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The Peoples Staff

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  • #46
    id just like to say us ZHs do actually contribute to the zone as some people here have mentioned we dont. We answer basically every ?help call given, and there are a lot of those, just you dont realise it because its mainly newer players that use this function, we also start all of the wbduel/javduel/base games and can host certain events. Without zhs, higher staff would have a lot more on their hands, we're basically the shit-pickers who do the jobs noone else would want to (like street-cleaners), but we do it because we want to to help out our zone.
    TWL-J Season 11 Champion
    TWL-J Season 21 Champion
    TWL-B Season 21 Champion
    TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
    TWDT-D 2017 Champion
    TWDT-J 2017 Champion


    • #47
      Originally posted by Kahlan View Post
      Just because you've played a long time doesn't mean you should be staff. Activity, intelligence, history; none of it matters. It's whether or not you play in ?go base and are friends with the right people. I've played over 10 years, I bought the game for 10 dollars on a disc. I play many hours a day. I'd like to consider myself a learned individual. And I've never had a "bad rap" in TW before. And I'm not staff, and I'm sure there are other people in TW who have the same profile that I do. It's not about what you know, it's who you know.
      I play 2 years

      Yojo?> And I keep arguing that when everyone else sees his stuff 3/10 of a second ahead of him, factoring in the 3/8 of a second it takes your brain to tell your hand to move, it's nothing to do with skill =/

      1:zidane> they dont wanna play vs. u dald
      1:B4sERmaN75_X> dald youve been blacklisted by pirates gg

      1:Ease> fucking stupid newbie sitting out of base for half an hour, then you finally come in and fire shots at 1000 mphl


      • #48
        Originally posted by Daldur View Post
        I only play Base
        "... I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost


        • #49
          moral of the story:

          people who are experienced and deserve staff dont get it, while others who dont deserve it and do nothing remain on staff. new staff, possible deserving, get driven away by the horrible upper staff. since upper staff is corrupted and makes staffing decisions, it wont be replaced.
          which is why "the peoples staff" will never exist.

          incompetent staffing is a HUGE factor in the death of this game, just look at Desert Storm...
          stupid bans by incompetent staffers also contribute to this, causing good, experienced players to leave the game.

          HOWEVER, there are quite a few exceptions to this, and there are good staffers out there...

          especially rudy, even if some people would refuse to accept it.

          jabjabjab getting staff would be useless. hes only good as dev, and will remain so forever.
          unliked should not have gotten staff, and remained dev, which he excels at (nice pub, btw)
          aqua and lefty should have remained as hosts, and were two of the best, but have declined since getting promoted.
          im afraid lefty is heading wark's way though, so it seems...

          mind you, ive been staff in a couple zones, so i have a basic idea of what goes on.
          The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

          SSCJ Distension Owner
          SSCU Trench Wars Developer

          Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


          • #50
            Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
            moral of the story:

            people who are experienced and deserve staff dont get it, while others who dont deserve it and do nothing remain on staff. new staff, possible deserving, get driven away by the horrible upper staff. since upper staff is corrupted and makes staffing decisions, it wont be replaced.
            which is why "the peoples staff" will never exist.

            incompetent staffing is a HUGE factor in the death of this game, just look at Desert Storm...
            stupid bans by incompetent staffers also contribute to this, causing good, experienced players to leave the game.

            HOWEVER, there are quite a few exceptions to this, and there are good staffers out there...

            especially rudy, even if some people would refuse to accept it.

            jabjabjab getting staff would be useless. hes only good as dev, and will remain so forever.
            unliked should not have gotten staff, and remained dev, which he excels at (nice pub, btw)
            aqua and lefty should have remained as hosts, and were two of the best, but have declined since getting promoted.
            im afraid lefty is heading wark's way though, so it seems...

            mind you, ive been staff in a couple zones, so i have a basic idea of what goes on.
            Are you still banned from TWDev with your squad for cheating?
            3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
            3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
            3:i.d.> da fk is that?
            3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
            3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
            3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
            3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
            3:Shadowmere> LOL
            3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...

            Best> I never cooked a day in my life

            Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
            Shadowmere> Rofl
            Up in ya !> With his feet
            Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
            Up in ya !> l44t feet
            Deft> l44t f44t*
            Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
            Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced


            • #51
              Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
              mind you, ive been staff in a couple zones, so i have a basic idea of what goes on.
              good because trench wars works eXACTLY like other zones!!
              Originally posted by Tone
              It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
              Originally posted by the_paul
              Gargle battery acid fuckface
              Originally posted by Material Girl
              I tried downloading a soundcard


              • #52
                7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                Duel Pasta> great
                Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                TWLB Champion Season 12
                TWLJ Champion Season 11
                TWLB All-Star Season 10
                Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                • #53
                  Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                  moral of the story:

                  people who are experienced and deserve staff dont get it, while others who dont deserve it and do nothing remain on staff. new staff, possible deserving, get driven away by the horrible upper staff. since upper staff is corrupted and makes staffing decisions, it wont be replaced.
                  which is why "the peoples staff" will never exist.

                  incompetent staffing is a HUGE factor in the death of this game, just look at Desert Storm...
                  stupid bans by incompetent staffers also contribute to this, causing good, experienced players to leave the game.

                  HOWEVER, there are quite a few exceptions to this, and there are good staffers out there...

                  especially rudy, even if some people would refuse to accept it.

                  jabjabjab getting staff would be useless. hes only good as dev, and will remain so forever.
                  unliked should not have gotten staff, and remained dev, which he excels at (nice pub, btw)
                  aqua and lefty should have remained as hosts, and were two of the best, but have declined since getting promoted.
                  im afraid lefty is heading wark's way though, so it seems...

                  mind you, ive been staff in a couple zones, so i have a basic idea of what goes on.
                  I should never have gotten staff because I wouldn't dev then? Oh c'mon... Never gave up developing even though I was in staff
                  2:Galaxy Turbo> Jab?
                  2:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> what...
                  2:Galaxy Turbo> Who would be your dream woman?
                  2:Unliked <ER>> i bet kim
                  2:Galaxy Turbo> Lol...
                  2:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> afk
                  1:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> <-- Life
                  1:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> GG


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Sertifi. View Post
                    Are you still banned from TWDev with your squad for cheating?
                    lol, youre quite intelligent $$$
                    that sounds very non-made up $$$
                    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                    SSCJ Distension Owner
                    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                      moral of the story:

                      people who are experienced and deserve staff dont get it, while others who dont deserve it and do nothing remain on staff. new staff, possible deserving, get driven away by the horrible upper staff. since upper staff is corrupted and makes staffing decisions, it wont be replaced.
                      which is why "the peoples staff" will never exist.

                      incompetent staffing is a HUGE factor in the death of this game, just look at Desert Storm...
                      stupid bans by incompetent staffers also contribute to this, causing good, experienced players to leave the game.

                      HOWEVER, there are quite a few exceptions to this, and there are good staffers out there...

                      especially rudy, even if some people would refuse to accept it.

                      jabjabjab getting staff would be useless. hes only good as dev, and will remain so forever.
                      unliked should not have gotten staff, and remained dev, which he excels at (nice pub, btw)
                      aqua and lefty should have remained as hosts, and were two of the best, but have declined since getting promoted.
                      im afraid lefty is heading wark's way though, so it seems...

                      mind you, ive been staff in a couple zones, so i have a basic idea of what goes on.

                      Wow, thanks for calling me a total noob. i appreciate it..

                      whats your ingame playername?
                      6:Screamo> this sub is making my leg twitch
                      6:LMAO> subway is kinda shady nowdays
                      6:Screamo> err
                      6:Screamo> subwoofer*

                      1:Krazie <ER>> crap
                      1:Krazie <ER>> i get one less hour of sleep
                      1:Krazie <ER>> freaking DST
                      1:bioture> at least my car clock will finally be correct

                      (ignite)>There is a new currency on the market, the IGNITE


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Krazie_Killer View Post
                        Wow, thanks for calling me a total noob. i appreciate it..

                        whats your ingame playername?
                        It's the Cheese! kid.
                        3:Wax> ard and i snapchat all the time
                        3:Wax> we play virtually tummysticks
                        3:i.d.> da fk is that?
                        3:Ardour> we basically are each others personal psychologist
                        3:Shadowmere> i.d., Wax breaks keyboards playing SubSpace. Best not ask him what anything is.
                        3:Wax> Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys.
                        3:Wax> Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
                        3:Shadowmere> LOL
                        3:i.d.> Oddly, that's close to what I thought it was...

                        Best> I never cooked a day in my life

                        Deft> beat by a guy who plays ss on his cellphone
                        Shadowmere> Rofl
                        Up in ya !> With his feet
                        Deft> no kidding, redefining l44t
                        Up in ya !> l44t feet
                        Deft> l44t f44t*
                        Up in ya !> Twinkle toes
                        Deft> he had l33t f33t but he practiced


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by roxxkatt View Post
                          new staff, possible deserving, get driven away by the horrible upper staff. since upper staff is corrupted and makes staffing decisions, it wont be replaced.
                          which is why "the peoples staff" will never exist.
                          I'm not sure why anyone would be driven away by what we do, the way the staff functions in this zone is close to the way you described it as in Upper Staff (Super Moderators+) run their own stuff and make the more important decisions. I've rarely seen an ER or ZH quit because they disagree with someone above them, there's always people who have problems with each other but it's more of a personal thing. If you don't like Falk or Nycle then it might be hard to do your job as you do need to interact with them more then anyone else, both of them I think make a good team and know how to find good people.

                          I'm not sure what you want in terms of a "peoples staff", could you explain that part a little more?


                          • #58
                            I admit it. I am the reason the zone is dying.


                            • #59
                              weeeee an1 see this...

                              well i would vote in jabjabjab cuz he is always online and a generally nice guy
                              Last edited by skullspace; 04-03-2008, 03:07 AM.

