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Settings change

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  • Hah. i expect them to attack, what can I do though? I don't terr or jav, and I don't trust my team either. Taking away stealth would be a nice change and it's not a bad idea, but I think completely reworking the weasel so that it is no longer a cloaker would be best. Or getting rid of it.
    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
    apt>yes u can wtf
    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
    apt>ill show you pictures
    apt>next time I masturbate


    • setting chages

      i dont like changes.
      levs need reps.
      cloakers are hard enough 2 find making them smaller is excessive.

      if u want 2 cut down on lev friendly fire could you make it so bombs have to be fired and then remotely set off? most of my tks come from people flying into kill zone after i fire.


      • Possible addition to weasel settings:

        Force them to turn off stealth and cloak before they can shoot? So it's a split second warning?


        • Settings for Weasels suck!!!!

          Seriously, it's very annoying for basers now that weasels are swarming in from everwhere. When there is a good terr, he/she will be outnumbered 3 to 1. The only ships that can help are javs and sharks, but their x-radar subtracts energy...

          I don't really care about the settings for levis.
          Originally posted by paradise!
          pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
          1:Reaver> HALP
          1:Reaver> HELELP
          1:Reaver> SAW CRANS MOM NAKED
          1:Reaver> HELP YOU DUMB FUCKS


          • Do you guys really think that the change in levi settings will decrease lting? i dunno but to me it seems like it would make it more desirable for anyone that plays levi.

            First of all... levis have no defense anymore so to survive they would have to lt cause at least the terr can run around fast.

            Secondly, because of the levis' rockets, it cna get to the safe super fast.

            I think that if you want to decrease lting you should take away the rockets, give the levi 2 reps but make the repls either really expensive or not available for purchse.


            • *_*

              Originally posted by Taciturn Bob
              I take it you've never been in a huge flag room battle with both teams fighting as hard as possible, then suddenly a blue sphere of doom flies into the fr and poof just like that, EVERYONE is dead.
              My darling Bob, you must know that this scenario has indeed happened to me countless times while pubbing. And I am the first to admit that I get just as(if not more!) mad as the next baser. And that's when I go and hunt down the LT.
              I can't help being opposed to change in trenchwars. I hate the LT also. But then to hunt the LT and surprise them with a longshot warbird bullet.... there is no greater satisfaction. And yes, it is *very* irritating when you miss a shot to a levi's repel, but that's the game we know and love.

              I love you trenchwars. Please don't change.
              Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


              • And by the way, the reps were already too expensive.
                Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                • Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!
                  Do you guys really think that the change in levi settings will decrease lting? i dunno but to me it seems like it would make it more desirable for anyone that plays levi.

                  First of all... levis have no defense anymore so to survive they would have to lt cause at least the terr can run around fast.
                  The only true way to stop lting is to not let levis attach. By taking repels away from levis, it makes them easier to kill before they get a chance to attach. People can still levterr. They just have to work for it a bit more now.


                  • Ooh, this is the only fun part about levterrs: Lame lts trying to justify their moronic hobbies in an anti-lt thread. Showing where they are completely and utterly wrong rarely does any good to their already twisted minds, but it makes me feel good.
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    Whoever chose these new levi settings is catering to a small minority of trenchwars players who just happen to be the loudest & bitchiest members of the community.
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    As for your last comment I can't argue that some people do not like levterrs, but I for one do, and I'm sure there are many pro-LT people out there who do not wish to lose a fun way of playing trench wars public arenas. However, these people generally do not comment about how much they love lting on the forums, so their opinions are not taken into account. I'm just speaking out for those people and making their opinions known.
                    lol So there's a big bunch of pro-lt people that just do not talk? And you're representing all of them, so we should give your oppinions hundred times the value they deserve? Think again. Try checking the numerous anti-lt threads, and try to count how many people want to get rid of lt. (if you can count that much)
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    These are the players who think highly of their personal skill, yet somehow they are *above* hunting levterrs. If you can't catch a levterr, you need a new strategy. Changing the settings is not the answer.
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy People LIKE to hunt those "evil lt's" and stop them from attacking the base. They LIKE to yell at the "lamers" and "newbies" that kill them and then kill them back.
                    Omg rofl!
                    What the hell are you talking about?! Where did you get into that big head (which imho has a pretty bad value/space ratio) of yours that people actually LIKE hunting lts?! They are NOT "*above* hunting levterrs." I and many people I know find hunting levterrs BORING. Many times it takes ages to locate the lamer and when you try to shoot him, you notice he has already warped when he saw you enter his radar. People do NOT like spawning levs in spawn zone. These people that are most annoyed by levs like BASING not spawning people!! IS THAT REALLY SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!?!? PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE GETTING BLOWN UP BY SOME SKILLESS NEWB IN A BLUE SHIP WHO ISN'T EVEN TRYING TO PLAY THE GAME AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO!!
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    I use the levterr for pure basing purposes regardless of whether or not im on a public or private frequency.
                    Omg this is one of most wrong defenses levterrs use. Ok, let's presume you do use lt for basing. But what should we do to those 200 other lts that just want to get good w/l ratio because that makes them feel like they have obtained something in their miserable lives. Maybe once or twice I've actually seen lt take over base. But that was NOT because he killed everyone from base and then conqured it. It was because people got BORED and left the arena.
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    The way I lt requires enormous skill...
                    lol yeah right...
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    By demoralizing I did not mean running them out of a public arena....I meant causing them to hunt me so that I have the opening I need to occupy the flag room. Then, basing actually INCREASES
                    This is just simply FALSE. I've never witnessed such a phenomenon. Of course basing seems to increase for you, as this is the only situation you actually SEE the flag room. On the other hand I have witnessed dozens of situations where people are having fun basing. Maybe even a squad vs. squad fight over the domination of a pub. And then comes the lt. The moron bombards people a few times, and some people get bored and leave. The fun and basing DECREASES very quickly.
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    Levterr hunting requires minimum 2 people... Antiwarp has a big enough radius that a spider in the base can effectively stay safe and counter the terrier's warping ability while 1 wb or 1 terrier hunts the lt. Once the lt is killed, one wb or 1 terrier is required to hunt the lev in the spawn area and cause it to change ships. That's 2 people....and the fact that you don't know how easy it is to lt hunt shows me that you dont really know what youre talking about.
                    The fact that you don't know how it is to lt hunt shows me that you dont really know what you're talking about. As stated before spider having an antiwarp makes him unable to play basing, like he would like to. One terr can't do shit to a levterr that has a 8 hour usage. Running from a wb in time and warping when out of antiwarp radius requires maybe a 32 hour usage. Then your idea that a wb would spawn the lev until it changes ship....... As I said before: it is NOT fun. Some people might enjoy spawning helpless ships, until they get bored, but what about the majority? Especially now with the rockets, the lev can easily get to a safe without getting spawed. There he can just wait for his terr to come and green him. Even spec hunting is forbidden to protect the levs. (And all levs with a little experience, know that, and alarm a mod the first time he gets spawned in a little more suspicious place)
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    Tampering with the settings risks turning off the loyal fans of the zone.
                    Umh.... the loyal fans of the zone are the ones who are in the forums demanding the death of the levterr. The loyal fans are the ones who are grown tired of spawning in pubs and moved to dueling (elim, baselim, duel) or basing. (pubs, base) First part dont give shit what is changed in the pub settings and the later part hates lts from the bottom of their hearts.
                    Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                    Depili come LT with me sometime and I'll show the skill involved in it and how it increases basing action when I LT.
                    This is one point that has been discussed a lot. "Does lting require skill?" I do admit that playing lt a lot reduces the times you get killed. But actual skill required is very low. Especially when compared to basing. Try ?go base sometimes. Imho levterrs are the people who don't have enough skill to base and not enough self respect to learn how to base.
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    I can't help being opposed to change in trenchwars. I hate the LT also. But then to hunt the LT and surprise them with a longshot warbird bullet.... there is no greater satisfaction.
                    Now let's go to my original point. From what I've heard most of people do not like hunting lts. Eg. all I feel when killing a levterr is a little satisfaction of the peace for the next 5 mins, but after that, the levterr will come back and everything will start again.

                    To add it all up:People want to get rid of levterrs because it makes playing LESS FUN. Yes, it is fairly easy to kill a levterr, but it is boring. The lts leech the fun from people forcing them to do things they wouldn't want to. Also the guys who are hunting levterrs can't base at the same time, this way decreasing the fun from every baser in the arena.

                    Then other things. Lots of you people have (again) demanded settings that aren't possible. Sorry Stupid Gerbile, but it just isn't possible to give a lev 500 nrg high radius emp bomb. It would screw up shark's bomb. That's the way settings work. (or at least worked when I last checked) Only possibility would be to use a low powered normal bomb, as there isn't any other ship shooting normal bombs. (Jav bomb is a bouncy bomb, and has it's own factors)

                    Cherubim, as you might know, most of those things you suggest aren't possible without drastically changing SS. Also the strategic stuff you talk about, it's not what the game is about. If you wan't strategy, go play Starcraft. Only thing that is possible to dynamically change in the map are the doors. And there's only 8 of them. (ok it's possible to play around with the wormhole, but that's all I can remember)

                    Too tired to start talking about weasels anymore, but yes, only justification for their existance has been killing levterrs. Now staffers are trying to make them into a basing ship. Which is good, but now they're too powerful. Lots of weasels are just flying around the lower base killing helpless spiders and wbs that don't have a x-radar.
                    Last edited by Kuukunen; 05-18-2003, 06:28 PM.


                    • Truely mind numbing.

                      You might want to try the olde 'LevTerrs are running skilled basers out of pubs, making for less competition for n00bs' argument ...

                      EDIT: Kid.
                      Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                      • Originally posted by Kuukunen
                        Then other things. Lots of you people have (again) demanded settings that aren't possible. Sorry Stupid Gerbile, but it just isn't possible to give a lev 500 nrg high radius emp bomb. It would screw up shark's bomb. That's the way settings work. (or at least worked when I last checked) Only possibility would be to use a low powered normal bomb, as there isn't any other ship shooting normal bombs. (Jav bomb is a bouncy bomb, and has it's own factors)
                        it's not only possible, but it's also incredibly easy to do. each bomb type is capable of having its own independent settings (such as splash radius, emp/no emp, damage, bouncy or not, etc). the shark uses L1 bombs, the lev uses L3 bombs... but that doesn't necessarily mean that the power has to be higher for L3's than L1's. it's just a different configurable function. and don't forget that L2 bombs aren't even being used. so by all technical means, my lev emp idea is completely feasible.

                        is it a good idea in terms of gameplay? i think so, but it would definitely need testing. but it's completely possible.
                        plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                        • Actually, as weird as it is, in the settings, there is this value called "BombDamageLevel" which defines the amount of damage caused by the bomb of any level in it's center point. Only thing the higher level bombs add, is the blast radius, which makes the bomb affect further. The radius is defined for L1 bomb, L2 bomb doubles, and L3 bomb triples this. (Yes, the higher level bombs also have bigger proximity radius, but tw doesn't use prox bombs in pub settings)

                          It is, on the other hand, possible to change values called BBombDamagePercent and EBombDamagePercent which allow making bouncing bombs and empbombs stronger or weaker than normal bombs.

                          By all means, check this from
                          Last edited by Kuukunen; 05-18-2003, 07:22 PM.


                          • I think theyre gay!!!

                            Gay gay gay gay gay!!!

                            Change em!

                            They suck real bad! and i mean real bad! like 25 cent bad!
                            Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion.
                            Not to be mean or anything, but you're an illiterate dipshit.
                            i can smell my eyeballs!
                            My non-existent team will r0xx0r j00r b0xxx0rs!!1
                            It's cute how you think this is a democracy.
                            8,323,352,236,536,235,233,456 C00li0 P0ints!!1
                            Shit bitch damn ass cocksucker motherfucker tits!
                            St00bie = Stupid N00bie
                            L00tard = Retarded L0ser
                            Crampon = Crusty Tampon

                            Last edited by Fatal|ty about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                            • Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                              The way I lt is requires enormous skill...
                              K, let me tell you a little "skill" story. I have a stereo with a nice front pannel that has all the buttons and what not. But I broke my controller so I actually have to get up to turn it on. I dont want to do that. So I take a ball or something nearby to throw it at my stereo in the rare chance that I might hit the Power button to turn it on. I do this for a few months. Now I am so good at it, I throw something, hit the power button AND hit the FM button. 2-fer!! What a deal!!
                              Yea dude, I have some major "skills" now. More skill goes into this than even playing a sport.

                              Um yea, whatever, no skill required, get a life.

                              Originally posted by Kuukunen

                              Originally posted by JimboJimmy People LIKE to hunt those "evil lt's" and stop them from attacking the base. They LIKE to yell at the "lamers" and "newbies" that kill them and then kill them back.

                              Omg rofl!
                              What the hell are you talking about?! Where did you get into that big head (which imho has a pretty bad value/space ratio) of yours that people actually LIKE hunting lts?! They are NOT "*above* hunting levterrs." I and many people I know find hunting levterrs BORING. Many times it takes ages to locate the lamer and when you try to shoot him, you notice he has already warped when he saw you enter his radar. People do NOT like spawning levs in spawn zone. These people that are most annoyed by levs like BASING not spawning people!! IS THAT REALLY SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!?!? PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE GETTING BLOWN UP BY SOME SKILLESS NEWB IN A BLUE SHIP WHO ISN'T EVEN TRYING TO PLAY THE GAME AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO!!
                              This says it all. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE having to go out and kill an LT. I only do it because I am so pissed off at it, I want to annoy him just as much as he is to me. GG Kuuk!


                              • New Leviathans Suck!

                                As a predominantly Lev player, this new ship is practically worthless. No reps just make the Lev a Large Slow Target and the rockets just make running away the briefest of escape maneuvers. Self-proclaimed lev hunters are having a field day. I rarely play LT because most Terrs cant fly worth a damn, so if you want to do some good with the Lev, you must depend on lame terrs to implement strategy....... SO, CHANGE THE LEV BACK!

