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I should host again.

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  • I should host again.

    Well you know this zone is in a crisis as far as hosting goes, and even the events that are hosted are done without any charisma. Boring !start !ready events with no social interaction between hosts and players. I offer my skills as the famous Wark <ER> to this zone once more in an attempt to bring up the skill level, and frequency of hosting in this once great zone. My hosting repertoire is second to none, and my skill while hosting, professionalism on my hosting name, and charisma while hosting keeps players entertained for hours a week. Not only will I keep new players engrossed with entertaining events, including several older maps that have fallen through the cracks as years have worn on and newer but not exactly better events have become the standard for hosting. Glider, Balance, Thorlob, LeviRace, Journey, Warpwars, Predator, Musketeers, and so many more are primed to be hosted by a skilled veteran by myself. Hiring me will bring the respect staff receives to a new level, not only by older players recognizing that you are hiring an older player, and an experienced staffer, but newer players who for the first time will see events unfold before their very eyes that captivate them and keep them wanting to play. My unique style of hosting and joking around with my players, even at my own expense is something that this zone can ill afford to lose, especially at a crucial time such at this when it could be the breaking point. I know your biggest worry is that I will cause problems, but I assure you to keep strictly to my hosting and stay out of other staff political matters this time around, as well as more than exceed my goals per month on events. So think about my offer, and remember that although sometimes I may play the dickhead, my main goal is for players to have fun, get better, and eventually fill in the slots of the legendary players of yore who have already, and will eventually drift away from this game.

    Wark <ER>
    Rabble Rabble Rabble

  • #2
    Learning to use paragraphs first would probably help make the deans think you're at least somewhat mentally capable of having any sort of power. I wouldn't hold your breath though.


    • #3
      Best warbird to ever enter trenchwars


      • #4
        Kthx works for cadbury.

        Trust me on this one, it's a good idea.


        • #5

          aka Rehire this nooby so i can play captains DM
          (RoboHelp)>This message has been sent by Left_Eye:
          (RoboHelp)>TW Staff are looking for players who play regulary and are friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and who
          (RoboHelp)>show a desire to improving the zone. If you are interested in joining TW Staff, e-mail
          (RoboHelp)>If you have any other questions regarding this issue, please use :Left_Eye:<Message>.


          • #6
            People That Annoy You: N_ggers


            Edit: im keeping this one
            Last edited by Killer Soldier; 04-21-2007, 10:24 PM.
            Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


            • #7
              I agree Wark should get <ER> back. Hosting has been very monotonous lately with hosts like Stargazer, who only care about quantity of events per month as to make them look better, but forget the necessary interaction with players that make the events more fun. I stopped playing events for a while now, simply because they're boring.
              1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
              1:Cower> Sword
              1:Kthx> ok
              1:Cower> Axe
              1:Kthx> WAIT, YOU GOT IT
              1:Cower> ?
              1:Kthx> GET OFF THE CHAT


              • #8
                Edited so Kthx stops crying
                Last edited by Killer Soldier; 04-21-2007, 10:24 PM.
                Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Killer Soldier View Post
                  I am a tool
                  STICK TO THE TOPIC

                  wark should get another chance
                  Last edited by Rudy; 04-22-2007, 05:49 AM.
                  1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
                  1:Cower> Sword
                  1:Kthx> ok
                  1:Cower> Axe
                  1:Kthx> WAIT, YOU GOT IT
                  1:Cower> ?
                  1:Kthx> GET OFF THE CHAT


                  • #10
                    This thread is now a testament to why he shouldn't.


                    • #11
                      I don't talk to Killer Soldier, hes just a random idiot. Already talked to staff about getting his posts deleted anyhow.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #12
                        Kthx when am i visiting ur house with izor
                        Lofty> Why must I sit in my chat, listening to some pseudo-homosexual adolescent males go over my looks with such care


                        • #13
                          rofl @ ks

                          but hosting really has gone to bot and run..i think the last hosted game i played was hosted by kim or something..and it was killer in cube. is there really any host now that actually does anything but run a bot? I think they do hosts like most people take cheater calls these days..just go there and alt tab for a while. I already know how this is going to end but if you can improve staff why not do it?
                          Last edited by Izor; 04-21-2007, 10:35 PM.
                          I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                          I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                          • #14
                            Wark, lately we've probably had our differences, but when I first started playing TW, you and KiNgZ were two of my big event referee heroes.

                            Plz become old wark again. For me?
                            NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                            internet de la jerome

                            because the internet | hazardous


                            • #15

