you'll see the wormhole is just as much as a teammate as some of the players.

                Is this necessarily a good thing? Not really, as wormholes have very high turnover rates, compared to actually teaming the ball down. On the other hand, using a wormhole is equivilant to a hail mary pass, in otherwords, you'll score big, or screw up big.

                What it comes down to is, what do the players want, and as you can see they want the wormholes as they are. There was more veteran support to keep wormholes as they are, as many of these players tend to use wormholes frequently as well. The wormhole has become part of the game that everyone plays now days. Whenever ?go Strikeball has removed the wormhole pull, then thats when you'll see a desire for the league to have no pull, but while everyone daily practices with wormholes, and competes with wormholes, its pointless to remove what everyone knows.
                May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                • #98
                  Fair enough. That's a reasonable argument, and the voting evidence is compelling. I think I just hate wormholes because they give me acid flashbacks of Nockm fucking me up constantly by using them to make crazy halfcourt goals.
                  Originally posted by Ward
                  OK.. ur retarded case closed


                  • #99
                    Yea, that tends to get anoyying.


                    • not a valid argument.
                      just because most players said wormholes are ok doesn't mean it should be part of league play(would be the same vice versa, just saying it's not a valid argument).
                      just because wormholes are part of every day pub play doesn't mean it should be part of league play.
                      just because you see a lot of turnovers using wormholes doesn't mean more skilled players will turn them over that easily.

                      My argument against wormhole:
                      -allows a shot to be made from a distance that is normally impossible, yet because of the angle, it is an easier shot than other long range shots from the middle.
                      -allows much easier ball advancement that's also safer than other methods
                      -the speed of the ball makes it harder to intercept, coupled with point limit games, is a bad idea.

                      secondly, i'll name a few popular ball/puck sports that's sort of like sb: basketball, soccer, hockey, etc. that are played with time limit. so why should sb be played with point limit? it doesn't make any sense.

                      we had rules for sb. make changes to make them more competitive/skill oriented, NOT more pub oriented.


                      • Originally posted by AnidaLife View Post
                        not a valid argument.
                        just because most players said wormholes are ok doesn't mean it should be part of league play(would be the same vice versa, just saying it's not a valid argument).
                        just because wormholes are part of every day pub play doesn't mean it should be part of league play.
                        just because you see a lot of turnovers using wormholes doesn't mean more skilled players will turn them over that easily.

                        My argument against wormhole:
                        -allows a shot to be made from a distance that is normally impossible, yet because of the angle, it is an easier shot than other long range shots from the middle.
                        -allows much easier ball advancement that's also safer than other methods
                        -the speed of the ball makes it harder to intercept, coupled with point limit games, is a bad idea.

                        secondly, i'll name a few popular ball/puck sports that's sort of like sb: basketball, soccer, hockey, etc. that are played with time limit. so why should sb be played with point limit? it doesn't make any sense.

                        we had rules for sb. make changes to make them more competitive/skill oriented, NOT more pub oriented.
                        Wormholes, I'm not going to even try to argue it, since I'm not a person who really is in favor of them, but the votes speak for themselves. I wouldn't mind even removing the wormholes' pull in pubs, as in many ways it is cheap ball movement.

                        As far as score goes, I personally favor the scoring method as you look at the previous scores in Strikeball matches. Slim was the score even close, normally games were like 10-30 or 2-45. Strikeball shouldn't be an endurance sport where you have to play out for an hour trying to get the best score. Think of why so many games are close in pubs, because of the current scoring method to 10. Its a shorter game, yet if your really good you can blow a team out, but any team that is somewhat closer related to talent has a chance of winning. Whenever you have longer games, a team that is just stacked a tad bit will win every game, but shorter games gives even the newbies a better chance at winning. This is why though, in the playoffs the score limit is up'd to 15, as this lowers the chance of major upsets in playoffs as the best team should honestly win the championship, not just a fluke. As well, I don't think most people have an attention span long enough to play for the whole game, and could discourage new players, as well as bore older players with easy blown out scores. I believe the scoring method is the best and easiest way to conduct the league.
                        May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                        • And by the way, I don't understand why this doesn't get a Sticky, when the Hockey tourny does, and this is far more popular in TW, as more productive for the zone.

                          Oh, on a side note, if your team plays good positioning, you'll have a man that sits somewhat back (not goalie, but defensive stance) and will stop every long wormhole advancement, so it won't be that productive at all if you play like this. Of course, everyone wants to score, so only smart teams will do this.
                          May my ambition be, more love of Christ to thee.


                          • Boring.

